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City latitude Country rank population longitude
Tokyo 35.670479 Japan 1 28,025,000 139.740921
Mexico City 19.32792 Mexico 2 18,131,000 -99.19109
Mumbai 19.11105 India 3 18,042,000 72.87093
S·o Paulo 0.3617 Brazil 4 17, 711,000 -52.147511
New York City 40.71455 USA 5 16,626,000 -74.7124
Shanghai 31.247709 China 6 14,173,000 121.472618
Lagos 6.43918 Nigeria 7 13,488,000 3.42348
Los Angeles 34.5329 USA 8 13,129,000 -118.245009
Calcutta 22.52667 India 9 12,900,000 88.34616
brightredchilli / gist:97e194cd352de299e78a
Created March 9, 2015 01:40
RestKit response descriptor bug
#import "RKTest.h"
#import <RestKit.h>
#import <Nocilla.h>
NSString * const kBaseURL = @"";
static AFHTTPClient *client = nil;
@interface Foo : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *value;
brightredchilli /
Created September 23, 2015 16:14
Remove CFBundleExecutable from pods
# The purpose of this script is to remove the CFBundleExecutable script from all
# third party dependencies that dont'actually contain executables. This appears
# to be a new Xcode 7 requirement.
public interface CoalescingCallback<U> {
U call();
* See documentation for coalesce(CoalescingCallback<T>, T)
# This script is made to run inside a docker container, when we need to watch for changes in the container and build.
# Initially used for watching changes and doing a Hugo build, but this should be pretty general purpose.
# We simply calculate the md5sum of the entire directory every second, and trigger the build command if something has changed
while :
VALUE=`tar --exclude="dir/to/exclude" --exclude="anotherdir/to/exclude" -cf - . | md5sum`
brightredchilli / package.json
Created December 14, 2017 19:34
A sane default for web development
"name": "server",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "index.js",
"dependencies": {},
"devDependencies": {
"autoprefixer": "^7.2.3",
"babel-core": "^6.26.0",
"babelify": "^8.0.0",
brightredchilli /
Created December 29, 2017 21:06
Script to mount volumes on aws instances
# note - /dev/xvdh that is what /dev/sdh is mapped to
devpath=$(readlink -f /dev/xvdh)
sudo file -s $devpath | grep -q ext4
if [[ 1 == $? && -b $devpath ]]; then
sudo mkfs -t ext4 $devpath
brightredchilli /
Created March 21, 2018 15:14
Get all commiter names and branches from github
git branch -a | grep origin | grep --invert-match HEAD | xargs -n1 git show --no-patch --format="%cn %d
brightredchilli / gist:658d26e379ef8e05ff8c63e72d0fadf7
Last active June 7, 2018 18:40
Heroku config into env var format
# Use awk to remove spaces. strips the trailing ":" from the first column
# adds quotes around the second.
heroku config --remote staging | grep -v "Config Vars" | awk '{print substr($1, 1, length($1)-1)"=""\""$2"\""}' > .env.developmen