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Function: ACE_fnc_deleteLoadCargo
A function used to delete cargo from a vehicle.
_veh - Vehicle to load cargo into. (Must exist) [Object]
_cargo - Cargo object to load. (Must exist) [Array of one or more objects]
bosoy / BIS_fnc_configExtremes.sqf
Created December 9, 2017 20:36
BIS_fnc_configExtremes (arma 3) for arma 2
Author: Karel Moricky
Scan config paths and return min and max values for each property.
Can be used only for properties of type number and array (value is geometric mean of all numbers in the array)
0: ARRAY of CONFIGs - scanned paths. Most often result of configClasses command
1: ARRAY or STRINGs - properties, e.g., ["maxRange","reloadTime"]
bosoy / BIS_fnc_param.sqf
Created December 9, 2017 20:33
BIS_fnc_param for arma 2
Author: Karel Moricky
Define script parameter
_this select 0: ARRAY - list of params
_this select 1: NUMBER - selected index
_this select 2 (Optional): ANY - default param (used when param is missing or of wrong type)
bosoy / fnc_configclasses.sqf
Last active December 9, 2017 19:39
аналог configclasses из а3
Autor^ Dimon UA
Returns an array of config entries which meet criteria in condition code.
Command iterates through all available config sub classes of the given config class.
Current looked at config is stored in _x variable (similar to alternative count command implementation).
Condition has to return true in order for the looked at config to be added to the resulting array.
[config,condition] call fnc_configClasses
File: BD_fnc_formatarraybaseParent.sqf
Author: Dimon UA
formatting array of classes on basic parent sign
_this: array of classes
File: fn_returnbaseParents.sqf
Author: Dimon UA
Returns list of base parent classes
_this select 0: starting config class (Config)
_this select 1: true if you want to return only classnames (Boolean)
ACE_player addEventHandler ["SeatSwitchedMan",
_this spawn
showhud false;
disableUserInput true ;
titleText ["Пересаживаюсь", "BLACK OUT",.15];
playSound3D ["rhsafrf\addons\rhs_t72\sounds\T72_inside_door1.wss", (this select 0), false, getPosASL (this select 0), 1, 1, 0];
sleep 4;
titleFadeOut 20;
if (secondaryweapon player call bis_fnc_baseWeapon == "rhs_weap_rpg7" && {(secondaryweapon player != currentweapon player)}) then
private ["_magazine"];
_magazine = (secondaryWeaponMagazine player) select 0;
if !(isnil "_magazine") then
player removeSecondaryWeaponItem _magazine;
if (player canAddItemToBackpack _magazine) then
player addItemToBackpack _magazine;
Функция контроля экипажа техники.
Автор: Dimon UA
0. _this - по умолчанию
1. - места что блокируются
"commander" - блокировка места командира - разрешено только для arrRelCommander
#define COMPONENT_NAME blnd
#define PSGVAR(VAR1,VAR2) (player setVariable ['PROJECT_PREFIX##_##COMPONENT_NAME##_var_##VAR1',VAR2,true])
#define OSGVAR(VAR1,VAR2,VAR3) (VAR1 setVariable ['PROJECT_PREFIX##_##COMPONENT_NAME##_var_##VAR2',VAR3,true])
dim_MR_array_KC=_this select 0; //массив КСов
ongrouparray=_this select 1; // массив командиров отделений которые можно передвигать
onspecgrouparray= if (count (_this)>2) then{_this select 2}else{nil}; // массив командиров отделений (по типу СПН, но не обязательно) и подмассив маркеров для каждого отделения в которых можно расположить отделения