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Created July 31, 2012 13:35
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# Find the closest template to match a crashfile using the Normalised
# Compression Distance (NCD), defined as:
# NCD(x,y)=( C(xy) - min{C(x), C(y)} ) / max{C(x), C(y)}
# Based on my testing, LZMA works best, which is implemented in xz for *nix,
# bzip2 (Burrows-Wheeler) works well enough but zip doesn't differentiate well
# and will be flat out wrong sometimes.
# Author: Ben Nagy Copyright: Copyright (c) Ben Nagy, 2006-2012.
# License: The MIT License
# (See for details.)
require 'rubygems'
require 'parallel'
class MatchNCD
attr_reader :results
def initialize( crash_fnames, template_regex, max_size_delta=10000, max_cpus=false )
`which which` rescue fail "#{__FILE__}: Only unix supported, kthxbye"
if not `which xz`.empty?
@compressor="xz -9"
elsif not `which bzip2`.empty?
elsif not `which zip`.empty?
warn "#{self.to_s}: Warning - could only find zip, but zip sucks."
fail "#{__FILE__}: Can't find a useable compressor"
@cpus=( max_cpus || Parallel.processor_count )
fork {}
rescue NotImplementedError
raise ArgumentError, "Can't find any crashfiles" if crash_fnames.empty?
template_fnames=Dir.glob( File.expand_path( template_regex ) )
raise ArgumentError, "Can't find any templates using #{template_regex}" if template_fnames.empty?
# We only need to consider templates that are within the max size delta of
# at least one crashfile {|template|
crash_fnames.any? {|crash| (File.size( crash ) - File.size( template )).abs <= max_size_delta}
# Build a cache of all C(y) interesting_templates, @parallel_type=>@cpus ) {|template_fname|
comp_template_size=Integer(`cat #{template_fname} | #{@compressor} | wc -c`)
[template_fname, comp_template_size]
comp_template_sizes=Hash[*(comp_template_sizes.flatten)] {|crash_fname|
# cache C(x)
comp_crash_size=Integer(`cat #{crash_fname} | #{@compressor} | wc -c`) template_fnames, @parallel_type=>@cpus ) {|template_fname|
next if max_size_delta and (File.size( template_fname ) - File.size( crash_fname )).abs > max_size_delta
# Calculate C(xy)
comp_both_size=Integer(`cat #{template_fname} #{crash_fname} | #{@compressor} | wc -c`)
ncd=(comp_both_size.to_f - [comp_crash_size, comp_template_size].min) / [comp_crash_size, comp_template_size].max
[template_fname, ncd]
# lower is better
[crash_fname, results.compact.sort_by {|ary| ary[1]}]
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