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Created October 13, 2024 04:57
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PHP code to install the Tik Tok Pixel in WordPress child themes functions.php file
// Version 1.0
function add_tiktok_pixel() {
<!-- TikTok Pixel Code -->
!function (w, d, t) {
w.TiktokAnalyticsObject = t;
var ttq = w[t] = w[t] || [];
ttq.methods = ["page", "track", "identify", "instances", "debug", "on", "off", "once", "ready", "alias", "group", "enableCookie", "disableCookie"];
ttq.setAndDefer = function (t, e) {
t[e] = function () {
t.push([e].concat(, 0)))
for (var i = 0; i < ttq.methods.length; i++) ttq.setAndDefer(ttq, ttq.methods[i]);
ttq.instance = function (t) {
for (var e = ttq._i[t] || [], n = 0; n < ttq.methods.length; n++) ttq.setAndDefer(e, ttq.methods[n]);
return e
ttq.load = function (e, n) {
var i = "";
ttq._i = ttq._i || {};
ttq._i[e] = [];
ttq._i[e]._u = i;
ttq._t = ttq._t || {};
ttq._t[e] = +new Date;
ttq._o = ttq._o || {};
ttq._o[e] = n || {};
var o = document.createElement("script");
o.type = "text/javascript";
o.async = !0;
o.src = i + "?sdkid=" + e + "&lib=" + t;
var a = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
a.parentNode.insertBefore(o, a)
ttq.load('YOUR_PIXEL_ID'); // Replace 'YOUR_PIXEL_ID' with your actual TikTok Pixel ID;
}(window, document, 'ttq');
<!-- End TikTok Pixel Code -->
add_action('wp_head', 'add_tiktok_pixel');
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