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Last active September 28, 2022 02:38
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  • Save brendt/09026efba38a2eae952556aa274c268f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
function scan(string $path): array
$o_dir = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path);
$o_iter = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($o_dir);
$files = [];
foreach ($o_iter as $o_info) {
if ($o_info->getExtension() === 'php') {
$files[] = $o_info->getPathname();
return $files;
function getPerPackageCsv()
$perPackageCsv = fopen(__DIR__ . '/attributes-per-package.csv', 'w');
fputcsv($perPackageCsv, [
return $perPackageCsv;
function getPerPackagePerAttributeCsv()
$perPackagePerAttributeCsv = fopen(__DIR__ . '/attributes-per-package-per-attribute.csv', 'w');
fputcsv($perPackagePerAttributeCsv, [
return $perPackagePerAttributeCsv;
function getPerFileCsv()
$perFileCsv = fopen(__DIR__ . '/attributes-per-file.csv', 'w');
fputcsv($perFileCsv, [
return $perFileCsv;
function getPerAttributeCsv()
$packageCsv = fopen(__DIR__ . '/attributes.csv', 'w');
fputcsv($packageCsv, [
return $packageCsv;
$packages = glob(__DIR__ . '/sources/**/**');
$totalCount = 0;
$perFileCsv = getPerFileCsv();
$perAttributeCsv = getPerAttributeCsv();
$perPackageCsv = getPerPackageCsv();
$perPackagePerAttributeCsv = getPerPackagePerAttributeCsv();
$packageCount = count($packages);
$perAttributeCount = [];
foreach ($packages as $i => $packagePath) {
$perPackagePerAttributeCount = [];
$memory = memory_get_usage() / 1_000_000;
echo "[{$i}/{$packageCount}] Scanning {$packagePath}\n";
echo "{$memory}MB\n";
$packageName = explode('/', $packagePath);
$lastIndex = array_key_last($packageName);
[$vendor, $package] = [$packageName[$lastIndex - 1], $packageName[$lastIndex]];
if ($vendor === 'jetbrains') {
$phpFiles = scan($packagePath);
$countForPackage = 0;
foreach ($phpFiles as $phpFile) {
$contents = file_get_contents($phpFile);
preg_match_all('/(\s|^)#\[([\\\\\w\s,]+)/', $contents, $matches);
$attributesInFile = ($matches[2] ?? []);
$countForPackage += count($attributesInFile);
$row = [
'vendor' => $vendor,
'package' => $package,
'path' => $phpFile,
'count' => count($attributesInFile),
foreach ($attributesInFile as $attribute) {
$perAttributeCount[$attribute] ??= 0;
$perPackagePerAttributeCount[$attribute] ??= 0;
fputcsv($perFileCsv, $row);
fputcsv($perPackageCsv, [
'package' => "{$vendor}/{$package}",
'count' => $countForPackage,
foreach ($perPackagePerAttributeCount as $attribute => $count) {
fputcsv($perPackagePerAttributeCsv, [
'package' => "{$vendor}/{$package}",
'attribute' => $attribute,
'count' => $count,
echo "{$vendor}/{$package}: {$countForPackage}\n";
echo "\n";
$totalCount += count($phpFiles);
foreach ($perAttributeCount as $attribute => $count) {
fputcsv($perAttributeCsv, [
'attribute' => $attribute,
'count' => $count,
echo "Done\n";
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