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bluejava / Example5.js
Last active June 27, 2019 01:20
Example 5 for Medium Post
{ name: "username", value: "glenn" },
{ name: "user", value: getUser, deps: [ "username" ] },
{ name: "favs", value: getFavorites, deps: [ "user" ] },
{ name: "userRenderer", value: renderUser, deps: [ "user" ] },
{ value: renderUserFavs, deps: [ "userRenderer", "favs" ] }
bluejava / Example5-vanilla.js
Last active November 3, 2016 04:17
Example 5 Vanilla for Medium Post
var username = "glenn"
then(function(user) {
.then(function(userRenderer) {
.then(function(favs) { renderUserFavs(userRenderer, favs) })
bluejava / Example4-vanilla.js
Created November 3, 2016 03:51
Example 4 Vanilla for Medium Post
var username = "glenn"
then(function(user) {
.then(function(favs) { renderUserFavs(user,favs) })
bluejava / Example4.js
Last active June 27, 2019 01:20
Example 4 for Medium Post
{ name: "username", value: "glenn" },
{ name: "user", value: getUser, deps: [ "username" ] },
{ name: "favs", value: getFavorites, deps: [ "user" ] },
{ value: renderUser, deps: [ "user" ] },
{ value: renderUserFavs, deps: [ "user", "favs" ] }
bluejava / Example3.js
Last active June 27, 2019 01:21
Example 3 for Medium Post
function getUser(name) { /* returns Promise of user object */ }
function getFavorites(user) { /* returns Promise of favorites array */ }
{ name: "username", value: "glenn" },
{ name: "user", value: getUser, deps: [ "username" ] },
{ name: "favs", value: getFavorites, deps: [ "user" ] }
).then(function(ob) {
renderUserFavs(ob.user, ob.favs)
bluejava / Example2.js
Last active June 27, 2019 01:21
Example 2 for Medium Post
function getScore() { return 45 }
function double(x) { return x * 2 }
{ name: "username", value: "glenn" },
{ name: "score", value: getScore },
{ name: "newScore", value: double, deps: [ "score" ] }
).then(function(ob) {
console.log("Hello " + ob.username + ". Your new score is " + ob.newScore)
bluejava / example1.js
Last active June 27, 2019 01:21
Example 1 for Medium post
{ name: "username", value: "glenn" },
{ name: "score", value: 45 }
).then(function(ob) {
console.log("Hello " + ob.username + ". Your score is " + ob.score)
bluejava / Promise.eval
Created November 2, 2016 02:31
Adds the "eval" function to Promise (see for details)
Promise.eval = function(ar)
// We accept either an array or items specified as individual arguments...
// ...but we convert the series into an array either way
ar =
var items = { } // map names to items
// This forEach is where it all happens - we evaluate each item within the eval array.
bluejava / PromiseTest.js
Created April 7, 2016 18:54
Runs some simple performance tests on Node for Native Promises, Zousan and Bluebird. (See Issue 5 :
var batchSize = 1000,
doBluebirdAll = true,
doZousanAll = true,
doNativeAll = true,
doBluebirdSeries = true,
doZousanSeries = true,
doNativeSeries = true
console.log(" - Batch Size: " + batchSize)
bluejava / Markov Text Generator
Created February 21, 2016 17:16
Demonstration of a Markov Text Generator to create a Sarah Palin endorsement for Donald Trump.
// Demonstration of a Markov Text Generator to create a Sarah Palin endorsement for Donald Trump.
// See blog post at
var text = "“Thank you so much. It’s so great to be here in Iowa. We’re here just thawing out. Todd and I and a couple of our friends here from Alaska, lending our support for the next president of our great United States of America, Donald J. Trump. “Mr. Trump, you’re right, look back there in the press box. Heads are spinning, media heads are spinning. This is going to be so much fun. “Are you ready to make America great again? We all have a part in this. We all have a responsibility. Looking around at all of you, you hardworking Iowa families. You farm families, and teachers, and teamsters, and cops, and cooks. You rockin’ rollers. And holy rollers! All of you who work so hard. You full-time moms. You with the hands that rock the cradle. You all make the world go round, and now our cause is one. “When asked why I would jump