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Created August 17, 2016 19:55
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<!-- Controller for the login dialog. See Client/Modules/session has a controller for the session and a service for login. -->
<section id="login" ng-show="!isAuthenticated || (isWaiting === true) " ng-controller="SessionController">
<div class="body-wrapper sign-in-bg">
<!--login page -->
<div class="sign-in-form">
<div class="OBSECURED-logo"></div>
<h1>University Name</h1>
<div class="col-lg-12">
<h3 ng-show="ssoEnabled == true">Loading . . .</h3>
<form role="form" class="sign-in" name="loginForm" ng-show="ssoEnabled == false">
<div class="form-group">
<!-- label class="aria-label sign-in" for="UserID"> User ID</label-->
<div class="form-group">
<input type="text" id="UserID" name="UserID" autocomplete="off" placeholder="User ID" autofocus
class="form-control input-sm user-name sign-in" ng-model="userId" required ng-click="resetButton('reset')" />
<div class="form-group">
<!-- label class="aria-label sign-in" for="UserPassword"> Password </label-->
<div class="form-group">
<div class="hideShowPassword-wrapper">
<input type="{{inputTypePassword ? 'password':'text'}}" id="UserPassword" name="UserPassword" placeholder="Password" autocomplete="off"
class="form-control input-sm user-password sign-in login-field-password hideShowPassword-field"
value="{{password}}" ng-model="userPassword" required ng-click="resetButton('reset')" />
<!-- i ng-click="hideShowPassword()" class="hideShowPassword cliackable" ng-class="{'fa fa-eye-slash': !inputTypePassword, 'fa fa-eye': inputTypePassword}"></i-->
<span class="hideShowPassword-icon-wrapper" ng-click="hideShowPassword()">
<svg ng-if="inputTypePassword" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" height="24" version="1.1">
<path fill="#fff" d="M 12 3.5 c -5.455 0 -10.145 3.382 -12 8.182 c 1.855 4.8 6.545 8.182 12 8.182 s 10.145 -3.382 12 -8.182 c -1.855 -4.8 -6.545 -8.182 -12 -8.182 Z M 12 17.136 c -3.055 0 -5.455 -2.4 -5.455 -5.455 s 2.4 -5.455 5.455 -5.455 c 3.055 0 5.455 2.4 5.455 5.455 s -2.4 5.455 -5.455 5.455 Z M 12 8.409 c -1.855 0 -3.273 1.418 -3.273 3.273 s 1.418 3.273 3.273 3.273 c 1.855 0 3.273 -1.418 3.273 -3.273 s -1.418 -3.273 -3.273 -3.273 Z" />
<svg ng-if="!inputTypePassword" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" height="24" version="1.1">
<path fill="#fff" d="M 12 5.864 c 3.055 0 5.455 2.4 5.455 5.455 c 0 0.655 -0.109 1.418 -0.436 1.964 l 3.164 3.164 c 1.636 -1.418 2.945 -3.164 3.709 -5.127 c -1.855 -4.8 -6.545 -8.182 -12 -8.182 c -1.527 0 -2.945 0.327 -4.364 0.764 l 2.4 2.4 c 0.655 -0.327 1.418 -0.436 2.073 -0.436 v 0 Z M 1.091 2.918 l 2.945 2.945 c -1.855 1.418 -3.273 3.273 -4.036 5.455 c 1.855 4.8 6.545 8.182 12 8.182 c 1.636 0 3.273 -0.327 4.8 -0.873 l 3.6 3.6 l 1.418 -1.418 l -19.309 -19.309 l -1.418 1.418 Z M 7.091 8.918 l 1.636 1.636 v 0.764 c 0 1.855 1.418 3.273 3.273 3.273 c 0.218 0 0.436 0 0.764 -0.109 l 1.636 1.636 c -0.764 0.436 -1.527 0.655 -2.4 0.655 c -3.055 0 -5.455 -2.4 -5.455 -5.455 c 0 -0.873 0.218 -1.636 0.545 -2.4 v 0 Z M 11.782 8.045 l 3.382 3.382 v -0.218 c 0 -1.855 -1.418 -3.273 -3.273 -3.273 c 0 0.109 0 0.109 -0.109 0.109 v 0 Z" />
<div class="form-group">
<a class="align-right" ng-click="showChangePassword()" ng-show="allowPasswordChange() && ssoEnabled == false">Change Password</a>
<input type="hidden" id="DatabasePassword" value=""></input>
<input type="hidden" id="WebServiceUrl" value="<%= serviceUrl %>"></input>
<input type="hidden" id="DasConnectString" value=""></input>
<button id="btnLogin" ng-class="(systemError != null && systemError != '' && userId != '') ? 'error-btn': '' " class="btn btn-xl btn-sign-in btn-block progress-button" ng-disabled="loginForm.$invalid" ng-click="login()">
<span class="text-danger" ng-show="systemError != null && systemError != '' && userId != ''">{{systemError}}</span>
<span ng-show="(systemError == null || systemError == '') && loginUnderProgress() === false && !isAuthenticated" class="text-secondary">Sign In</span>
<span ng-show="loginUnderProgress() === true && (systemError == null || systemError == '')" class="text-primary">Authenticating...</span>
<span ng-show="isAuthenticated" class="text-primary">{{loginProgress.message}}</span>
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