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Brenton Strine brentonstrine

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brentonstrine / api.php
Last active June 26, 2019 02:06 — forked from sroehrl/api.php
Concept of an API (for learning, not production)
* Add functions to class Methods
* currently, the script supports the call api.php/test
* */
// respond as JSON
// Student project: Rock Paper Scissors
// define score variables for however many players there are
var p1s = 0;
var p2s = 0;
// define variables that keep track of whatever the players choose, whether rock, paper, or scissors.
var p = {
brentonstrine / colorScroller.js
Last active October 1, 2016 16:06
Scroll through blocks of color while scrolling
//for an example of this working, see the hamburger menu on mobile at
//define colors to scroll through
var colorWheel = [
brentonstrine / css-compress.php
Last active December 3, 2019 18:49 — forked from manastungare/css-compress.php
Fix space removal so that it doesn't break space-separated values where the developer used more than one space to separate values.
* On-the-fly CSS Compression
* Copyright (c) 2009 and onwards, Manas Tungare.
* Creative Commons Attribution, Share-Alike.
* In order to minimize the number and size of HTTP requests for CSS content,
* this script combines multiple CSS files into a single file and compresses
* it on-the-fly.