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Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
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Top 10 Clojure Features Requested in 2014

file taken from

$ cat /tmp/clj-feature.txt | grep -v '^$' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head
  10 "feature expressions"
   7 "Types"
   5 "pattern matching"
   5 "fast startup"
   5 "Feature expressions"
   4 "debugger"
   4 "Static typing"
   4 "Faster startup"
   3 "type checking"
   3 "none"
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I really should split the lines into bigrams/trigrams and count freq from there. This really only matches if the entire line is exact.

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UPDATED: Even with the more correct solution, the results were still pretty much the same.

(require '[clojure.string :as str]
         '[ :as io])

(defn ngram [n coll]
  (partition n 1 coll))

(def word-freqs (comp frequencies (partial mapcat (partial ngram 1))))
(def bigram-freqs (comp frequencies (partial mapcat (partial ngram 2))))
(def trigram-freqs (comp frequencies (partial mapcat (partial ngram 3))))

(defn words [line]
  (filter (comp not empty?) (str/split line #"\W")))

(defn sorted-word-freqs [lines]
  (take 10 (reverse (sort-by second (word-freqs (map words lines))))))

(defn sorted-bigram-freqs [lines]
  (take 10 (reverse (sort-by second (bigram-freqs (map words lines))))))

(defn sorted-trigram-freqs [lines]
  (take 10 (reverse (sort-by second (trigram-freqs (map words lines))))))

(defn normalize [line]
  (-> line
      (str/replace #"\"" "") ; remove quotes

(defn multiple-lines [coll]
  (drop-last (interleave (repeat "\n") coll)))

(with-open [rdr (io/reader "/tmp/clj-feature.txt")]
  (let [lines (line-seq rdr)
        normalized (pmap normalize lines)
        wfs (sorted-word-freqs normalized)
        bfs (sorted-bigram-freqs normalized)
        tfs (sorted-trigram-freqs normalized)]
    (println "\nBigrams:\n" (multiple-lines bfs) "\n")
    (println "\nTrigrams:\n " (multiple-lines tfs) "\n")))
 ([(feature expressions) 22] 
 [(pattern matching) 16] 
 [(core typed) 16] 
 [(static typing) 14] 
 [(error messages) 14] 
 [(startup time) 12] 
 [(support for) 12] 
 [(faster startup) 11] 
 [(better error) 11] 
 [(fast startup) 10])

 ([(better error messages) 7] 
 [(i don t) 6] 
 [(tail call optimization) 6] 
 [(optional static typing) 5] 
 [(fast startup time) 4] 
 [(faster startup time) 4] 
 [(clojure in clojure) 4] 
 [(common lisp style) 4] 
 [(for core typed) 3] 
 [(better stack traces) 3])

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