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Created January 12, 2020 21:56
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Managing babashka deps manually with git
(require '[babashka.classpath :refer [add-classpath]]
'[ :refer [sh with-sh-dir]]
'[ :as io])
(def script-dir (.getParentFile (io/file *file*)))
(def libs-dir (.getPath (io/file script-dir "lib")))
(defn add-github-lib [username libname sha]
(let [lib-dir (io/file libs-dir libname)]
(when-not (.exists lib-dir)
(sh "mkdir" "-p" libs-dir)
(with-sh-dir libs-dir (sh "git" "clone" (str "" username "/" libname) ))
(with-sh-dir lib-dir (sh "git" "reset" "--hard" sha)))
(add-classpath (.getPath (io/file lib-dir "src")))))
(add-github-lib "borkdude" "spartan.spec" "ff7317d67ec15f188afb856d37090e5c9509374e")
(add-github-lib "borkdude" "medley" "91adfb5da33f8d23f75f0894da1defe567a625c0")
(require '[spartan.spec :as s])
(s/explain (s/cat :i int? :j string?) [10 :foo])
(require '[medley.core :refer [map-vals]])
(prn (map-vals inc {:a 1 :b 1}))
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Screenshot 2020-01-12 22 58 06

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