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Last active November 11, 2024 03:50
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tuning for secret network nodes

Super-secret tuning tips for secret networks

I'll make a few assumptions here mostly that the reader can find the settings in the .toml files without help; validating on secret isn't exactly a good "my-first-validator" choice.


  • Expose validator p2p via firewall, enable pex, make frens.
  • Set inbound peers to 200 outbound to 100.
  • Disable kv indexer.
  • log level set to error with json output -- probably doesn't matter in this case, just less IO.
  • disable mempool broadcasting on validator -- less traffic is more cycles, we already have what we need.
  • don't retry previously failed transactions: keep-invalid-txs-in-cache = true


  • Set num states to retain to a different prime on each node around 100 (ie 109, 107, 103 etc.)
  • Set prune interval to different primes on each node (ie 17, 43, 61)
  • Use cosmprund to trim state to match retention
  • disable state snapshots (please run them on at least one node, network needs snapshots to state-sync.)

example ...

pruning = "custom"
pruning-keep-recent = "109"
pruning-keep-every = "0"
pruning-interval = "13"

# ...

snapshot-interval = 0

# ...

system tuning:

apologies to non-ubuntu admins, but you are already used to this shit so figure it out, you are used to it

  • Set CPU governor to performance
apt-get -y install cpufrequtils

cat > /etc/default/cpufrequtils << EOF
systemctl restart cpufrequtils
  • Use lowlatency/SMP PREEMPT kernel

This is no longer recommended, and on Ubuntu 20.04 will likely cause apphash issues because the SGX module is now part of the linux kernel. I suggest sticking with a generic 5.4.0 kernel on 20.04.

# apt-get install -y linux-lowlatency-hwe-20.04 linux-tools-lowlatency-hwe-20.04 linux-image-lowlatency-hwe-20.04 linux-headers-lowlatency-hwe-20.04
# shutdown -r now # reboot to use new kernel
  • Set Niceness for secretd to -20 via systemd local config
mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/secret-node.service.d/
cat > /etc/systemd/system/secret-node.service.d/local.conf << EOF

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart secret-node
  • Bump initial TCP congestion windows to 32 and use fair queueing:

this is route-dependent, we use ansible to build it, but this example assumes you are adding it by hand... adjust accordingly

add the following to root's crontab:

@reboot /sbin/tc qdisc add dev <FIXME-default-interface> root fq
@reboot /usr/bin/ip route change default via <FIXME-default-route-IP-addr> initcwnd 32 initrwnd 32
  • Bump up network buffer sizes in kernel, a bunch of other misc tuning for faster TCP

you should research each of these settings on your own, not gonna explain here. You are responsible, not me.

cat >> /etc/sysctl.conf << EOF

sysctl -p
  • Using striped raid instead of mirrored

We use zfs almost exclusively because of the ability to snapshot. It sucks for TM chains because of the overhead. This is a short example of creating a stripe, and the settings we use to reduce the IO overhead zfs imposes from about 8x to only about 2x. Once again, don't blindly trust these settings. Google the hell out of these, they might not be what you want.

zpool create data nvme0n1 nvme1n1 # obviously fix these for correct device names.
zfs set compression=lz4 data
zfs set atime=off data
zfs set logbias=throughput data
zfs set redundant_metadata=most data
zfs set secondarycache=none data

echo 1 > /sys/module/zfs/parameters/zfs_prefetch_disable
echo 'options zfs zfs_prefetch_disable=1' >> /etc/modprobe.d/zfs.conf

zfs create -o mountpoint=/opt/secret data/secret
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faddat commented Apr 30, 2022

i will blame you if it apphashes


thank you very much

we use exclusively ext4

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assafmo commented Apr 30, 2022

This is awesome! I would also switch TCP to BBR.

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assafmo commented Apr 30, 2022

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This is awesome! I would also switch TCP to BBR.

Good idea, added.

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tysm @blockpane will try this 💯 wonder if similar fixes could be applied to other (cw-enabled) chains (thiking of comos prop 69..)

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just added another thing that I think helps, a lot of the missed pre-votes seem to happen when there are spikes in tx's that get rejected. Sometimes keep-invalid-txs-in-cache = true can help with that, though it's maybe a bit selfish and definitely less than ideal.

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gaia commented Aug 28, 2023

Since we rely heavily on LXC/LXD, we also use exclusively dir on top of ext4 (see maintainer's own feedback here).
It's likely the overhead related to copy-on-write also applies to other raw or virtualized environments.

unrelated, might add noatime to fstab?

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