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2013-02-25_21:21:37.54324 0 [main] WARN com.mapr.franz.server.ClusterState - connecting to localhost:2108
2013-02-25_21:40:54.42294 1156878 [New I/O worker #5] WARN - Exception caught during RPC connection handshake.
2013-02-25_21:40:54.42299 Protocol message end-group tag did not match expected tag.
2013-02-25_21:40:54.42300 at
2013-02-25_21:40:54.42300 at
2013-02-25_21:40:54.42301 at$Builder.mergeFrom(
2013-02-25_21:40:54.42302 at$Builder.mergeFrom(
2013-02-25_21:40:54.42302 at$Builder.mergeFrom(
boorad / server.log
Last active December 13, 2015 23:29
0 [main] WARN com.mapr.franz.server.ClusterState - connecting to localhost:2108
489 [main-EventThread] INFO com.mapr.franz.server.ClusterState - SyncConnected
987 [main] INFO com.mapr.franz.server.ClusterState - Server -3851085439804092173 reading from status directory /franz
1681 [main] INFO com.mapr.franz.server.ClusterState - Entries: [ca8e323248cc50f3], our file: ca8e323248cc50f3
1681 [main] INFO com.mapr.franz.server.ClusterState - Server -3851085439804092173 read 1 entries in status directory
1681 [main] INFO com.mapr.franz.server.ClusterState - Server -3851085439804092173 has position 0
6964 [main] INFO - Registered Blocking CatcherService allowTimeout=Y
18575 [New I/O worker #1] DEBUG - Received [2]ConnectRequest.
18579 [New I/O worker #1] DEBUG - Sending [2]ConnectResponse.
18591 [New
boorad /
Created November 12, 2012 19:21
sudo to sesudo
declare -a args
while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do
case "$1" in
-n) shift ;;
*) args=("${args[@]}" "$1") ; shift ;;
ERL ?= erl
APP := koth
.PHONY: deps
all: deps
@./rebar compile
@./rebar get-deps
%%-*- mode: erlang -*-
{deps, [
{webmachine, "1.8.*",
{git, "git://", "HEAD"}},
{ibrowse, ".*",
{git, "git://", "master"}},
{bcrypt, ".*",
{git, "", {tag, "0.4.1"}}},
{epgsql, ".*",
{git, "", {branch, "master"}}}
boorad / gist:775184
Created January 11, 2011 21:28
just... damn.
An innovative and creative leader who excels in strategic planning, distribution development and execution,
analysis of inventory levels and strategic partnerships. Excellent communication and presentation skills.
Core strength in building and cultivating value based distributor relationships generating high impact results
and creating new avenues for growth. Proven ability to foster a team focused environment, fully leveraging cross
functional collaboration among key stakeholders to achieve objectives and develop effective consumer engagement
strategies and realize ROI.
-export([setup/0, go/0, oh/0]).
setup() ->
% assuming dist. erlang already set up across nodes
rpc:multicall(rexi, start, []).
%% submit the jobs to individual workers (a little verbose for illustration)
go() ->
%% @author Bob Ippolito <>
%% @copyright 2007 Mochi Media, Inc.
%% @doc Yet another JSON (RFC 4627) library for Erlang. mochijson2 works
%% with binaries as strings, arrays as lists (without an {array, _})
%% wrapper and it only knows how to decode UTF-8 (and ASCII).
-export([encoder/1, encode/1]).
% fprof:apply(M, F, A)
% fprof:profile()
% fprof:analyse()
-module (reads_bench).
-export ([doit/2]).
doit(Conns, Reps) ->
Begin = erlang:now(),
Self = self(),