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Created April 19, 2018 01:57
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#!/usr/bin/env python
Maya mixin classes to add common functionality for custom PyQt/PySide widgets in Maya.
* MayaQWidgetBaseMixin Mixin that should be applied to all custom QWidgets created for Maya
to automatically handle setting the objectName and parenting
* MayaQWidgetDockableMixin Mixin that adds dockable capabilities within Maya controlled with
the show() function
import uuid
from maya import cmds
from maya import mel
from maya import OpenMayaUI as omui
# Import available PySide or PyQt package, as it will work with both
from PySide.QtCore import Qt, QPoint, QSize
from PySide.QtCore import Signal
from PySide.QtGui import *
from shiboken import wrapInstance
_qtImported = 'PySide'
except ImportError, e1:
from PyQt4.QtCore import Qt, QPoint, QSize
from PyQt4.QtCore import pyqtSignal as Signal
from PyQt4.QtGui import *
from sip import wrapinstance as wrapInstance
_qtImported = 'PyQt4'
except ImportError, e2:
raise ImportError, '%s, %s'%(e1,e2)
class MayaQWidgetBaseMixin(object):
Handle common actions for Maya Qt widgets during initialization:
* auto-naming a Widget so it can be looked up as a string through
* parenting the widget under the main maya window if no parent is explicitly
specified so not to have the Window disappear when the instance variable
goes out of scope
Integration Notes:
Inheritance ordering: This class must be placed *BEFORE* the Qt class for proper execution
This is needed to workaround a bug where PyQt/PySide does not call super() in its own __init__ functions
class MyQWidget(MayaQWidgetBaseMixin, QPushButton):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(MyQWidget, self).__init__(parent=parent)
self.setText('Push Me')
myWidget = MyQWidget()
print myWidget.objectName()
def __init__(self, parent=None, *args, **kwargs):
super(MayaQWidgetBaseMixin, self).__init__(parent=parent, *args, **kwargs) # Init all baseclasses (including QWidget) of the main class
def _initForMaya(self, parent=None, *args, **kwargs):
Handle the auto-parenting and auto-naming.
parent (string)
Explicitly specify the QWidget parent. If 'None', then automatically
parent under the main Maya window
# Set parent to Maya main window if parent=None
if parent == None:
# Set a unique object name string so Maya can easily look it up
if self.objectName() == '':
self.setObjectName('%s_%s'%(self.__class__.__name__, uuid.uuid4()))
def _makeMayaStandaloneWindow(self):
'''Make a standalone window, though parented under Maya's mainWindow.
The parenting under Maya's mainWindow is done so that the QWidget will not
auto-destroy itself when the instance variable goes out of scope.
origParent = self.parent()
# Parent under the main Maya window
mainWindowPtr = omui.MQtUtil.mainWindow()
mainWindow = wrapInstance(long(mainWindowPtr), QMainWindow)
# Make this widget appear as a standalone window even though it is parented
if isinstance(self, QDockWidget):
# Delete the parent QDockWidget if applicable
if isinstance(origParent, QDockWidget):
class MayaQDockWidget(MayaQWidgetBaseMixin,QDockWidget):
'''QDockWidget tailored for use with Maya.
Mimics the behavior performed by Maya's internal QMayaDockWidget class and the dockControl command
closeEventTriggered: emitted when a closeEvent occurs
:Known Issues:
* Manually dragging the DockWidget to dock in the Main MayaWindow will have it resize to the 'sizeHint' size
of the child widget() instead of preserving its existing size.
# Custom Signals
closeEventTriggered = Signal() # Qt Signal triggered when closeEvent occurs
def __init__(self, parent=None, *args, **kwargs):
super(MayaQDockWidget, self).__init__(parent=parent, *args, **kwargs) # Init all baseclasses (including QWidget) of the main class
# == Mimic operations performed by Maya internal QmayaDockWidget ==
# WORKAROUND: The mainWindow.handleDockWidgetVisChange may not be present on some PyQt and PySide systems.
# Handle case if it fails to connect to the attr.
mainWindowPtr = omui.MQtUtil.mainWindow()
mainWindow = wrapInstance(long(mainWindowPtr), QMainWindow)
except AttributeError, e:
# Error connecting visibilityChanged trigger to mainWindow.handleDockWidgetVisChange.
# Falling back to using MEL command directly.
mel.eval('evalDeferred("updateEditorToggleCheckboxes()")') # Currently mainWindow.handleDockWidgetVisChange only makes this updateEditorToggleCheckboxes call
def setArea(self, area):
'''Set the docking area
# Skip setting the area if no area value passed in
if area == Qt.NoDockWidgetArea:
# Mimic operations performed by Maya dockControl command
mainWindowPtr = omui.MQtUtil.mainWindow()
mainWindow = wrapInstance(long(mainWindowPtr), QMainWindow)
childrenList = mainWindow.children()
foundDockWidgetToTab = False
for child in childrenList:
# Create Tabbed dock if a QDockWidget already at that area
if (child != self) and (isinstance(child, QDockWidget)):
if not child.isHidden() and not child.isFloating():
if mainWindow.dockWidgetArea(child) == area:
mainWindow.tabifyDockWidget(child, self)
foundDockWidgetToTab = True
# If no other QDockWidget at that area, then just add it
if not foundDockWidgetToTab:
mainWindow.addDockWidget(area, self)
def resizeEvent(self, evt):
'''Store off the 'savedSize' property used by Maya's QMainWindow to set the
size of the widget when it is being docked.
self.setProperty('savedSize', self.size())
return super(MayaQDockWidget, self).resizeEvent(evt)
def closeEvent(self, evt):
'''Hide the QDockWidget and trigger the closeEventTriggered signal
# Handle the standard closeEvent()
super(MayaQDockWidget, self).closeEvent(evt)
if evt.isAccepted():
# Force visibility to False
self.setVisible(False) # since this does not seem to have happened already
# Emit that a close event is occurring
class MayaQWidgetDockableMixin(MayaQWidgetBaseMixin):
Handle Maya dockable actions controlled with the show() function.
Integration Notes:
Inheritance ordering: This class must be placed *BEFORE* the Qt class for proper execution
This is needed to workaround a bug where PyQt/PySide does not call super() in its own __init__ functions
class MyQWidget(MayaQWidgetDockableMixin, QPushButton):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(MyQWidget, self).__init__(parent=parent)
self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Preferred, QSizePolicy.Preferred )
self.setText('Push Me')
myWidget = MyQWidget()
print myWidget.showRepr()
def setDockableParameters(self, dockable=None, floating=None, area=None, allowedArea=None, width=None, height=None, x=None, y=None, allowedAreas=None, *args, **kwargs):
Set the dockable parameters.
dockable (bool)
Specify if the window is dockable (default=False)
floating (bool)
Should the window be floating or docked (default=True)
area (string)
Default area to dock into (default='left')
Options: 'top', 'left', 'right', 'bottom'
allowedArea (string)
Allowed dock areas (default='all')
Options: 'top', 'left', 'right', 'bottom', 'all'
width (int)
Width of the window
height (int)
Height of the window
x (int)
left edge of the window
y (int)
top edge of the window
:See: show(), hide(), and setVisible()
if (dockable == True) or (dockable == None and self.isDockable()): # == Handle docked window ==
# Conversion parameters (used below)
dockAreaStrMap = {
'left' : Qt.LeftDockWidgetArea,
'right' : Qt.RightDockWidgetArea,
'top' : Qt.TopDockWidgetArea,
'bottom' : Qt.BottomDockWidgetArea,
'all' : Qt.AllDockWidgetAreas,
'none' : Qt.NoDockWidgetArea, # Note: Not currently supported in maya dockControl command
# Create dockControl (QDockWidget) if needed
if dockable == True and not self.isDockable():
# Retrieve original position and size
# Position
if x == None:
x = self.x()
if y == None:
y = self.y()
# Size
unininitializedSize = QSize(640,480) # Hardcode: (640,480) is the default size for a QWidget
if self.size() == unininitializedSize:
# Get size from widget sizeHint if size not yet initialized (before the first show())
widgetSizeHint = self.sizeHint()
widgetSizeHint = self.size() # use the current size of the widget
if width == None:
width = widgetSizeHint.width()
if height == None:
height = widgetSizeHint.height()
# Create the QDockWidget
dockWidget = MayaQDockWidget()
# By default, when making dockable, make it floating
# This addresses an issue on Windows with the window decorators
# not showing up. Setting this here will cause setFloating() to be called below.
if floating == None:
floating = True
# Hook up signals
if floating == True:
# Retrieve original position (if floating)
pos = self.parent().mapToGlobal( QPoint(0,0) )
if x == None:
x = pos.x()
if y == None:
y = pos.y()
# Retrieve original size
if width == None:
width = self.width()
if height == None:
height = self.height()
# Get dock widget identifier
dockWidget = self.parent()
# Update dock values
if area != None:
areaValue = dockAreaStrMap.get(area, Qt.LeftDockWidgetArea)
if allowedArea != None:
areaValue = dockAreaStrMap.get(allowedArea, Qt.AllDockWidgetAreas)
if floating != None:
if allowedAreas is not None:
allowedAreas = [dockAreaStrMap.get(allowedArea, Qt.AllDockWidgetAreas) for allowedArea in allowedAreas]
areas = allowedAreas[0]
for area in allowedAreas[1:]:
areas |= area
# Position window
if dockWidget.isFloating() and ((x != None) or (y != None)):
dockPos = dockWidget.mapToGlobal( QPoint(0,0) )
if x == None:
x = dockPos.x()
if y == None:
y = dockPos.y()
if (width != None) or (height != None):
if width == None:
width = self.width()
if height == None:
height = self.height()
# Perform first resize on dock, determine delta with widget, and resize with that adjustment
# Result: Keeps the content widget at the same size whether under the QDockWidget or a standalone window
dockWidget.resize(width, height) # Size once to know the difference in the dockWidget to the targetSize
dockWidgetSize = dockWidget.size() + QSize(width,height)-self.size() # find the delta and add it to the current dock size
# Perform the final resize (call MayaQDockWidget.resize() which also sets the 'savedSize' property used for sizing when docking to the Maya MainWindow)
else: # == Handle Standalone Window ==
# Make standalone as needed
if dockable == False and self.isDockable():
# Retrieve original position and size
dockPos = self.parent().mapToGlobal( QPoint(0,0) )
if x == None:
x = dockPos.x()
if y == None:
y = dockPos.y()
if width == None:
width = self.width()
if height == None:
height = self.height()
# Turn into a standalone window and reposition
currentVisibility = self.isVisible()
self._makeMayaStandaloneWindow() # Set the parent back to Maya and remove the parent dock widget
# Handle position and sizing
if (width != None) or (height != None):
if width == None:
width = self.width()
if height == None:
height = self.height()
self.resize(width, height)
if (x != None) or (y != None):
if x == None:
x = self.x()
if y == None:
y = self.y()
def show(self, *args, **kwargs):
Show the QWidget window. Overrides standard
:See: setDockableParameters() for a list of parameters
# Update the dockable parameters first (if supplied)
if len(args) or len(kwargs):
self.setDockableParameters(*args, **kwargs)
# Handle the standard setVisible() operation of show()
QWidget.setVisible(self, True) # NOTE: Explicitly calling QWidget.setVisible() as using super() breaks in PySide: super(self.__class__, self).show()
# Handle special case if the parent is a QDockWidget (dockControl)
parent = self.parent()
if isinstance(parent, QDockWidget):
def hide(self, *args, **kwargs):
'''Hides the widget. Will hide the parent widget if it is a QDockWidget.
Overrides standard QWidget.hide()
# Update the dockable parameters first (if supplied)
if len(args) or len(kwargs):
self.setDockableParameters(*args, **kwargs)
# Handle special case if the parent is a QDockWidget (dockControl)
parent = self.parent()
if isinstance(parent, QDockWidget):
QWidget.setVisible(self, False) # NOTE: Explicitly calling QWidget.setVisible() as using super() breaks in PySide: super(self.__class__, self).show()
def setVisible(self, makeVisible, *args, **kwargs):
Show/hide the QWidget window. Overrides standard QWidget.setVisible() to pass along additional arguments
:See: show() and hide()
if (makeVisible == True):
return*args, **kwargs)
return self.hide(*args, **kwargs)
def raise_(self):
'''Raises the widget to the top. Will raise the parent widget if it is a QDockWidget.
Overrides standard QWidget.raise_()
# Handle special case if the parent is a QDockWidget (dockControl)
parent = self.parent()
if isinstance(parent, QDockWidget):
QWidget.raise_(self) # NOTE: Explicitly using QWidget as using super() breaks in PySide: super(self.__class__, self).show()
def isDockable(self):
'''Return if the widget is currently dockable (under a QDockWidget)
:Return: bool
parent = self.parent()
return isinstance(parent, QDockWidget)
def isFloating(self):
'''Return if the widget is currently floating (under a QDockWidget)
Will return True if is a standalone window OR is a floating dockable window.
:Return: bool
parent = self.parent()
if not isinstance(parent, QDockWidget):
return True
return parent.isFloating()
def floatingChanged(self, isFloating):
'''Triggered when QDockWidget.topLevelChanged() signal is triggered.
Stub function. Override to perform actions when this happens.
def dockCloseEventTriggered(self):
'''Triggered when QDockWidget.closeEventTriggered() signal is triggered.
Stub function. Override to perform actions when this happens.
def dockArea(self):
'''Return area if the widget is currently docked to the Maya MainWindow
Will return None if not dockable
:Return: str
dockControlQt = self.parent()
if not isinstance(dockControlQt, QDockWidget):
return None
mainWindowPtr = omui.MQtUtil.mainWindow()
mainWindow = wrapInstance(long(mainWindowPtr), QMainWindow)
dockAreaMap = {
Qt.LeftDockWidgetArea : 'left',
Qt.RightDockWidgetArea : 'right',
Qt.TopDockWidgetArea : 'top',
Qt.BottomDockWidgetArea : 'bottom',
Qt.AllDockWidgetAreas : 'all',
Qt.NoDockWidgetArea : 'none', # Note: 'none' not supported in maya dockControl command
dockWidgetAreaBitmap = mainWindow.dockWidgetArea(dockControlQt)
return dockAreaMap[dockWidgetAreaBitmap]
def setWindowTitle(self, val):
'''Sets the QWidget's title and also it's parent QDockWidget's title if dockable.
:Return: None
# Handle the standard setVisible() operation of show()
QWidget.setWindowTitle(self, val) # NOTE: Explicitly calling QWidget.setWindowTitle() as using super() breaks in PySide: super(self.__class__, self).show()
# Handle special case if the parent is a QDockWidget (dockControl)
parent = self.parent()
if isinstance(parent, QDockWidget):
def showRepr(self):
'''Present a string of the parameters used to reproduce the current state of the
widget used in the show() command.
:Return: str
reprDict = {}
reprDict['dockable'] = self.isDockable()
reprDict['floating'] = self.isFloating()
reprDict['area'] = self.dockArea()
#reprDict['allowedArea'] = ??
if reprDict['dockable'] == True:
dockCtrl = self.parent()
pos = dockCtrl.mapToGlobal( QPoint(0,0) )
pos = self.pos()
sz = self.geometry().size()
reprDict['x'] = pos.x()
reprDict['y'] = pos.y()
reprDict['width'] = sz.width()
reprDict['height'] = sz.height()
# Construct the repr show() string
reprShowList = ['%s=%r'%(k,v) for k,v in reprDict.items() if v != None]
reprShowStr = 'show(%s)'%(', '.join(reprShowList))
return reprShowStr
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