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Last active August 19, 2019 11:21
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Pycodestyle - PEP8Bear Integration.
import autopep8
import logging
from bears.python.PycodestyleBear import PycodestyleBear
from coalib.bearlib.spacing.SpacingHelper import SpacingHelper
from coalib.bears.LocalBear import LocalBear
from coalib.results.Diff import Diff
from coalib.results.Result import Result
from coalib.settings.Section import Section
from coalib.settings.Setting import Setting
from coalib.testing.LocalBearTestHelper import execute_bear
from queue import Queue
class PyPEP8Bear(LocalBear):
Integration of PycodestyleBear and PEP8Bear.
This could also solve the issue
Since autopep8 doesn't want to show collect issues,
and is only meant to focus on fixes, this could act
as a potential solution. Its not robust, and may fail
since autopep8 also fixes some stuff not reported by
LANGUAGES = {'Python', 'Python 2', 'Python 3'}
AUTHORS = {'The coala developers'}
CAN_FIX = {'Formatting'}
def run(self, filename, file,
max_line_length: int = 79,
indent_size: int = SpacingHelper.DEFAULT_TAB_WIDTH,):
Detects and fixes PEP8 incompliant code. This bear will not change
functionality of the code in any way.
:param max_line_length:
Maximum number of characters for a line.
When set to 0 allows infinite line length.
:param indent_size:
Number of spaces per indentation level.
if not max_line_length:
max_line_length = sys.maxsize
queue = Queue()
section = Section('')
section.append(Setting('max_line_length', max_line_length))
with execute_bear(PycodestyleBear(section, queue),
filename, file,) as results:
for result in results:
start_line = result.affected_code[0].start.line
end_line = result.affected_code[0].end.line
# start_column = result.affected_code[0].start.column
# end_column = result.affected_code[0].end.column
rule = result.origin.split(' ')[1][1:-1]
options = {'select': (rule,),
'max_line_length': max_line_length,
'indent_size': indent_size,
'line_range': [start_line, end_line + 1]}
corrected = autopep8.fix_code(''.join(file),
diffs = Diff.from_string_arrays(file, corrected).split_diff()
for diff in diffs:
yield Result(self,
diffs={filename: diff})
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