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Created October 14, 2024 14:29
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source as (
select distinct
oct.org_id as org_id,
ct.content_type_name as content_type_name
from fxdmz.dev_brian_orgs.org_content_types oct
join fxdmz.dev_brian_base.content_types ct
on oct.content_type_id = ct.content_type_id
final as (
count(case when content_type_name = 'Sports Broadcast' then 1 end) as sports_broadcast,
count(case when content_type_name = 'Unscripted Content' then 1 end) as unscripted_content,
count(case when content_type_name = 'Documentary' then 1 end) as documentary,
count(case when content_type_name = 'PC' then 1 end) as pc,
count(case when content_type_name = 'Game Shows' then 1 end) as game_shows,
count(case when content_type_name = 'Visualization' then 1 end) as visualization,
count(case when content_type_name = 'Console' then 1 end) as console,
count(case when content_type_name = 'Reality Content' then 1 end) as reality_content,
count(case when content_type_name = 'DesignViz' then 1 end) as designviz,
count(case when content_type_name = 'News Broadcast' then 1 end) as news_broadcast,
count(case when content_type_name = 'Location-Based Content' then 1 end) as location_based_content,
count(case when content_type_name = 'Feature' then 1 end) as feature,
count(case when content_type_name = 'Text-Based Content' then 1 end) as text_based_content,
count(case when content_type_name = 'Trailers' then 1 end) as trailers,
count(case when content_type_name = 'Mobile' then 1 end) as mobile,
count(case when content_type_name = 'Advertising' then 1 end) as advertising,
count(case when content_type_name = 'Traditional Content' then 1 end) as traditional_content,
count(case when content_type_name = 'Video Game Content' then 1 end) as video_game_content,
count(case when content_type_name = 'Web' then 1 end) as web,
count(case when content_type_name = 'Books' then 1 end) as books,
count(case when content_type_name = 'Scripted Content' then 1 end) as scripted_content,
count(case when content_type_name = 'Mixed-Media Performance' then 1 end) as mixed_media_performance,
count(case when content_type_name = 'Cloud' then 1 end) as cloud,
count(case when content_type_name = 'Explainer' then 1 end) as explainer,
count(case when content_type_name = 'Performance-Based Content' then 1 end) as performance_based_content,
count(case when content_type_name = 'Music Videos' then 1 end) as music_videos,
count(case when content_type_name = 'Design' then 1 end) as design,
count(case when content_type_name = 'Mixed-Media Exhibit' then 1 end) as mixed_media_exhibit,
count(case when content_type_name = 'Cinematics' then 1 end) as cinematics,
count(case when content_type_name = 'Short Form' then 1 end) as short_form,
count(case when content_type_name = 'Mixed-Media Installation' then 1 end) as mixed_media_installation,
count(case when content_type_name = 'Audio-Based Content' then 1 end) as audio_based_content,
count(case when content_type_name = 'Episodic' then 1 end) as episodic,
count(case when content_type_name = 'Social Content' then 1 end) as social_content,
count(case when content_type_name = 'Corporate' then 1 end) as corporate,
count(case when content_type_name = 'Promotional Content' then 1 end) as promotional_content,
count(case when content_type_name = 'Talk Shows' then 1 end) as talk_shows,
count(case when content_type_name = 'Mixed-Media Attraction' then 1 end) as mixed_media_attraction
from source
group by org_id
select *
from final
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