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Last active June 24, 2022 23:39
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Python script to find images using the "Deep Space Climate Observatory" (DSCOVR) API for a given date.
# DSCOVR: Deep Space Climate Observatory :
# Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera
# Daily Blue Marble API:
# Python Script by: Brady Shea
# 27 August 2019
import sys, json
from urllib.request import urlopen
from datetime import date
url_base = ""
most_recent = url_base + "api/natural"
# start functions
def pretty_date(iyear, imonth, iday):
return date(month=imonth, day=iday, year=iyear).strftime('%B %d, %Y')
def find_most_recent_date():
print('\nContacting API to find newest image date available..')
data = urlopen(most_recent)
jdata = json.loads(
for x in jdata:
most_recent_date = x['identifier']
print('\n\nConnection problem! Could not find most recent images. Using default of 6/27/2019..\n\n')
most_recent_date = "20190627000000"
most_recent_date = most_recent_date[:-6] #strip last 5 chars from date string found
return most_recent_date
def do_image_list(imagetype):
api = url_base + "api/{}/date/{}-{}-{}".format(imagetype, Year, Month, Day)
archive = url_base + "archive/{}/{}/{}/{}/png/".format(imagetype, Year, Month, Day)
data = urlopen(api)
jdata = json.loads(
print(imagetype.capitalize() + " images available for {}{}{}:".format(Year, Month, Day))
for x in jdata:
print(archive + x['image'] + '.png')
print('Problem with connection. Exiting.')
# end functions
# Start main logic
print('\nDSCOVR: Deep Space Climate Observatory \"Blue Marble\" Image Query Utility')
end_date = find_most_recent_date()
cYear = end_date[:4]
cMonth = end_date[4:6]
cDay = end_date[6:]
formatted_end_date = '-'.join([end_date[:4], end_date[4:6], end_date[6:]])
print('The most recent images have been detected on {}'.format(pretty_date( int(cYear), int(cMonth), int(cDay) )) + '..\n')
# Ask user for dates (valid date: 20150704 thru 20190627) -> EDIT: 20190627-20200301 is unavailabe (Back online as of 2MARCH2020)
input_date = input('Enter a date in YYYY-MM-DD format (2015-07-04 thru ' + formatted_end_date + ') (Press Enter for most recent): ')
if ( input_date == "" ): # user hit enter - no input
Year = cYear; y = int(Year)
Month = cMonth; m = int(Month)
Day = cDay; d = int(Day)
print("No input. Using the most recent date found: {}.".format(pretty_date(y, m, d)))
else: # found user input
Year, Month, Day = map(str, input_date.split('-')) # Need strings to maintain '01-09' as str instead of single digit int.
y, m, d = map(int, input_date.split('-')) # same, but int's for datetime
print("Invalid Input. Exiting.")
print('\nQuerying API for images on {}'.format(pretty_date(y, m, d)) + '..\n')
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Web version using similar code (using Python / Flask):

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