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Last active June 2, 2016 20:47
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Save bosoy/532385ee71878dabc53e2a35b532d022 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Функция замены зданий на Черноруссии.
Автор: Dimon
0 - полная замена домов на А3 дома
1 - микс
2 - депрессивные тона
по умолчанию - 0.
1. - точка старта замены домов.
обьект,маркер или координаты
по умолчанию - getArray(configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "centerPosition")
2. - радиус замены домов
по умолчанию - 15000м
3. - откл/вкл моделирование обьектов
по умолчанию откл
4. - откл/вкл дамага обьектов
по умолчанию вкл
Примеры запуска в ините
[2,player,500,false,true] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "chernarusedit_v2.sqf";
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "chernarusedit_v2.sqf";
[0,[0,0,0],1500,nil,false] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "chernarusedit_v2.sqf";
[1,"Mark_1",5000] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "chernarusedit_v2.sqf";
[2] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "chernarusedit_v2.sqf";
private ["_var", "_center", "_dist", "_sim", "_dam", "_FFA_CLOSEHOUSE", "_box", "_nBuilding", "_type", "_xx", "_house", "_hcenter", "_px", "_py"];
if (!isServer) exitwith {};
_var= if (!isnil "_this" && {count (_this) >0} && {!isnil {_this select 0}}) then {_this select 0}else{0};
_center= if (!isnil "_this" && {count (_this) >1} && {!isnil {_this select 1}}) then {_this select 1}else{getArray(configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "centerPosition")};
if (!isnil "_this" && {!isnil {_this select 1}}) then{ if (_center isEqualTo []) then {_center} else {if (typeName _center == "") then {markerpos _center}else{getposasl _center};};};
_dist= if (!isnil "_this" && {count (_this) >2} && {!isnil {_this select 2}}) then {_this select 2}else{15000};
_sim= if (!isnil "_this" && {count (_this) >3} && {!isnil {_this select 3}}) then {_this select 3}else{false};
_dam= if (!isnil "_this" && {count (_this) >4} && {!isnil {_this select 4}}) then {_this select 4}else{true};
_box = [];
call {
if (isnil "_var" || (!isnil "_var" && {_var == 0})) exitwith
[[ "Land_Ind_Pec_03b","Land_Ind_Pec_02","Land_Ind_Pec_03a"],["Land_Offices_01_V1_F"]]];
if (!isnil "_var" && {_var == 1}) exitwith
_box=[[["Land_HouseV_1I1","Land_HouseV_1I2"],["Land_deutshe_mini","Land_i_Stone_Shed_V2_F","Land_i_Stone_Shed_V3_F", "Land_dum_rasovna" ,"Land_hruzdum"]],
[[ "Land_Ind_Pec_03b","Land_Ind_Pec_02","Land_Ind_Pec_03a"],["Land_Offices_01_V1_F"]]];
if (!isnil "_var" && {_var == 2}) exitwith
_box=[[["Land_HouseV_1I1","Land_HouseV_1I2"],["Land_deutshe_mini","Land_i_Stone_Shed_V1_F", "Land_dum_rasovna" ,"Land_hruzdum"]],
[[ "Land_Ind_Pec_03b","Land_Ind_Pec_02","Land_Ind_Pec_03a"],["Land_Offices_01_V1_F"]]];
if ((typeof _x) in _FFA_CLOSEHOUSE) then
_nBuilding =_x;
_center = boundingCenter _nBuilding;
_pos = getPosWorld _nBuilding;
call {
if ((typeof _nBuilding) =="Land_Ind_Pec_03a") exitwith { _pos set [0,(_pos select 0)-2]; _pos set [1,(_pos select 1)-4];};
if ((typeof _nBuilding) =="Land_Ind_Pec_02") exitwith { _pos set [0,(_pos select 0)-7];};
_pos set [2,0];
_nBuilding hideObjectGlobal true;
if ((typeof _nBuilding) in (_xx select 0)) exitwith {_type=(_xx select 1) select (floor random (count (_xx select 1)));};
} foreach _box;
_house = createVehicle [_type, _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_hcenter = boundingCenter _house;
_house setdir (getdir _nBuilding);
_px= (_hcenter select 0) - (_center select 0);
_py= (_hcenter select 1) - (_center select 1);
if ((typeof _house) !="Land_Offices_01_V1_F") then {
_house setposatl [((getposatl _house)select 0) - _px,((getposatl _house) select 1) - _py,(getposatl _house) select 2];
call {
if ((typeof _house) in ((_box select 4) select 1) && ((typeof _nBuilding) in ((_box select 4) select 0))) exitwith {_house setdir ((getdir _nBuilding)-90);};
if ((typeof _house) in ((_box select ((count _box)-1)) select 1) && ((typeof _nBuilding) in ((_box select ((count _box)-1)) select 0))) exitwith {_house setdir ((getdir _nBuilding)+90);};
if ((typeof _house) =="Land_i_Shop_01_V1_F") exitwith {_house setdir ((getdir _nBuilding)-90);};
call compile format ["_house enableSimulationGlobal %1",_sim];
call compile format ["_house allowDamage %1",_dam];
} foreach (_center nearObjects ["House", _dist]);
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