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Last active January 10, 2017 19:37
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Beginnings of a flow type declaration file for most.js
export type SeedValue<S, V> = { seed: S, value: V };
export type TimeValue<V> = { time: number, value: V };
type CreateGenerator<A> = (...args:Array<any>) => Generator<A|Promise<A>, any, any>
export type Stream<A> = {
reduce<B>(f:(b:B, a:A) => B, b:B): Promise<B>;
observe(f:(a:A) => any): Promise<any>;
forEach(f:(a:A) => any): Promise<any>;
drain(): Promise<any>;
constant<B>(b:B): Stream<B>;
map<B>(f:(a:A) => B): Stream<B>;
tap(f:(a:A) => any): Stream<A>;
chain<B>(f:(a:A) => Stream<B>): Stream<B>;
flatMap<B>(f:(a:A) => Stream<B>): Stream<B>;
// Note: Without higher-kinded types, the types for these
// cannot be written properly
ap<B, C>(bs:Stream<B>): Stream<C>;
join<B>(): Stream<B>;
switch<B>(): Stream<B>;
switchLatest<B>(): Stream<B>;
continueWith(f:(a:any) => Stream<A>): Stream<A>;
concatMap<B>(f:(a:A) => Stream<B>): Stream<B>;
mergeConcurrently<B>(concurrency:number): Stream<B>;
merge(<Stream<A>>): Stream<A>;
combine<B>(f:(a:A, ...args:Array<any>) => B,<Stream<any>>): Stream<B>;
scan<B>(f:(b:B, a:A) => B, b:B): Stream<B>;
loop<S, B>(f:(seed:S, a:A) => SeedValue<S, B>, seed:S): Stream<B>;
cycle(): Stream<A>;
concat(s2:Stream<A>): Stream<A>;
startWith(a:A): Stream<A>;
filter(p:(a:A) => boolean) : Stream<A>;
skipRepeats(): Stream<A>;
skipRepeatsWith(eq:(a1:A, a2:A) => boolean) : Stream<A>;
take(n:number): Stream<A>;
skip(n:number): Stream<A>;
takeWhile(p:(a:A) => boolean): Stream<A>;
skipWhile(p:(a:A) => boolean): Stream<A>;
slice(start:number, end:number): Stream<A>;
until(signal:Stream<any>): Stream<A>;
takeUntil(signal:Stream<any>): Stream<A>;
since(signal:Stream<any>): Stream<A>;
skipUntil(signal:Stream<any>): Stream<A>;
during(timeWindow:Stream<Stream<any>>): Stream<A>;
throttle(period:number): Stream<A>;
debounce(period:number): Stream<A>;
timestamp(): Stream<TimeValue<A>>;
delay(dt:number): Stream<A>;
// Note: Without higher-kinded types, this type cannot be written properly
awaitPromises<B>(): Stream<B>;
sample<B>(f:( => B,<Stream<any>>): Stream<B>;
sampleWith(sampler:Stream<any>): Stream<A>;
zip(f:(a:A, => A,<Stream<any>>): Stream<A>;
recoverWith<B>(p:(a:B) => A): Stream<A>;
multicast(): Stream<A>;
declare module 'most' {
declare function just<A>(a:A): Stream<A>;
declare function of<A>(a:A): Stream<A>;
declare function from<A>(as:Iterable<A>): Stream<A>;
declare function periodic<A>(period:number, a:?A): Stream<?A>;
declare function unfold<A, B, S>(f:(seed:S) => SeedValue<S, B|Promise<B>>, seed:S): Stream<B>;
declare function iterate<A>(f:(a:A) => A|Promise<A>, a:A): Stream<A>;
declare function generate<A>(g:CreateGenerator<A>, ...args:Array<any>): Stream<A>
declare function reduce<A, B>(f:(b:B, a:A) => B, b:B, s:Stream<A>): Promise<B>;
declare function observe<A>(f:(a:A) => any, s:Stream<A>): Promise<any>;
declare function forEach<A>(f:(a:A) => any, s:Stream<A>): Promise<any>;
declare function drain<A>(s:Stream<A>): Promise<any>;
declare function constant<A, B>(b:B, s:Stream<A>): Stream<B>;
declare function map<A, B>(f:(a:A) => B, s:Stream<A>): Stream<B>;
declare function tap<A>(f:(a:A) => any, s:Stream<A>): Stream<A>;
declare function ap<A, B>(fs:Stream<(a:A)=>B>, as:Stream<A>): Stream<B>;
declare function chain<A, B>(f:(a:A) => Stream<B>, s:Stream<A>): Stream<B>;
declare function flatMap<A, B>(f:(a:A) => Stream<B>, s:Stream<A>): Stream<B>;
declare function join<A>(s:Stream<Stream<A>>): Stream<A>;
declare function switchLatest<A>(s:Stream<Stream<A>>): Stream<A>;
declare function continueWith<A>(f:(a:any) => Stream<A>, s:Stream<A>): Stream<A>;
declare function concatMap<A, B>(f:(a:A) => Stream<B>, s:Stream<A>): Stream<B>;
declare function mergeConcurrently<A>(concurrency:number, s:Stream<Stream<A>>): Stream<A>;
declare function merge<A>(<Stream<A>>): Stream<A>;
declare function combine<A>(f:(...args:Array<any>) => A,<Stream<any>>): Stream<A>;
declare function scan<A, B>(f:(b:B, a:A) => B, b:B, s:Stream<A>): Stream<B>;
declare function loop<A, B, S>(f:(seed:S, a:A) => SeedValue<S, B>, seed:S, s:Stream<A>): Stream<B>;
declare function cycle<A>(s:Stream<A>): Stream<A>;
declare function concat<A>(s1:Stream<A>, s2:Stream<A>): Stream<A>;
declare function startWith<A>(a:A, s:Stream<A>): Stream<A>;
declare function filter<A>(p:(a:A) => boolean, s:Stream<A>) : Stream<A>;
declare function skipRepeats<A>(s:Stream<A>): Stream<A>;
declare function skipRepeatsWith<A>(eq:(a1:A, a2:A) => boolean, s:Stream<A>) : Stream<A>;
declare function take<A>(n:number, s:Stream<A>): Stream<A>;
declare function skip<A>(n:number, s:Stream<A>): Stream<A>;
declare function takeWhile<A>(p:(a:A) => boolean, s:Stream<A>): Stream<A>;
declare function skipWhile<A>(p:(a:A) => boolean, s:Stream<A>): Stream<A>;
declare function slice<A>(start:number, end:number, s:Stream<A>): Stream<A>;
declare function until<A>(signal:Stream<any>, s:Stream<A>): Stream<A>;
declare function takeUntil<A>(signal:Stream<any>, s:Stream<A>): Stream<A>;
declare function since<A>(signal:Stream<any>, s:Stream<A>): Stream<A>;
declare function skipUntil<A>(signal:Stream<any>, s:Stream<A>): Stream<A>;
declare function during<A>(timeWindow:Stream<Stream<any>>, s:Stream<A>): Stream<A>;
declare function throttle<A>(period:number, s:Stream<A>): Stream<A>;
declare function debounce<A>(period:number, s:Stream<A>): Stream<A>;
declare function timestamp<A>(s:Stream<A>): Stream<TimeValue<A>>;
declare function delay<A>(dt:number, s:Stream<A>): Stream<A>;
declare function fromPromise<A>(p:Promise<A>): Stream<A>;
declare function awaitPromises<A>(s:Stream<Promise<A>>): Stream<A>;
declare function sample<A>(f:( => A, sampler:Stream<any>,<Stream<any>>): Stream<A>;
declare function sampleWith<A>(sampler:Stream<any>, s:Stream<A>): Stream<A>;
declare function zip<A>(f:( => A,<Stream<any>>): Stream<A>;
declare function recoverWith<A, B>(p:(a:B) => A, s:Stream<A>): Stream<A>;
declare function throwError(e:Error): Stream<any>;
declare function multicast<A>(s:Stream<A>): Stream<A>;
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