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Last active March 28, 2020 11:57
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Population pyramid
license: mit
height: 500

Population pyramid built against live data from the Statistics Iceland API. This experiments with ES6 features so a cutting edge browser is required for viewing.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset='utf-8'>
svg {
font: 11px sans-serif;
.axis {
shape-rendering: crispEdges;
.axis .domain {
fill: none;
stroke: #666;
stroke-width: 1px;
.axis line {
stroke: #000;
rect.male {
fill: #3388EE;
rect.female {
fill: #EEAACC;
.handle {
stroke: #000;
fill: #ccc;
<script src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script src="px_client.js"></script>
var dim_handlers = {
'Ár': {
'parser': d => +d
, 'label': 'year'
, 'select': d => true
, 'Aldur': {
'parser': d => /^\d+/.test( d ) ? parseInt( d, 10 ) : 0
, 'label': 'age'
, 'select': d => !/^\s*Alls\s*$/i.test( d )
, 'Kyn': {
'parser': d => d === 'Karlar' ? 'male' : 'female'
, 'label': 'sex'
, 'select': d => !/^\s*Alls\s*$/i.test( d )
load_px_data( '//'
, dim_handlers
, function ( err, data ) {
var margin = { top: 10, right: 10, bottom: 10, left: 10 }
, width = 960 - margin.left - margin.right
, height = 500 - - margin.bottom
, gutter = 30
, pyramid_h = height - 105
, dom_age = d3.extent( data, d => d.age )
, dom_year = d3.extent( data, d => d.year )
, dom_value = d3.extent( data, d => d.value )
, formatter = d3.format( ',d' )
, barheight = ( pyramid_h / ( dom_age[1] - dom_age[0] ) ) - 0.5
, cx = width / 2
var svg = 'body' ).append( 'svg' )
.attr( 'width', width + margin.left + margin.right )
.attr( 'height', height + + margin.bottom )
.append( 'g' )
.attr( 'transform', `translate(${margin.left},${})` );
var svg_text_m = svg.append( 'text' )
.attr( 'transform', `translate(${cx-250},10)` )
.style( 'font', '15px sans-serif' )
.attr( 'text-anchor', 'start' );
var svg_text_f = svg.append( 'text' )
.attr( 'transform', `translate(${cx+250},10)` )
.style( 'font', '15px sans-serif' )
.attr( 'text-anchor', 'end' );
var svg_text_t = svg.append( 'text' )
.attr( 'transform', `translate(${cx},${pyramid_h+55})` )
.style( 'font', '15px sans-serif' )
.attr( 'text-anchor', 'middle' );
function uptext ( root, lines ) {
var lines = this.selectAll( 'tspan' ).data( this.datum() );
lines.text( d => d );
lines.enter().append( 'tspan' )
.attr( 'x', 0 )
.attr( 'dy', (d,i) => ( i * 1.2 ) + 'em' )
.text( d => d );
return this;
// year axis
var s_year = d3.scale.linear()
.domain( dom_year )
.range([ 0, 400 ])
.clamp( true );
var ax_year = d3.svg.axis()
.scale( s_year )
.orient( 'bottom' )
.ticks( 8 )
.tickFormat( String );
var svg_axis_year = svg.append( 'g' )
.attr( 'class', 'axis year' )
.attr( 'transform', `translate(${cx-200},${pyramid_h+85})` )
.call( ax_year );
// age axis
var s_age = d3.scale.linear()
.domain( dom_age.concat().reverse() )
.range([ 0, pyramid_h ]);
var ax_age_l = d3.svg.axis()
.scale( s_age )
.orient( 'left' )
.tickFormat( d => s_age( d ) ? '' + d : '' );
var ax_age_svg = svg.append( 'g' )
.attr( 'class', 'axis age' )
.attr( 'transform', `translate(${cx+gutter/2+10},0)` )
.call( ax_age_l );
ax_age_svg.append( 'text' )
.attr( 'dy', '.32em' )
ax_age_svg.selectAll( 'text' )
.attr( 'x', -gutter/2-10 )
.style( 'text-anchor', 'middle' );
var ax_age_r = d3.svg.axis()
.scale( s_age )
.orient( 'right' )
.tickFormat( d => '' );
svg.append( 'g' )
.attr( 'class', 'axis age' )
.attr( 'transform', `translate(${cx-gutter/2-10},0)` )
.call( ax_age_r );
// population axen
var s_value = d3.scale.linear()
.domain( dom_value )
.range([ 0, 250 ]);
// male population axis
var s_male = d3.scale.linear()
.domain( dom_value.reverse() )
.range([ 0, 250 ]);
var ax_male = d3.svg.axis()
.scale( s_male )
.orient( 'bottom' )
.ticks( 5 )
.tickFormat( formatter );
svg.append( 'g' )
.attr( 'class', 'axis population male' )
.attr( 'transform',
`translate(${cx-250-gutter},${pyramid_h+5})` )
.call( ax_male );
// female population axis
var ax_female = d3.svg.axis()
.scale( s_value )
.orient( 'bottom' )
.ticks( 5 )
.tickFormat( formatter );
svg.append( 'g' )
.attr( 'class', 'axis population female' )
.attr( 'transform', `translate(${cx+gutter},${pyramid_h+5})` )
.call( ax_female );
// population bars
var bars = svg.append( 'g' )
.attr( 'class', 'pyramid population' );
function update ( current_year, animate ) {
var _data = data.filter( d => d.year === current_year )
, isMale = d => === 'male'
, x_pos = d => {
return isMale( d )
? cx - gutter - s_value( d.value )
: cx + gutter;
, total = d3.sum( _data, d => d.value )
, m_total = d3.sum( _data, d => isMale( d ) ? d.value : 0 )
svg_text_m.datum([ 'Males', formatter( m_total ) ])
.call( uptext );
svg_text_f.datum([ 'Females', formatter( total - m_total ) ])
.call( uptext );
svg_text_t.datum([ `Total population of Iceland in
${current_year} was ${formatter(total)}` ])
.call( uptext );
var bar = bars.selectAll( '.bar' ).data( _data );
bar.transition().duration( animate ? 450 : 0 )
.attr( 'width', d => s_value( d.value ) )
.attr( 'x', x_pos );
bar.enter().append( 'rect' )
.attr( 'class', d => 'bar ' + )
.attr( 'height', barheight )
.attr( 'width', d => s_value( d.value ) )
.attr( 'x', x_pos )
.attr( 'y', d => s_age( d.age ) - barheight/2 );
// current year
var curr_point = d3.svg.symbol()
.type( 'triangle-down' )
.size( 100 );
var brush = d3.svg.brush()
.x( s_year )
.extent([ dom_year[ 1 ], dom_year[ 1 ] ])
.on( 'brush', onbrush );
var slider = svg_axis_year.append( 'g' )
.attr( 'class', 'slider' )
.call( brush );
slider.selectAll( '.extent,.resize' ).remove(); '.background' )
.attr( 'y', -20 )
.attr( 'height', 40 );
var handle = slider.append( 'path' )
.attr( 'class', 'handle' )
.attr( 'd', curr_point );
function onbrush () {
var value = brush.extent()[ 0 ]
, animate = true;
if ( d3.event && d3.event.sourceEvent ) {
if ( d3.event.sourceEvent.type === 'mousemove' ) {
animate = false;
value = d3.round( s_year.invert( d3.mouse( this )[ 0 ] ) );
brush.extent([ value, value ]);
handle.attr( 'transform', `translate(${s_year(value)},-10)` );
update( value, animate );
function convert_px_data ( dataset, handlers, callback ) {
var dims = dataset.dimension;
// id's and sizes are listed in reverse order
// for some bizarre reason
dims.size = dims.size.reverse(); =;
// allow quick index-to-dimension-value lookups id => {
var dim = dims[ id ]
, cat = dim.category
, handler = handlers[ id ]
dim.lookup = {};
for ( var key in cat.index ) {
var index = cat.index[ key ]
, label = cat.label[ key ]
.trim().replace( /\s+/, ' ' )
if ( handler && handler.parser ) {
label = handler.parser( label );
dim.lookup[ index ] = label;
// convert data stream to 'fact' objects
var data = (d, i) => {
var fact = { 'value': d }
, mul = 1
dims.size.forEach( (size, dim_idx) => {
var cat_idx = ~~( i / mul ) % size
, dim = dims[[ dim_idx ] ]
, handler = handlers[[ dim_idx ] ]
, label = ( handler && handler.label ) || dim.label
fact[ label ] = dim.lookup[ cat_idx ];
mul = mul * size;
return fact;
callback( null, data );
function load_px_data ( data_url, handlers, callback ) {
d3.json( data_url, dimspec => {
var query = ( dim ) {
var handler = handlers[ dim.code ]
, sel = []; ( val, idx ) {
if ( !handler || ! || val ) ) {
sel.push( dim.values[ idx ] )
return { 'code': dim.code
, 'selection': { 'filter': 'item'
, 'values': sel } };
var post_data = { 'query': query
, 'response': { 'format': 'json-stat' } };
d3.xhr( data_url )
.response(function ( req ) {
return JSON.parse( req.responseText );
.post( JSON.stringify( post_data ), function ( e, d ) {
convert_px_data( d.dataset, handlers, callback );
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