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❤️ not eating nor abusing animals 🍀

Daniel Hahler blueyed

❤️ not eating nor abusing animals 🍀
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blueyed /
Last active March 19, 2024 01:02
Query background setting from terminal (xterm / rxvt-unicode)
# Query a property from the terminal, e.g. background color.
# XTerm Operating System Commands
# "ESC ] Ps;Pt ST"
oldstty=$(stty -g)
# What to query?
blueyed / _tmux_pane_words.zsh
Last active May 26, 2023 07:39
ZSH configuration to complete words from tmux pane(s)
# Complete words from tmux pane(s) {{{1
# Source:
# Gist:
_tmux_pane_words() {
local expl
local -a w
if [[ -z "$TMUX_PANE" ]]; then
_message "not running inside tmux!"
return 1
blueyed / _pip.zsh
Last active February 6, 2023 00:53
Zsh completion for pip (a tool for installing and managing Python packages), to be added to Zsh soonish.
#compdef -P pip[0-9.]#
# Completion script for pip (
# Taken from
# (where it got removed). Original source:
# Currently maintained in
-- Do not grab global / client keys when the xev event tester window is focused.
local saved = {}
function xev_globalkeys_focus(c)
if == 'Event Tester' then
saved.root, saved.client = root.keys(), c.keys
-- Only map alt-f4.
c.keys = {awful.key({ "Mod1", }, "F4", function (c) c:kill() end)}
blueyed /
Last active December 9, 2020 16:20
Test Django data migrations
Test (data) migrations in Django.
This uses py.test/pytest-django (the `transactional_db` fixture comes from there),
but could be easily adopted for Django's testrunner:
from django.test.testcases import TransactionTestCase
class FooTestcase(TransactionTestCase):
def test_with_django(self):
client.connect_signal("manage", function (c)
-- Enable sloppy focus
local sloppy_focus_last_coords = mouse.coords()
c:connect_signal("mouse::enter", function(c)
-- bnote("mouse::enter::focus", 2)
local coords = mouse.coords()
local last = sloppy_focus_last_coords
-- bnote("coords: " .. coords.x .. "/" .. coords.y )
-- bnote("last : " .. last.x .. "/" .. last.y )
if coords.x == last.x and coords.y == last.y then
blueyed / awesome-rename-tag.rc.lua
Last active November 6, 2019 13:46
awesomeWM: rename the current tag
-- Rename tag
awful.key({ modkey, "Shift", }, "F2", function (){ prompt = "Rename tab: ", text = awful.tag.selected().name, },
function (s)
awful.tag.selected().name = s
blueyed / Puppet config snippet to define a Launchpad PPA
Created February 25, 2011 23:48
This defines pparepo which allows to add a PPA (Personal Package Archive) repository from Launchpad to a client. It uses apt::key, which I have taken (and maybe modified) from (blog post at
# Setup a PPA repo, where the name is "user/ppaname", e.g. "blueyed/ppa" ("ppa" being the default)
define pparepo($apt_key = "", $dist = $ppa_default_name, $supported = ["lucid", "hardy"], $ensure = present, $keyserver = "") {
$name_for_file = regsubst($name, '/', '-', 'G')
$file = "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/pparepo-${name_for_file}.list"
file { "$file": }
case $ensure {
present: {
if ($dist) and ($dist in $supported) {
File["$file"] {
# script for pyenv installation of pygtk3 in ubuntu 12.04
# Adapted from
system_package_installed() {
if ! dpkg -l | grep -q $1; then
sudo apt-get install $1
# Awesome window manager framework version 4.0 changes
Awesome 4.0 is the first release of the v4 API level, breaking the proven
v3.5 API level after 4 years. This requires to port existing user
configuration and extensions to the new API.
This document offer an overview of the new features and required changes for
existing users.
## New features