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Created April 15, 2015 21:45
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HP VAN install script for Ubuntu 12.04 - why doesn't this work?
# Install script for HP VAN on Ubuntu 12.04
# Instructions from
# Make sure to transfer over the controller zip first:
# Download from
# Older downloads (2.4.3:)
# # Transfer over
# scp ~/Downloads/ precise:~/
# scp ~/Downloads/ precise:~/
# Give it lots of resources (8 GB RAM, 4 cores); apparently it may not start up w/o enough.
set -e
# Set version to use
# To address “failed to Fetch” issues during apt-get update:
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/
sudo apt-get -y update
sudo apt-get install -y python-software-properties ubuntu-cloud-keyring
sudo add-apt-repository -y cloud-archive:icehouse
sudo apt-get -y update
# Workaround to update python for config_local_keystone script to work:
# See
# Suggestion to run ‘sudo apt-get update after adding icehouse repo”:
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install -y keystone
sudo apt-get install -y unzip
unzip VAN_SDN_Controller_${VAN_VER}_hp-van-sdn-ctlr-${VAN_VER}
sudo dpkg --unpack hp-sdn-ctl_${VAN_VER}.*_amd64.deb
sudo apt-get install -f -y
sudo dpkg -l hp-sdn-ctl | grep ii
sudo service sdnc start
echo "Waiting 60s for service to start."
sleep 60
sudo service sdnc status | grep running
# Proxy setup:
# Is this needed?
unset https_proxy http_proxy
sudo /opt/sdn/admin/config_local_keystone
echo "Checking for listening on port 8443":
netstat -nl | grep 8443
ip=`ifconfig eth0 | grep inet | grep -i mask | awk '{print $2}' | cut -b 6-`
echo "Completed install."
echo "Please go to https://${ip}:8443/sdn/ui/ to test."
echo "Sample errors cmd:"
echo " sudo cat /var/log/sdn/virgo/logs/log.log | grep -i except"
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