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Last active January 16, 2016 03:59
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Save bosoy/66963e53cafb76f0311b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
private ["_box1", "_box2", "_box3", "_box4", "_box4_1", "_box5", "_box6", "_box7", "_box8", "_box9", "_box14", "_box16", "_FFA_LHOUSEV", "_FFA_HOUSES", "_housev", "_i", "_nBuilding", "_dirVector", "_objVector", "_center", "_type", "_house", "_hcenter", "_px", "_py", "_FFA_CHOUSEV"];
if (isServer) then
_box8=[["Land_HouseV2_02_Interier","Land_HouseV2_04_interier","Land_HouseV2_05"],["Land_i_House_Big_01_V1_F","Land_i_House_Big_01_V2_F","Land_i_House_Big_01_V3_F"/* ,"Land_Unfinished_Building_02_F" */]];
_box16=[[ "Land_Ind_Pec_03b","Land_Ind_Pec_02","Land_Ind_Pec_03a"],["Land_Offices_01_V1_F"]];
_FFA_LHOUSEV=nearestObjects [getArray(configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "centerPosition"),["house"],15000];
for "_i" from 0 to (count _FFA_LHOUSEV)-1 do
_housev=_FFA_LHOUSEV select _i;
if ((typeof _housev) in FFA_CLOSEHOUSE) then
_FFA_HOUSES pushBack _housev;
for "_i" from 0 to (count _FFA_HOUSES)-1 do
_nBuilding =_FFA_HOUSES select _i;
_dirVector = vectorDir _nBuilding;
_objVector = vectorUp _nBuilding;
_center = boundingCenter _nBuilding;
_pos = ASLtoATL getPosASL _nBuilding;
call {
if ((typeof _nBuilding) =="Land_Ind_Pec_03a") exitwith { _pos set [0,(_pos select 0)-2]; _pos set [1,(_pos select 1)-4];};
if ((typeof _nBuilding) =="Land_Ind_Pec_02") exitwith { _pos set [0,(_pos select 0)-7];};
_pos set [2,0];
_nBuilding hideObject true;
if ((typeof _nBuilding) in (_box1 select 0)) exitwith {_type=(_box1 select 1) select (floor random (count (_box1 select 1)));};
if ((typeof _nBuilding) in (_box2 select 0)) exitwith {_type=(_box2 select 1) select (floor random (count (_box2 select 1)));};
if ((typeof _nBuilding) in (_box3 select 0)) exitwith {_type=(_box3 select 1) select (floor random (count (_box3 select 1)));};
if ((typeof _nBuilding) in (_box4 select 0)) exitwith {_type=(_box4 select 1) select (floor random (count (_box4 select 1)));};
if ((typeof _nBuilding) in (_box4_1 select 0)) exitwith {_type=(_box4_1 select 1) select (floor random (count (_box4_1 select 1)));};
if ((typeof _nBuilding) in (_box5 select 0)) exitwith {_type=(_box5 select 1) select (floor random (count (_box5 select 1)));};
if ((typeof _nBuilding) in (_box6 select 0)) exitwith {_type=(_box6 select 1) select (floor random (count (_box6 select 1)));};
if ((typeof _nBuilding) in (_box7 select 0)) exitwith {_type=(_box7 select 1) select (floor random (count (_box7 select 1)));};
if ((typeof _nBuilding) in (_box8 select 0)) exitwith {_type=(_box8 select 1) select (floor random (count (_box8 select 1)));};
if ((typeof _nBuilding) in (_box9 select 0)) exitwith {_type=(_box9 select 1) select (floor random (count (_box9 select 1)));};
if ((typeof _nBuilding) in (_box14 select 0)) exitwith {_type=(_box14 select 1) select (floor random (count (_box14 select 1)));};
if ((typeof _nBuilding) in (_box16 select 0)) exitwith {_type=(_box16 select 1) select (floor random (count (_box16 select 1)));};
_house = createVehicle [_type, _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_hcenter = boundingCenter _house;
_house setdir (getdir _nBuilding);
_px= (_hcenter select 0) - (_center select 0);
_py= (_hcenter select 1) - (_center select 1);
if ((typeof _house) !="Land_Offices_01_V1_F") then {
_house setposatl [((getposatl _house)select 0) - _px,((getposatl _house) select 1) - _py,(getposatl _house) select 2];
call {
if ((typeof _house) in (_box4_1 select 1) && ((typeof _nBuilding) in (_box4_1 select 0))) exitwith {_house setdir ((getdir _nBuilding)-90);};
if ((typeof _house) in (_box16 select 1) && ((typeof _nBuilding) in (_box16 select 0))) exitwith {_house setdir ((getdir _nBuilding)+90);};
if ((typeof _house) =="Land_i_Shop_01_V1_F") exitwith {_house setdir ((getdir _nBuilding)-90);};
if(!isServer || local player)then
waitUntil{alive player};
waitUntil{local player};
_FFA_CHOUSEV=nearestObjects [getArray(configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "centerPosition"),["house"],15000];
for "_i" from 0 to (count _FFA_CHOUSEV)-1 do
_housev=_FFA_CHOUSEV select _i;
if ((typeof _housev) in FFA_CLOSEHOUSE) then
_housev hideObject true;
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