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Created July 10, 2013 08:24
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ARGF.each_line {|line|
warn "Starting work on #{line.chomp}"
# expect a line like this:
# s3://commoncrawl-crawl-002/2010/09/24/9/1285380159663_9.arc.gz
proto,unused,bucket_name,*rest=line.chomp.split File::SEPARATOR
raise ArgumentError, "#{__FILE__}: Unknown S3 Protocol #{proto}" unless proto=~/^s3/
object_name=File.join rest
size=Integer( s3.buckets[bucket_name].objects[object_name].content_length )
warn "Reading from #{bucket_name.inspect}, #{object_name.inspect}, size #{size}"
ranges=(0..size).each_slice( CHUNKSIZE ).map {|ary| (ary.first..ary.last)}
# Ruby GzipReader is unable to unzip these files, so
# use unix tools, written by people who know what they
# are doing. Also means we don't need to eat much RAM,
# because everything is streaming.
Open3.popen3( 'gunzip -c' ) {|sin,sout,serr,thr|
# Create an ArcFile instance which will receive gunzip's stdout sout do
# Download chunks in the background and pipe them into gunzip
# as we receive them
ranges.each {|target_range|
chunk=s3.buckets[bucket_name].objects[object_name].read( :range => target_range )
raise $! if (retry_count-=1)<0
warn "Error (#{$!}) downloading #{target_range}, retrying."
sleep 1 and retry
sin.write chunk
sin.close # which will send an EOF to the ArcFile
# Now we have a lazy ArcFile that we can treat as an Enumerable.
arcfile.each {|header, body|
# mimetype and URL extension (but don't keep ? params to php urls etc)
puts( "#{header.split[3]}".ljust(25) << "#{File.extname( header.split.first ).split('?').first}".ljust(15) )
warn "Failed to process #{line}: #{$!}"
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