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Last active October 26, 2022 17:09
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gf=git fetch $*
gs=git status $*
gst=git stash $*
gp=git pull $*
gc=git commit -am $*
gcn=git commit -n -am $*
gck=git checkout $*
gps=git push $*
gcm=git checkout master $*
grh=git reset --hard $*
gnb=git checkout -b $*
gpsf=git push --force-with-lease $*
rebase=git pull --rebase origin master $*
clone=git clone $*
squash=git rebase -i HEAD~$*
gdab=git branch | grep -v "master" | xargs git branch -D
del=rm -rf $* && echo "Deleted Successfully!!!"
y=yarn $*
yi=yarn install $*
ys=yarn start $*
yl=yarn lint $*
yt=yarn test $*
ytw=yarn test --watch $*
yad=yarn add $* && yarn yarn-deduplicate yarn.lock
n=npm $*
ni=npm install $*
ns=npm start $*
nr=npm run $*
nb=npm run build $*
nl=npm run lint $*
nt=npm run test $*
ntc=npm run typecheck $*
ntw=npm run test --watch $*
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