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Created August 15, 2024 10:20
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  • Save birgitta410/a8fcd71f04b2453dfbd26b3376ea9345 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Experiment: Enzyme test migration with autogen
# Prerequisites:
# - pip install pyautogen
# - pip install python-dotenv
# - git clone
# - .env file in the same directory with the respective env variables needed for the model connection
# Implementation based on
# Prompt based on docs at
import os
import subprocess
from typing import Annotated, Tuple
import autogen
from dotenv import load_dotenv
config = {
"config_list": [
"model": "gpt-4",
"api_key": os.environ.get("OPENAI_API_KEY"),
"tags": ["gpt-4", "tool"]
# {
# "model": os.environ.get("AZURE_OPENAI_DEPLOYMENT_NAME_GPT4o"),
# "api_type": "azure",
# "api_key": os.environ.get("AZURE_API_KEY"),
# "base_url": os.environ.get("AZURE_OPENAI_API_BASE"),
# "api_version": os.environ.get("AZURE_OPENAI_API_VERSION")
# }
work_dir = "<path to where you cloned the repository>"
engineer = autogen.AssistantAgent(
I'm a software engineer and an expert in React component programming and testing. I can assist with coding tasks.
user_proxy = autogen.UserProxyAgent(
system_message="A human admin.",
code_execution_config=False, # Please set use_docker=True if docker is available to run the generated code. Using docker is safer than running the generated code directly.
@engineer.register_for_llm(description="Check the contents of a chosen file.")
def see_file(filename: Annotated[str, "Relative path to the file to check, in the project directory"]) -> Tuple[int, str]:
with open(filename, "r") as file:
lines = file.readlines()
formatted_lines = [f"{i+1}:{line}" for i, line in enumerate(lines)]
file_contents = "".join(formatted_lines)
return 0, file_contents
@engineer.register_for_llm(description="Replace old piece of code with new one. Proper indentation is important.")
def modify_code(
filename: Annotated[str, "Relative path to the file to change, in the project directory"],
start_line: Annotated[int, "Start line number to replace with new code."],
end_line: Annotated[int, "End line number to replace with new code."],
new_code: Annotated[str, "New piece of code to replace old code with. Remember about providing indents."],
) -> Tuple[int, str]:
with open(filename, "r+") as file:
file_contents = file.readlines()
file_contents[start_line - 1 : end_line] = [new_code + "\n"]
return 0, "Code modified"
@engineer.register_for_llm(description="Create a new file with code.")
def create_file_with_code(
filename: Annotated[str, "Name and path of file to create."], code: Annotated[str, "Code to write in the file."]
) -> Tuple[int, str]:
with open(filename, "w") as file:
return 0, "File created successfully"
@engineer.register_for_llm(description="Run the tests")
def run_tests(test_file_path: Annotated[str, "Relative path to the test file to run"]) -> Tuple[int, str]:
print("Running tests in ", work_dir, "for test", test_file_path)
output_file = "jest-output-for-agent.json"
["./node_modules/.bin/jest", "--outputFile=" + output_file, "--json", test_file_path],
with open(work_dir + "/" + output_file, "r") as file:
test_results =
return 0, test_results
except Exception as e:
return 1, str(e)
groupchat = autogen.GroupChat(
agents=[engineer, user_proxy],
manager = autogen.GroupChatManager(groupchat=groupchat, llm_config=config)
def initiate():
chat_result = user_proxy.initiate_chat(
Input: You will be getting paths to a JavaScript Enzyme test file, and a file that has the code for the React component
that is tested by the test file.
- I want you to change the code of the Enzyme test file so that it becomes a file tested by the react-testing-library.
- I also want you to change the code of the React component, if necessary for the test migration
How to achieve the output:
- Test file: Remove all imports related to enzyme
- Add `import {{render, screen}} from '@testing-library/react'` to the imports instead
- Replace all occurrences of Enzyme's 'mount()' function with React's 'render()' function. This function does not have an output,
so if the code is currently storing the output of `mount()` into a variable, remove that.
- Look for places where the code is using the output of `mount()` to find elements in the DOM.
Replace that by using a function from React's `screen` object. Options are:
- getBy... returns one element
- or findBy... returns all elements found
- where ... is one of: ByRole, ByLabelText, ByPlaceholderText, ByText, ByDisplayValue, ByAltText, ByTitle, ByTestId
- Example: `getByRole('button', {{name: 'Save'}})` returns the first element found, `findByTestId('a_test_id')` returns all elements found
- If the current Enzyme selector can be mapped to one of these, then choose the respective selector
- If the current Enzyme selector does not map to any of these, use get/findByTestId. Change the component code and add
`data-testid="a_test_id_you_can_make_up"` if necessary
Further instructions:
- I cannot provide any other feedback or perform any other action beyond executing the code you suggest.
- I can't modify your code. So do not suggest incomplete code which requires users to modify.
- Don't use a code block if it's not intended to be executed by me.
- If you want me to save the code in a file before executing it, put # filename: <filename> inside the code block as the first line.
- Don't include multiple code blocks in one response.
- Do not ask me to copy and paste the result. Instead, use 'print' function for the output when relevant.
- Check the execution result returned by me.
- If the result indicates there is an error, fix the error and output the code again.
- If the error can't be fixed or if the task is not solved even after the code is executed successfully, analyze the problem, revisit your assumption, collect additional info you need, and think of a different approach to try.
- Include verifiable evidence in your response if possible.
Implementation file: {work_dir}/src/components/encounter/EncounterHistory.jsx
Test file: {work_dir}/src/components/encounter/__tests__/EncounterHistory.test.jsx
When you are done, ask me to run the tests for you.
When I report the results of the test run to you, and there are test errors, think about what those errors are and try to fix them, then ask me to run the tests again.
Repeat this process until there are no test errors. Then reply 'TERMINATE' to end the conversation.
# Example of a successful run
# User_proxy (to chat_manager):
# Input: You will be getting paths to a JavaScript Enzyme test file, and a file that has the code for the React component
# that is tested by the test file.
# Output:
# - I want you to change the code of the Enzyme test file so that it becomes a file tested by the react-testing-library.
# - I also want you to change the code of the React component, if necessary for the test migration
# How to achieve the output:
# - Test file: Remove all imports related to enzyme
# - Add `import {render, screen} from '@testing-library/react'` to the imports instead
# - Replace all occurrences of Enzyme's 'mount()' function with React's 'render()' function. This function does not have an output,
# so if the code is currently storing the output of `mount()` into a variable, remove that.
# - Look for places where the code is using the output of `mount()` to find elements in the DOM.
# Replace that by using a function from React's `screen` object. Options are:
# - getBy... returns one element
# - or findBy... returns all elements found
# - where ... is one of: ByRole, ByLabelText, ByPlaceholderText, ByText, ByDisplayValue, ByAltText, ByTitle, ByTestId
# - Example: `getByRole('button', {name: 'Save'})` returns the first element found, `findByTestId('a_test_id')` returns all elements found
# - If the current Enzyme selector can be mapped to one of these, then choose the respective selector
# - If the current Enzyme selector does not map to any of these, use get/findByTestId. Change the component code and add
# `data-testid="a_test_id_you_can_make_up"` if necessary
# Further instructions:
# - I cannot provide any other feedback or perform any other action beyond executing the code you suggest.
# - I can't modify your code. So do not suggest incomplete code which requires users to modify.
# - Don't use a code block if it's not intended to be executed by me.
# - If you want me to save the code in a file before executing it, put # filename: <filename> inside the code block as the first line.
# - Don't include multiple code blocks in one response.
# - Do not ask me to copy and paste the result. Instead, use 'print' function for the output when relevant.
# - Check the execution result returned by me.
# - If the result indicates there is an error, fix the error and output the code again.
# - If the error can't be fixed or if the task is not solved even after the code is executed successfully, analyze the problem, revisit your assumption, collect add
# itional info you need, and think of a different approach to try.
# - Include verifiable evidence in your response if possible.
# Implementation file: /Users/bboeckel/projects/tw/gen-ai/openmrs/openmrs-react-components/src/components/encounter/EncounterHistory.jsx
# Test file: /Users/bboeckel/projects/tw/gen-ai/openmrs/openmrs-react-components/src/components/encounter/__tests__/EncounterHistory.test.jsx
# When you are done, ask me to run the tests for you.
# When I report the results of the test run to you, and there are test errors, think about what those errors are and try to fix them, then ask me to run the tests a
# gain.
# Repeat this process until there are no test errors. Then reply 'TERMINATE' to end the conversation.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Next speaker: Engineer
# Engineer (to chat_manager):
# ***** Suggested tool call (call_EkvKDt4AJX1JVoJvYcxzrRlx): see_file *****
# Arguments:
# {
# "filename": "/Users/bboeckel/projects/tw/gen-ai/openmrs/openmrs-react-components/src/components/encounter/EncounterHistory.jsx"
# }
# *************************************************************************
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Next speaker: User_proxy
# >>>>>>>> USING AUTO REPLY...
# >>>>>>>> EXECUTING FUNCTION see_file...
# User_proxy (to chat_manager):
# User_proxy (to chat_manager):
# ***** Response from calling tool (call_EkvKDt4AJX1JVoJvYcxzrRlx) *****
# [0, "1:import React from 'react';\n2:import { connect } from \"react-redux\";\n3:import PropTypes from 'prop-types';\n4:import { chain } from 'underscore';\n5:import enco
# unterRest from '../../rest/encounterRest';\n6:import * as R from \"ramda\";\n7:import { selectors } from \"../../store\";\n8:import { formatDatetime, formatDate, hasTimeC
# omponent } from \"../../util/dateUtil\";\n9:import ObsValue from '../obs/ObsValue';\n10:import obsUtil from '../../features/obs/util';\n11:import '../../../assets/css/wid
# gets.css';\n12:import {FontAwesomeIcon} from \"@fortawesome/react-fontawesome\";\n13:\n14:\n15:// TODO should this be changed to use redux? should we extract the REST cal
# ls into actions/reducers/etc\n16:// TODO add limit or date range restrictions?\n17:// TODO group by obs group?\n18:// TODO allow specifying concepts in order to control d
# isplay order?\n19:class EncounterHistory extends React.Component {\n20:\n21: constructor(props) {\n22: super(props);\n23:\n24: this.state = {\n25: encounters:
# []\n26: };\n27: }\n28:\n29: componentDidMount() {\n30: this.updateEncounters();\n31: }\n32:\n33: componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {\n34: // update if the selec
# ted patient has changed, or the patient store had been refreshed\n35: // TODO: test if the 'selected patient changed' trigger works properly\n36: if ((R.path(['pati
# ent','uuid'], prevProps) !== R.path(['patient','uuid'], this.props)) ||\n37: (prevProps.isPatientStoreUpdating && !this.props.isPatientStoreUpdating)) {\n38: t
# his.updateEncounters();\n39: }\n40: }\n41:\n42:\n43: updateEncounters() {\n44: encounterRest.fetchEncountersByPatient(\n45: this.props.patient.uuid,
# ps.encounterType.uuid\n46: ).then(data => {\n47: var encounters = data.results.sort(function (a, b) {\n48: return +new Date(b.encounterDatetime) - +new Dat
# e(a.encounterDatetime);\n49: });\n50: if (this.props.maxEncounters) {\n51: encounters = encounters.slice(0, this.props.maxEncounters);\n52: }\n53:
# this.setState({\n54: encounters: encounters\n55: });\n56: });\n57: }\n58:\n59: onEditClick(encounterUuid) {\n60: if (this.props.onEditActionCreato
# rs) {\n61: this.props.onEditActionCreators.forEach((f) => this.props.dispatch(f(encounterUuid)));\n62: }\n63:\n64: // generally should be using action creators
# , but this provides a way to also accept \"old school\" callbacks\n65: if (this.props.onEditCallbacks) {\n66: this.props.onEditCallbacks.forEach( (f) => f(encount
# erUuid));\n67: }\n68: }\n69:\n70: formatEncounterDate(encounter) {\n71: return hasTimeComponent(encounter.encounterDatetime) ?\n72: formatDatetime(encounter.
# encounterDatetime)\n73: : formatDate(encounter.encounterDatetime);\n74: }\n75:\n76: render() {\n77:\n78: const history =, i
# ) => {\n79: return (\n80: <div key={encounter.uuid}>\n81: <h5>\n82: { this.props.editable ?\n83: (<a onClick={() => this.onEd
# itClick(encounter.uuid)}>\n84: <u>\n85: {\n86: this.formatEncounterDate(encounter)\n87: }\n88:
# </u>\n89: &nbsp;\n90: <FontAwesomeIcon\n91: icon=\"pencil-alt\"\n92: />\n93: </a>)\n94:
# :\n95: (<u>\n96: {\n97: this.formatEncounterDate(encounter)\n98: }\n99: </u>)\n100:
# }\n101: </h5>\n102: <table>\n103: <tbody>\n104: {chain(obsUtil.flattenObs(encounter.obs, true))\n105:
# .sortBy((obs) => this.props.concepts ? this.props.concepts.findIndex(concept => concept.uuid === obs.concept.uuid) : null) // sort based on order of concepts in props l
# ist; this may be inefficient to do before grouping?\n106: .value()\n107: .map((obs) =>\n108: {\n109: // to s
# upport overriding the absolute, abnormal, and critical ranges defined on the concept\n110: const concept = this.props.concepts && this.props.concepts.fin
# d(concept => concept.uuid === obs.concept.uuid);\n111:\n112: return (\n113: <ObsValue\n114: concept={concept}\n11
# 5: key={obs.uuid}\n116: labels={this.props.labels}\n117: obs={obs}\n118: />\n119:
# );\n120: })\n121: }\n122: </tbody>\n123: </table>\n124: </div>\n125: );\n126: });\n127:\n128:
# return (\n129: <div>\n130: <span>{ history }</span>\n131: </div>\n132: );\n133: }\n134:}\n135:\n136:EncounterHistory.propTypes = {\n137: concepts:
# PropTypes.array,\n138: editable: PropTypes.bool.isRequired,\n139: encounterType: PropTypes.object.isRequired,\n140: maxEncounters: PropTypes.number,\n141: onEditActio
# nCreators: PropTypes.array,\n142: onEditCallbacks: PropTypes.array,\n143: labels: PropTypes.object,\n144: patient: PropTypes.object.isRequired\n145:};\n146:\n147:Encou
# nterHistory.defaultProps = {\n148: editable: false,\n149: onEditActionCreators: [],\n150: onEditCallbacks: []\n151:};\n152:\n153:const mapStateToProps = (state) => {\n
# 154: return {\n155: patient: selectors.getSelectedPatient(state),\n156: isPatientStoreUpdating: selectors.isPatientStoreUpdating(state)\n157: };\n158:};\n159:\n16
# 0:\n161:export default connect(mapStateToProps)(EncounterHistory);\n"]
# **********************************************************************
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Next speaker: Engineer
# Engineer (to chat_manager):
# ***** Suggested tool call (call_e54XhSSymwDueLWzncArH3ML): see_file *****
# Arguments:
# {
# "filename": "/Users/bboeckel/projects/tw/gen-ai/openmrs/openmrs-react-components/src/components/encounter/__tests__/EncounterHistory.test.jsx"
# }
# *************************************************************************
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Next speaker: User_proxy
# >>>>>>>> USING AUTO REPLY...
# >>>>>>>> EXECUTING FUNCTION see_file...
# User_proxy (to chat_manager):
# User_proxy (to chat_manager):
# ***** Response from calling tool (call_e54XhSSymwDueLWzncArH3ML) *****
# [0, "1:import React from 'react';\n2:import configureMockStore from 'redux-mock-store';\n3:import {mount} from 'enzyme';\n4:import {Provider} from 'react-redux';\n5:impor
# t EncounterHistory from '../EncounterHistory';\n6:import EncounterForm from \"../../form/EncounterForm\";\n7:\n8:let props, store;\n9:let mountedComponent\n10:\n11:const
# mockStore = configureMockStore();\n12:\n13:const encounterForm = () => {\n14: if (!mountedComponent) {\n15: mountedComponent = mount(\n16: <Provider store={store
# }>\n17: <EncounterHistory {...props} />\n18: </Provider>\n19: );\n20: }\n21: return mountedComponent;\n22:};\n23:\n24:describe(\"EncounterHistory\", () =
# > {\n25:\n26: it(\"should render correctly\", () => {\n27:\n28: store = mockStore(\n29: {\n30: openmrs: {\n31: patients: {\n32: set: {
# \n33: 'abcd-1234': { \"uuid\": \"abcd-1234\" },\n34: 'efgh-5678': { \"uuid\": \"efgh-5678\" },\n35: },\n36: isUpdating: fa
# lse,\n37: selected: 'abcd-1234'\n38: }\n39: }\n40: });\n41:\n42: props = {\n43: encounterType: {\n44: uuid: 'some-encounter
# -uuid'\n45: }\n46: };\n47:\n48: expect(encounterForm().find('div').length).toBe(1);\n49: });\n50:\n51:});\n"]
# **********************************************************************
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Next speaker: Engineer
# Engineer (to chat_manager):
# ***** Suggested tool call (call_mp112AHTF6Z5m4HSAdIgQI1C): modify_code *****
# Arguments:
# {
# "filename": "/Users/bboeckel/projects/tw/gen-ai/openmrs/openmrs-react-components/src/components/encounter/__tests__/EncounterHistory.test.jsx",
# "start_line": 1,
# "end_line": 51,
# "new_code": "import React from 'react';\nimport configureMockStore from 'redux-mock-store';\nimport { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react';\nimport {Provider} f
# rom 'react-redux';\nimport EncounterHistory from '../EncounterHistory';\nimport EncounterForm from \"../../form/EncounterForm\";\n\nlet props, store;\n\nconst mockStore =
# configureMockStore();\n\nconst encounterForm = () => {\n render(\n <Provider store={store}>\n <EncounterHistory {...props} />\n </Provider>\n );\n
# };\n\ndescribe(\"EncounterHistory\", () => {\n\n it(\"should render correctly\", () => {\n\n store = mockStore(\n {\n openmrs: {\n patients: {\n
# set: {\n 'abcd-1234': { \"uuid\": \"abcd-1234\" },\n 'efgh-5678': { \"uuid\": \"efgh-5678\" },\n },\n isUpdatin
# g: false,\n selected: 'abcd-1234'\n }\n }\n });\n\n props = {\n encounterType: {\n uuid: 'some-encounter-uuid'\n }\n
# };\n\n encounterForm();\n expect(screen.getByRole('div')).toBeInTheDocument();\n });\n\n});"
# }
# ****************************************************************************
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Next speaker: User_proxy
# >>>>>>>> USING AUTO REPLY...
# >>>>>>>> EXECUTING FUNCTION modify_code...
# User_proxy (to chat_manager):
# User_proxy (to chat_manager):
# ***** Response from calling tool (call_mp112AHTF6Z5m4HSAdIgQI1C) *****
# [0, "Code modified"]
# **********************************************************************
# Next speaker: Engineer
# Engineer (to chat_manager):
# ***** Suggested tool call (call_h9ywDlFXKePY98tS5oJvvyvZ): run_tests *****
# Arguments:
# { "test_file_path": "/Users/bboeckel/projects/tw/gen-ai/openmrs/openmrs-react-components/src/components/encounter/__tests__/EncounterHistory.test.jsx" }
# **************************************************************************
# Next speaker: User_proxy
# >>>>>>>> EXECUTING FUNCTION run_tests...
# Running tests in /Users/bboeckel/projects/tw/gen-ai/openmrs/openmrs-react-components for test /Users/bboeckel/projects/tw/gen-ai/openmrs/openmrs-react-components/src/com
# ponents/encounter/__tests__/EncounterHistory.test.jsx
# User_proxy (to chat_manager):
# ***** Response from calling tool (call_h9ywDlFXKePY98tS5oJvvyvZ) *****
# {"numFailedTestSuites":1,"numFailedTests":1,"numPassedTestSuites":0,"numPassedTests":0,"numPendingTestSuites":0,"numPendingTests":0,"numRuntimeErrorTestSuites":0,"numTota
# lTestSuites":1,"numTotalTests":1,"snapshot":{"added":0,"didUpdate":false,"failure":false,"filesAdded":0,"filesRemoved":0,"filesUnmatched":0,"filesUpdated":0,"matched":0,"
# total":0,"unchecked":0,"uncheckedKeys":[],"unmatched":0,"updated":0},"startTime":1723646282127,"success":false,"testResults":[{"assertionResults":[{"ancestorTitles":["Enc
# ounterHistory"],"failureMessages":["TestingLibraryElementError: Unable to find an accessible element with the role \"div\"\n\nThere are no accessible roles. But there might be some inaccessible roles. If you wish to access them, then set the `hidden` option to `true`. Learn more about this here:
# g-library/api-queries#byrole\n\nIgnored nodes: comments, script, style\n\u001b[36m<body>\u001b[39m\n \u001b[36m<div>\u001b[39m\n \u001b[36m<div>\u001b[39m\n \u00
# 1b[36m<span />\u001b[39m\n \u001b[36m</div>\u001b[39m\n \u001b[36m</div>\u001b[39m\n\u001b[36m</body>\u001b[39m\n at Object.getElementError (/Users/bboeckel/projec
# ts/tw/gen-ai/openmrs/openmrs-react-components/node_modules/@testing-library/dom/dist/config.js:37:19)\n at /Users/bboeckel/projects/tw/gen-ai/openmrs/openmrs-react-com
# ponents/node_modules/@testing-library/dom/dist/query-helpers.js:76:38\n at /Users/bboeckel/projects/tw/gen-ai/openmrs/openmrs-react-components/node_modules/@testing-li
# brary/dom/dist/query-helpers.js:52:17\n at /Users/bboeckel/projects/tw/gen-ai/openmrs/openmrs-react-components/node_modules/@testing-library/dom/dist/query-helpers.js:
# 95:19\n at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/bboeckel/projects/tw/gen-ai/openmrs/openmrs-react-components/src/components/encounter/__tests__/EncounterHistory.test.jsx:45:19)\
# n at Object.asyncFn (/Users/bboeckel/projects/tw/gen-ai/openmrs/openmrs-react-components/node_modules/jest-jasmine2/build/jasmine_async.js:82:37)\n at /Users/bboeck
# el/projects/tw/gen-ai/openmrs/openmrs-react-components/node_modules/jest-jasmine2/build/queue_runner.js:52:12\n at new Promise (<anonymous>)\n at mapper (/Users/bbo
# eckel/projects/tw/gen-ai/openmrs/openmrs-react-components/node_modules/jest-jasmine2/build/queue_runner.js:39:19)\n at /Users/bboeckel/projects/tw/gen-ai/openmrs/openm
# rs-react-components/node_modules/jest-jasmine2/build/queue_runner.js:73:82\n at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)"],"fullName":"Encoun
# terHistory should render correctly","location":null,"status":"failed","title":"should render correctly"}],"endTime":1723646283290,"message":" ● EncounterHistory › should
# render correctly\n\n TestingLibraryElementError: Unable to find an accessible element with the role \"div\"\n \n There are no accessible roles. But there might
# be some inaccessible roles. If you wish to access them, then set the `hidden` option to `true`. Learn more about this here:
# ibrary/api-queries#byrole\n \n Ignored nodes: comments, script, style\n \u001b[36m<body>\u001b[39m\n \u001b[36m<div>\u001b[39m\n \u001b[36m<div>\u001
# b[39m\n \u001b[36m<span />\u001b[39m\n \u001b[36m</div>\u001b[39m\n \u001b[36m</div>\u001b[39m\n \u001b[36m</body>\u001b[39m\n\n 43 | \n
# 44 | encounterForm();\n > 45 | expect(screen.getByRole('div')).toBeInTheDocument();\n 46 | });\n 47 | \n 48 | });\n \n at
# tElementError (node_modules/@testing-library/dom/dist/config.js:37:19)\n at node_modules/@testing-library/dom/dist/query-helpers.js:76:38\n at node_modules/@tes
# ting-library/dom/dist/query-helpers.js:52:17\n at node_modules/@testing-library/dom/dist/query-helpers.js:95:19\n at Object.<anonymous> (src/components/encounte
# r/__tests__/EncounterHistory.test.jsx:45:19)\n at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)\n","name":"/Users/bboeckel/projects/tw/gen-ai/op
# enmrs/openmrs-react-components/src/components/encounter/__tests__/EncounterHistory.test.jsx","startTime":1723646282448,"status":"failed","summary":""}],"wasInterrupted":f
# alse}
# **********************************************************************
# Next speaker: Engineer
# Engineer (to chat_manager):
# Based on the error message from the test result, it says "Unable to find an accessible element with the role \"div\"", it seems that the current incarnation of the test is trying to find the 'div' element on the screen using 'getByRole'. However, 'getByRole' may not be able to find the 'div' elements as they are not easily identifiable or unique roles in terms of accessibility.
# Let's attempt to find an immediate child div from the body using a getByTestId, so we must add a test id to that div in EncounterHistory Component. Also, we should change
# the `getByRole` to `getByTestId` to find the div.
# Let's change the return of render from `<div><span>{ history }</span></div>` to `<div data-testid='encounter-history'><span>{ history }</span></div>` in 'EncounterHistory
# .jsx'.
# ***** Suggested tool call (call_JGdxZXkymjqtBWg8xNyXFHkU): modify_code *****
# Arguments:
# {
# "filename": "/Users/bboeckel/projects/tw/gen-ai/openmrs/openmrs-react-components/src/components/encounter/EncounterHistory.jsx",
# "start_line": 128,
# "end_line": 132,
# "new_code": "return (\n<div data-testid='encounter-history'>\n<span>{ history }</span>\n</div>\n);"
# }
# ****************************************************************************
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Next speaker: User_proxy
# >>>>>>>> USING AUTO REPLY...
# >>>>>>>> EXECUTING FUNCTION modify_code...
# User_proxy (to chat_manager):
# User_proxy (to chat_manager):
# ***** Response from calling tool (call_JGdxZXkymjqtBWg8xNyXFHkU) *****
# [0, "Code modified"]
# **********************************************************************
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Next speaker: Engineer
# Engineer (to chat_manager):
# ***** Suggested tool call (call_xSLmDy14ORqAIYBe1M4TUnO9): modify_code *****
# Arguments:
# {
# "filename": "/Users/bboeckel/projects/tw/gen-ai/openmrs/openmrs-react-components/src/components/encounter/__tests__/EncounterHistory.test.jsx",
# "start_line": 45,
# "end_line": 45,
# "new_code": "expect(screen.getByTestId('encounter-history')).toBeInTheDocument();"
# }
# ****************************************************************************
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Next speaker: User_proxy
# >>>>>>>> USING AUTO REPLY...
# >>>>>>>> EXECUTING FUNCTION modify_code...
# User_proxy (to chat_manager):
# User_proxy (to chat_manager):
# ***** Response from calling tool (call_xSLmDy14ORqAIYBe1M4TUnO9) *****
# [0, "Code modified"]
# **********************************************************************
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Next speaker: Engineer
# Engineer (to chat_manager):
# ***** Suggested tool call (call_bBjfzBtHQbqmCMPkIIAsV9Ga): run_tests *****
# Arguments:
# { "test_file_path": "/Users/bboeckel/projects/tw/gen-ai/openmrs/openmrs-react-components/src/components/encounter/__tests__/EncounterHistory.test.jsx" }
# **************************************************************************
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Next speaker: User_proxy
# >>>>>>>> USING AUTO REPLY...
# >>>>>>>> EXECUTING FUNCTION run_tests...
# Running tests in /Users/bboeckel/projects/tw/gen-ai/openmrs/openmrs-react-components for test /Users/bboeckel/projects/tw/gen-ai/openmrs/openmrs-react-components/src/com
# ponents/encounter/__tests__/EncounterHistory.test.jsx
# User_proxy (to chat_manager):
# User_proxy (to chat_manager):
# ***** Response from calling tool (call_bBjfzBtHQbqmCMPkIIAsV9Ga) *****
# {"numFailedTestSuites":1,"numFailedTests":1,"numPassedTestSuites":0,"numPassedTests":0,"numPendingTestSuites":0,"numPendingTests":0,"numRuntimeErrorTestSuites":0,"numTota
# lTestSuites":1,"numTotalTests":1,"snapshot":{"added":0,"didUpdate":false,"failure":false,"filesAdded":0,"filesRemoved":0,"filesUnmatched":0,"filesUpdated":0,"matched":0,"
# total":0,"unchecked":0,"uncheckedKeys":[],"unmatched":0,"updated":0},"startTime":1723646311657,"success":false,"testResults":[{"assertionResults":[{"ancestorTitles":["Enc
# ounterHistory"],"failureMessages":["TypeError: expect(...).toBeInTheDocument is not a function\n at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/bboeckel/projects/tw/gen-ai/openmrs/open
# mrs-react-components/src/components/encounter/__tests__/EncounterHistory.test.jsx:45:49)\n at Object.asyncFn (/Users/bboeckel/projects/tw/gen-ai/openmrs/openmrs-react-
# components/node_modules/jest-jasmine2/build/jasmine_async.js:82:37)\n at /Users/bboeckel/projects/tw/gen-ai/openmrs/openmrs-react-components/node_modules/jest-jasmine2
# /build/queue_runner.js:52:12\n at new Promise (<anonymous>)\n at mapper (/Users/bboeckel/projects/tw/gen-ai/openmrs/openmrs-react-components/node_modules/jest-jasmi
# ne2/build/queue_runner.js:39:19)\n at /Users/bboeckel/projects/tw/gen-ai/openmrs/openmrs-react-components/node_modules/jest-jasmine2/build/queue_runner.js:73:82\n a
# t processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)"],"fullName":"EncounterHistory should render correctly","location":null,"status":"failed","title":"sh
# ould render correctly"}],"endTime":1723646312533,"message":" ● EncounterHistory › should render correctly\n\n TypeError: expect(...).toBeInTheDocument is not a functi
# on\n\n 43 | \n 44 | encounterForm();\n > 45 | expect(screen.getByTestId('encounter-history')).toBeInTheDocument();\n 46 | });\n 47 | \n
# 48 | });\n \n at Object.<anonymous> (src/components/encounter/__tests__/EncounterHistory.test.jsx:45:49)\n at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/proc
# ess/task_queues:95:5)\n","name":"/Users/bboeckel/projects/tw/gen-ai/openmrs/openmrs-react-components/src/components/encounter/__tests__/EncounterHistory.test.jsx","startT
# ime":1723646311814,"status":"failed","summary":""}],"wasInterrupted":false}
# **********************************************************************
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Next speaker: Engineer
# Engineer (to chat_manager):
# The test failure message says "TypeError: expect(...).toBeInTheDocument is not a function". It seems like the Jest setup might not be correctly configured to use the Jest
# DOM matchers like `toBeInTheDocument`.
# Let's try to solve this by importing `@testing-library/jest-dom` in the testing file.
# Please note, this solution assumes that the `@testing-library/jest-dom` is already installed in the project. If it's not installed, you would need to add it using a packa
# ge manager in a normal development environment. However, in the current setup, I can only modify and execute the code, therefore, please ensure necessary libraries are in
# stalled beforehand.
# ***** Suggested tool call (call_W80XCxWfXRKhfL7UykV4ewcS): modify_code *****
# Arguments:
# {
# "filename": "/Users/bboeckel/projects/tw/gen-ai/openmrs/openmrs-react-components/src/components/encounter/__tests__/EncounterHistory.test.jsx",
# "start_line": 1,
# "end_line": 51,
# "new_code": "import React from 'react';\nimport configureMockStore from 'redux-mock-store';\nimport { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react';\nimport {Provider} f
# rom 'react-redux';\nimport EncounterHistory from '../EncounterHistory';\nimport EncounterForm from \"../../form/EncounterForm\";\nimport '@testing-library/jest-dom';\n\nl
# et props, store;\n\nconst mockStore = configureMockStore();\n\nconst encounterForm = () => {\n render(\n <Provider store={store}>\n <EncounterHistory {...p
# rops} />\n </Provider>\n );\n};\n\ndescribe(\"EncounterHistory\", () => {\n\n it(\"should render correctly\", () => {\n\n store = mockStore(\n {\n
# openmrs: {\n patients: {\n set: {\n 'abcd-1234': { \"uuid\": \"abcd-1234\" },\n 'efgh-5678': { \"uuid\": \"efgh-5678\" },\n
# },\n isUpdating: false,\n selected: 'abcd-1234'\n }\n }\n });\n\n props = {\n encounterType: {\n uui
# d: 'some-encounter-uuid'\n }\n };\n\n encounterForm();\n expect(screen.getByTestId('encounter-history')).toBeInTheDocument();\n });\n\n});"
# }
# ****************************************************************************
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Next speaker: User_proxy
# >>>>>>>> USING AUTO REPLY...
# >>>>>>>> EXECUTING FUNCTION modify_code...
# User_proxy (to chat_manager):
# User_proxy (to chat_manager):
# ***** Response from calling tool (call_W80XCxWfXRKhfL7UykV4ewcS) *****
# [0, "Code modified"]
# **********************************************************************
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Next speaker: Engineer
# Engineer (to chat_manager):
# ***** Suggested tool call (call_Map7TyMWqc1A9o52P5rI9NQL): run_tests *****
# Arguments:
# { "test_file_path": "/Users/bboeckel/projects/tw/gen-ai/openmrs/openmrs-react-components/src/components/encounter/__tests__/EncounterHistory.test.jsx" }
# **************************************************************************
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Next speaker: User_proxy
# >>>>>>>> USING AUTO REPLY...
# >>>>>>>> EXECUTING FUNCTION run_tests...
# Running tests in /Users/bboeckel/projects/tw/gen-ai/openmrs/openmrs-react-components for test /Users/bboeckel/projects/tw/gen-ai/openmrs/openmrs-react-components/src/com
# ponents/encounter/__tests__/EncounterHistory.test.jsx
# User_proxy (to chat_manager):
# User_proxy (to chat_manager):
# ***** Response from calling tool (call_Map7TyMWqc1A9o52P5rI9NQL) *****
# {"numFailedTestSuites":0,"numFailedTests":0,"numPassedTestSuites":1,"numPassedTests":1,"numPendingTestSuites":0,"numPendingTests":0,"numRuntimeErrorTestSuites":0,"numTota
# lTestSuites":1,"numTotalTests":1,"snapshot":{"added":0,"didUpdate":false,"failure":false,"filesAdded":0,"filesRemoved":0,"filesUnmatched":0,"filesUpdated":0,"matched":0,"
# total":0,"unchecked":0,"uncheckedKeys":[],"unmatched":0,"updated":0},"startTime":1723646378378,"success":true,"testResults":[{"assertionResults":[{"ancestorTitles":["Enco
# unterHistory"],"failureMessages":[],"fullName":"EncounterHistory should render correctly","location":null,"status":"passed","title":"should render correctly"}],"endTime":
# 1723646379261,"message":"","name":"/Users/bboeckel/projects/tw/gen-ai/openmrs/openmrs-react-components/src/components/encounter/__tests__/EncounterHistory.test.jsx","star
# tTime":1723646378531,"status":"passed","summary":""}],"wasInterrupted":false}
# **********************************************************************
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Next speaker: Engineer
# Engineer (to chat_manager):
# The tests ran successfully without any errors. It indicates that the test file has been correctly converted to use React Testing Library instead of Enzyme and the code of
# the React component EncounterHistory has been successfully modified to include a `data-testid` attribute for testing. The change from Enzyme to React Testing Library is
# now completed.
# I'll reply with 'TERMINATE' to end the conversation.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Next speaker: User_proxy
# >>>>>>>> USING AUTO REPLY...
# User_proxy (to chat_manager):
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Next speaker: Engineer
# Engineer (to chat_manager):
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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