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Created May 18, 2016 13:07
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CoInductive Partial {A : Type} : Type :=
| Now : A -> Partial
| Later : Partial -> Partial.
Arguments Partial : clear implicits.
(** We can use this to loop. *)
CoFixpoint loop {A : Type} := @Later A loop.
Definition unfold_Partial {A : Type} : forall (px : Partial A),
px = match px with
| Now x => Now x
| Later px' => Later px'
Proof. destruct px; reflexivity. Qed.
(** Run a partial computation for n steps, returning the value if
we got a value in that many steps or fewer. *)
Fixpoint runPartial {A : Type} (px : Partial A)
(n : nat) : option A := match px with
| Now x => Some x
| Later px' => match n with
| 0 => None
| S n' => runPartial px n'
Inductive PEval {A} {a : A} : Partial A -> Prop :=
| PEvalNow : PEval (Now a)
| PEValLater : forall e', PEval e' -> PEval (Later e').
Arguments PEval {A} a e : clear implicits.
Record SemiDec {P : Type} :=
{ decide : Partial P
; decide_ok : P -> exists p, PEval p decide }.
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