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Last active June 7, 2019 14:56
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Swiss army knife when debugging low-level bit manipulation
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
module Bytes where
import Prelude hiding ((>>))
data Endian = Big | Little deriving(Eq, Ord)
data Interp = Signed | Unsigned deriving(Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Show Endian where
show Little = "L hi<-lo"
show Big = "B lo->hi"
newtype Width = Width Int deriving(Show, Eq, Ord, Num)
-- | list of bytes
data B = B [Bool] Endian Interp
instance Show B where
show bs@(B xs endian i) =
"[ix:0]" <>
(map (\x -> if x then '1' else '0') xs) <>
"[ix:" <> show ((length xs) - 1) <> "]" <>
" " <>
show endian <>
" " <>
show i <>
" " <>
"[" <> show (if i == Signed then int bs else uint bs) <> "]"
type Error = String
(//) :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
(//) = div
(%) :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
(%) = rem
ui2b :: Integer -> Width -> Endian -> B
ui2b i (Width w) e =
if i >= 2 ^ w
then error ("integer: [" <> show i <> "|log: " <> show ((log . fromInteger $ i) / (log . fromInteger $ 2)) <> "] greater that width: " <> show w)
let bits = flip map [0..(w-1)] $ \ix -> (i // (2 ^ ix)) % 2 == 1
in B (if e == Little then bits else reverse bits) e Unsigned
i2b :: Integer -> Width -> Endian -> B
i2b i (Width w) e
| i >= 2^(w-1) = error "integer greater than 2^(w-1) - 1"
| i < -2^w = error "integer less than -2^w"
| i >= 0 = let (B bs _ _) = ui2b i (Width $ w - 1) Little
bits = False:bs
in B (if e == Little then bits else reverse bits) e Signed
| i < 0 = let (B bits _ _) = ui2b ((negate i) + 1) (Width $ w) Little
in B (if e == Little then bits else reverse bits) e Signed
ui32l :: Integer -> B
ui32l i = ui2b i 32 Little
bytesUint64L :: Integer -> B
bytesUint64L i = ui2b i 64 Little
bytesUint128L :: Integer -> B
bytesUint128L i = ui2b i 128 Little
-- | Treat boolean as integer
boolAsInt :: Bool -> Integer
boolAsInt True = 1
boolAsInt False = 0
-- | Convert sequence to unsigned integer
uint :: B -> Integer
uint (B bs Little _) = let w = length bs
in sum (flip map [0..w -1] $ \ix -> (2^ix) * boolAsInt (bs !! ix))
-- | Convert sequence to signed integer
int :: B -> Integer
int b@(B bits Little s) =
if last bits -- ^ highest bit = 1 => negative
then ((-1) * uint b) + 1
else uint (B (init bits) Little s)
width :: B -> Width
width (B bs _ _) = Width . length $ bs
-- | Convert to little endian
little :: B -> B
little b@(B _ Little _) = b
little (B bs Big s) = B (reverse bs) Little s
-- | Convert to big endian
big :: B -> B
big b@(B _ Big _ ) = b
big (B bs Little s) = B (reverse bs) Big s
-- | Left shift
(<<) :: B -> Int -> B
(<<) (B bs Little s) n =
let w = length bs
in B (flip map [0..w-1] $ \i -> if (i - n) < 0 then False else bs !! (i - n)) Little s
(<<) b n = big $ little b << n
-- | Right shift
(>>) :: B -> Int -> B
(>>) (B bs Little s) n =
let w = length bs
in B (flip map [0..w-1] $ \i -> if (i + n) >= w then False else bs !! (i + n)) Little s
(>>) b n = big $ little b >> n
-- | Lift a bitwise function to a function for these
bitwise :: (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) -> B -> B -> B
bitwise f (B bs e s) (B bs' e' s')
| e == e' && length bs == length bs' = B (zipWith f bs bs') e s -- ^ TODO: decide what to do when signs don't match
| e /= e' = error "endian-nesses not equal"
| otherwise = error "widths not equal"
(#&) :: B -> B -> B
(#&) = bitwise (&&)
(#|) :: B -> B -> B
(#|) = bitwise (||)
(#!) :: B -> B
(#!) (B bs e s) = B (map not bs) e s
(#^) :: B -> B -> B
(#^) = bitwise (\x y -> (x && not y) || (not x && y))
-- | Truncate to N bits, from least to most significant
trunc :: B -> Int -> B
trunc (B bs Little s) n = B (take n bs) Little s
trunc b n = big $ trunc (little b) n
-- | Slice bits [ixlow,.., ixhigh] and change the width to the new width
slice :: B -> (Int, Int) -> B
slice (B bs Little s) (lo, hi) =
let len = hi - lo + 1
in B (take len (drop lo bs)) Little s
-- | Get the Nth block of width W
block :: Width -> Int -> B -> B
block (Width w) ix b = slice b (w*ix, w*(ix+1) - 1)
-- | make a block signed
signed :: B -> B
signed (B bs e _) = B bs e Signed
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