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Created January 31, 2017 20:50
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* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
* in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
* on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
definition (name: "Danfoss Living Connect LC-13 Thermostat", namespace: "BechmannCom", author: "René Bechmann")
// This handler has commands
capability "Actuator"
// This handler has attributes
capability "Sensor"
// Thermostat capability
capability "Thermostat"
command "setHeatingSetpoint"
command "setCoolingSetpoint"
command "off"
command "heat"
command "emergencyHeat"
command "cool"
command "setThermostatMode"
command "fanOn"
command "fanAuto"
command "fanCirculate"
command "setThermostatFanMode"
command "auto"
attribute "temperature", "string"
attribute "heatingSetpoint", "string"
attribute "coolingSetpoint", "string"
attribute "thermostatSetpoint", "string"
attribute "thermostatMode", "string"
attribute "thermostatFanMode", "string"
attribute "thermostatOperatingState", "string"
// Battery capability
capability "Battery"
attribute "battery", "string"
// Custom attribute
attribute "protection", "string"
// Danfoss thermostat fingerprint "NQ-500-EU"
// Raw device data: zw:S type:0804 mfr:0002 prod:0005 model:0003 ver:2.51 zwv:2.67 lib:06 cc:80,46,81,72,8F,75,43,86,84 ccOut:46,81,8F
// Supported classes:
// Product web site: Product Website:
fingerprint type: "0804", mfr: "0002", prod: "0005", model: "0003", cc: "80,46,81,72,8F,75,43,86,84", ccOut:"46,81,8F"
//fingerprint deviceId: "0x0804"
//fingerprint inClusters: "0x80, 0x46, 0x81, 0x72, 0x8F, 0x75, 0x43, 0x86, 0x84"
simulator {}
tiles (scale: 2)
multiAttributeTile(name:"thermostatFull", type:"thermostat", width:6, height:4, canChangeIcon: true)
tileAttribute("device.heatingSetpoint", key: "PRIMARY_CONTROL")
attributeState("default", label:'${currentValue}°', unit:"",
[value: 0, color: "#ededed"],
[value: 4, color: "#153591"],
[value: 16, color: "#178998"],
[value: 18, color: "#199f5c"],
[value: 20, color: "#2da71c"],
[value: 21, color: "#5baa1d"],
[value: 22, color: "#8aae1e"],
[value: 23, color: "#b1a81f"],
[value: 24, color: "#b57d20"],
[value: 26, color: "#b85122"],
[value: 28, color: "#bc2323"]])
tileAttribute("device.nextHeatingSetpoint", key: "SECONDARY_CONTROL")
attributeState("default", label:'${currentValue}° next', unit:"")
controlTile("nextHeatingSetpointSlider", "device.nextHeatingSetpoint", "slider", height: 1, width: 6, inactiveLabel: false, range:"(4..28)")
state "default", action: "setHeatingSetpoint", backgroundColor:"#d04e00"
valueTile("batteryTile", "device.battery", inactiveLabel: true, decoration: "flat", width: 1, height: 1)
tileAttribute ("device.battery", key: "PRIMARY_CONTROL")
state "default", label:'${currentValue}% battery', unit:"%"
valueTile("protectionTile", "", inactiveLabel: true, decoration: "flat", width: 1, height: 1)
tileAttribute ("", key: "PRIMARY_CONTROL")
state "", label:'${currentValue}', defaultState: true
main "thermostatFull"
details(["thermostatFull", "nextHeatingSetpointSlider", "batteryTile", "protectionTile"])
input "wakeUpInterval", "number", title: "Wake up interval", description: "Seconds until next wake up notification", range: "60..3600", displayDuringSetup: true
input "isProtected", "bool", title: "Child protection", description: "Disable the buttons on the thermostat", displayDuringSetup: true
def parse(String description)
def results = null
//log.debug "RAW: $description"
def cmd = zwave.parse(description) //(description,[0x80: 1, 0x46: 1, 0x81: 1, 0x72: 2, 0x8F: 1, 0x75: 2, 0x43: 2, 0x86: 1, 0x84: 2])
if (cmd != null)
//log.debug "CMD: $cmd"
results = zwaveEvent(cmd)
if ((state.thermostatModeSet ?: "false") == "false")
catch (Exception ex)
log.error "$ex"
return results
def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.protectionv2.ProtectionReport cmd)
def eventList = []
def pretectionState = (state.localProtectionState ?: "")
if (cmd.localProtectionState != pretectionState)
if (cmd.localProtectionState == physicalgraph.zwave.commands.protectionv2.ProtectionReport.PROTECTION_STATE_UNPROTECTED)
eventList << createEvent(descriptionText: "Device reports thermostat unlocked", isStateChange: true)
log.debug("Device reports unlocked thermostat (new)")
eventList << createEvent(name:"protection", value: "disabled", displayed: false)
isProtected = false;
else if (cmd.localProtectionState == physicalgraph.zwave.commands.protectionv2.ProtectionReport.PROTECTION_STATE_NO_OPERATION_POSSIBLE)
eventList << createEvent(descriptionText: "Device reports thermostat locked", isStateChange: true)
log.debug("Device reports locked thermostat (new)")
eventList << createEvent(name:"protection", value: "enabled", displayed: false)
isProtected = true;
eventList << createEvent(name:"protection", value: "", displayed: false)
state.battery = cmd.localProtectionState
if (cmd.localProtectionState == physicalgraph.zwave.commands.protectionv2.ProtectionReport.PROTECTION_STATE_UNPROTECTED)
log.debug("Device reports unlocked thermostat (unchanged)")
else if (cmd.localProtectionState == physicalgraph.zwave.commands.protectionv2.ProtectionReport.PROTECTION_STATE_NO_OPERATION_POSSIBLE)
log.debug("Device reports locked thermostat (unchanged)")
state.lastbatt = new Date().time
catch (Exception ex)
log.error "$ex"
def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.batteryv1.BatteryReport cmd)
def eventList = []
def battery = (state.battery ?: -1)
if (cmd.batteryLevel != battery)
if (cmd.batteryLevel == 0xFF)
eventList << createEvent(descriptionText: "Device reports low battery", isStateChange: true)
log.debug("Device reports low battery (new)")
eventList << createEvent(name:"battery", value: 1, unit: "%", displayed: false)
eventList << createEvent(descriptionText: "Device reports battery at ${cmd.batteryLevel}%", isStateChange: true)
log.debug("Device reports battery at ${cmd.batteryLevel}% (new)")
eventList << createEvent(name:"battery", value: cmd.batteryLevel, unit: "%", displayed: false)
state.battery = cmd.batteryLevel
if (cmd.batteryLevel == 0xFF)
log.debug("Device reports low battery (unchanged)")
log.debug("Device reports battery at ${cmd.batteryLevel}% (unchanged)")
state.lastbatt = new Date().time
catch (Exception ex)
log.error "$ex"
def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.thermostatsetpointv2.ThermostatSetpointReport cmd)
def eventList = []
def heatingSetpoint = (state.heatingSetpoint ?: "")
def value = convertTemperatureIfNeeded(cmd.scaledValue, (cmd.scale == 1 ? "F" : "C"), cmd.precision)
value = Double.parseDouble(value).toString() - ".0"
if (heatingSetpoint != value)
eventList << createEvent(name:"heatingSetpoint", value: value, unit: getTemperatureScale(), isStateChange: true, descriptionText: "Device reports thermostat at ${value}°")
log.debug("Device reports thermostat at ${value}° (new)")
state.heatingSetpoint = value;
state.size = cmd.size
state.scale = cmd.scale
state.precision = cmd.precision
log.debug("Device reports thermostat at ${value}° (unchanged)")
catch (Exception ex)
log.error "$ex"
def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.wakeupv2.WakeUpNotification cmd)
def eventList = []
def delay = 400
def interval = (wakeUpInterval ?: 600)
// This try catch block ensures that we allways send the wakeUpNoMoreInformation command
log.debug("WakeUpNotification received. Send delay: $delay, Wake Up Interval: $interval")
def heatingSetpoint = (state.heatingSetpoint ?: "")
def nextHeatingSetpoint = (state.nextHeatingSetpoint ?: "")
if (nextHeatingSetpoint != "")
if (heatingSetpoint != nextHeatingSetpoint)
log.debug("Device is set to ${nextHeatingSetpoint}°")
eventList << response(zwave.thermostatSetpointV2.thermostatSetpointSet(setpointType: 1, scale: 0, precision: 1, scaledValue: new BigDecimal(nextHeatingSetpoint)).format())
eventList << response("delay $delay")
eventList << response(zwave.thermostatSetpointV2.thermostatSetpointGet(setpointType: 1).format())
eventList << response("delay $delay")
state.nextHeatingSetpoint = ""
else if (heatingSetpoint == "")
log.debug("Requesting thermostat set point")
eventList << response(zwave.thermostatSetpointV2.thermostatSetpointGet(setpointType: 1).format())
eventList << response("delay $delay")
if ((state.wakeUpIntervalConfigured ?: "false") == "false" ||
(state.currentWakeUpInterval ?: 0) != interval)
log.debug("Wake up Interval set to ${interval} seconds")
eventList << response(zwave.wakeUpV1.wakeUpIntervalSet(seconds:interval, nodeid:zwaveHubNodeId).format())
eventList << response("delay $delay")
state.currentWakeUpInterval = interval
state.wakeUpIntervalConfigured = "true"
def battery = (state.battery ?: "")
if (battery == "")
log.debug("Requesting batery level")
eventList << response(zwave.batteryV1.batteryGet())
eventList << response("delay $delay")
// Set clock once a day
def nowTime = new Date().time
def ageInMinutes = state.lastClockSet ? (int)(nowTime - state.lastClockSet)/60000 : 1440
if (ageInMinutes >= 1440)
def nowCal = Calendar.getInstance(location.timeZone) // get current location timezone
def weekday = nowCal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK)
def hour = nowCal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY)
def minute = nowCal.get(Calendar.MINUTE)
log.debug "Setting clock to weekday:$weekday hour:$hour minute:$minute"
eventList << response(zwave.clockV1.clockSet(hour: hour, minute: minute, weekday: weekday).format())
eventList << response("delay $delay")
state.lastClockSet = nowTime
state.clock = ""
ageInMinutes = 0 // Clock poll every 5 minutes disabled because we are not using it currently
//ageInMinutes = state.lastClockGet ? (int)(nowTime - state.lastClockGet)/60000 : 5
def clock = state.clock ?: ""
if (clock == "" ||
ageInMinutes >= 5)
eventList << response(zwave.clockV1.clockGet().format())
eventList << response("delay $delay")
state.lastClockGet = nowTime
def protection = (isProtected ?: false)
if ((state.protectionConfigured ?: "false") == "false")
log.debug("Requesting protection state")
eventList << response(protectionGet())
eventList << response("delay $delay")
state.protectionConfigured = "true"
if ((state.isProtected ?: false) != protection)
log.debug("Protection set to ${protection}")
eventList << response(protectionSet(protection))
eventList << response("delay $delay")
eventList << response(protectionGet())
eventList << response("delay $delay")
state.isProtected = protection
// eventList << response(protectionEcGet())
// eventList << response(protectionTimeoutGet())
// for (def i = 1; i <= 1; i++)
// {
// eventList << response(scheduleGet(i))
// eventList << response("delay $delay")
// }
// eventList << response(scheduleChangedGet())
catch (Exception ex)
log.error "Exception in WakeUpNotification: $ex"
eventList << response(zwave.wakeUpV1.wakeUpNoMoreInformation().format())
catch (Exception ex)
log.error "Exception in WakeUpNotification: $ex"
def scheduleGet(weekday)
def rc = ""
if (weekday >= 1 && weekday <= 7)
rc = "4602" + String.format("%02X", weekday)
return rc
def protectionGet()
return "7502"
def scheduleChangedGet()
return "4604"
def scheduleOverrideGet()
return "4607"
def scheduleOverrideSet(overrideState, setback)
def rc = ""
if (([0,1,2,121,122]).contains(overrideState))
rc = "4606" + String.format("%02X", overrideState) + String.format("%02X", setback)
return rc
def protectionSet(protect)
def rc = ""
rc = "7501" + (protect == false? "00": "02") + "00"
return rc
def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.climatecontrolschedulev1.ScheduleOverrideReport cmd)
case 0:
log.debug "ScheduleOverrideReport: No override"
case 1:
log.debug "ScheduleOverrideReport: Temporary override"
case 2:
log.debug "ScheduleOverrideReport: Permanent override"
case 121:
log.debug "ScheduleOverrideReport: Frost protection"
case 122:
log.debug "ScheduleOverrideReport: Energy saving mode"
case 127:
log.debug "ScheduleOverrideReport: Unused"
log.debug "ScheduleOverrideReport: Unknown"
catch (Exception ex)
log.error "$ex"
def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.climatecontrolschedulev1.ScheduleChangedReport cmd)
log.debug "ScheduleChangedReport: $cmd"
catch (Exception ex)
log.error "$ex"
def weekDay(dayOfWeek)
def rc = ""
def weekDays = ["Monday","Tueday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday","Sunday"]
if (dayOfWeek >= 1 && dayOfWeek <=7)
rc = weekDays[dayOfWeek-1]
return rc
byte[] toBytes(int i)
byte[] result = new byte[4];
result[0] = (byte) (i >> 24);
result[1] = (byte) (i >> 16);
result[2] = (byte) (i >> 8);
result[3] = (byte) (i /*>> 0*/);
return result;
def parseSwitchPoint(switchPoint)
def byteArray = toBytes(switchPoint)
return [extra: byteArray[0], hour: byteArray[1], minute: byteArray[2], scheduleState: byteArray[3]]
double adjustSetPoint(double setPoint)
double whole = (int)setPoint
double remainder = setPoint - whole
double adjust = 0.0
if (remainder < 0.25)
adjust = 0.0;
else if (remainder >= 0.25 && remainder < 0.75)
adjust = 0.5;
else if (remainder >= 0.75)
adjust = 1.0
return whole + adjust
def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.climatecontrolschedulev1.ScheduleReport cmd)
def weekDay = weekDay(cmd.weekday)
def switchPoints = []
switchPoints << parseSwitchPoint(cmd.switchpoint1)
switchPoints << parseSwitchPoint(cmd.switchpoint2)
switchPoints << parseSwitchPoint(cmd.switchpoint3)
switchPoints << parseSwitchPoint(cmd.switchpoint4)
switchPoints << parseSwitchPoint(cmd.switchpoint5)
switchPoints << parseSwitchPoint(cmd.switchpoint6)
switchPoints << parseSwitchPoint(cmd.switchpoint7)
switchPoints << parseSwitchPoint(cmd.switchpoint8)
switchPoints[0].hour = 18
switchPoints[0].minute = 30
switchPoints[0].scheduleState = 33
def schedules = []
for(def switchPoint in switchPoints)
if (switchPoint.scheduleState != 127)
def setBack = 0.0
def frostProtection = false
def energySaving = false
if (switchPoint.scheduleState >= -128 && switchPoint.scheduleState <= 120)
setBack = switchPoint.scheduleState / 10.0
else if (switchPoint.scheduleState == 121)
frostProtection = true
else if (switchPoint.scheduleState == 121)
energySaving = true
schedules << [hour: switchPoint.hour, minute: switchPoint.minute, setBack: adjustSetPoint(setBack), frostProtection: frostProtection, energySaving: energySaving]
log.debug "Device schedule received: schedules=${schedules}, weekday=${weekDay}"
catch (Exception ex)
log.error "$ex"
def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.clockv1.ClockReport cmd)
log.debug "Device clock received: weekday:${cmd.weekday} hour:${cmd.hour} minute:${cmd.minute}"
state.clock = "${cmd.weekday},${cmd.hour}:${cmd.minute}"
catch (Exception ex)
log.error "$ex"
def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.Command cmd)
log.debug "Catch all: $cmd"
catch (Exception ex)
log.error "$ex"
def setHeatingSetpoint(degrees)
catch (Exception ex)
log.error "$ex"
def setSetpoint(degrees)
def deviceScale = (state.scale ?: 2)
def deviceScaleString = (deviceScale == 2 ? "C" : "F")
def locationScale = getTemperatureScale()
def p = (state.precision ?: 1)
Double convertedDegrees = degrees
if (locationScale == "C" &&
deviceScaleString == "F")
convertedDegrees = celsiusToFahrenheit(degrees)
else if (locationScale == "F" &&
deviceScaleString == "C")
convertedDegrees = fahrenheitToCelsius(degrees)
convertedDegrees = Math.round(convertedDegrees * 10) / 10
if (convertedDegrees >= 4.0 && convertedDegrees <= 28.0)
def value = convertedDegrees.toString() - ".0"
sendEvent(name:"nextHeatingSetpoint", value: value, displayed: false , isStateChange: true)
log.debug ("Setting device to ${value}° on next wake up")
state.nextHeatingSetpoint = value
catch (Exception ex)
log.error "$ex"
def setCoolingSetpoint(degrees)
catch (Exception ex)
log.error "$ex"
def off()
catch (Exception ex)
log.error "$ex"
def heat()
catch (Exception ex)
log.error "$ex"
def emergencyHeat()
catch (Exception ex)
log.error "$ex"
def cool()
catch (Exception ex)
log.error "$ex"
def setThermostatMode(mode)
sendEvent(name:"thermostatMode", value: mode, displayed: false)
state.thermostatModeSet = "true"
log.debug("Thermostat mode is set to '${mode}'")
catch (Exception ex)
log.error "$ex"
def fanOn()
// Not implemented
def fanAuto()
// Not implemented
def fanCirculate()
// Not implemented
def setThermostatFanMode(string)
// Not implemented
def auto()
// Not implemented
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