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Last active July 7, 2017 14:57
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Module for creating d3 charts from excel data
Option Explicit
' v1.01
Public Sub d3forceHere()
End Sub
Public Sub d3forceHereItunes()
d3ForceDo , "itunes force options", "itunes force fields"
End Sub
Public Sub d3forceHereNodesOnly()
d3ForceDo , "nodes only force options", "nodes only force fields"
End Sub
Public Sub d3forceTagsite()
d3NodeFocusDo , "tagsite force options", "tagsite force fields"
End Sub
Public Sub d3forceesim()
d3ForceDo , "esim force options", "esim force fields"
End Sub
Public Sub d3nltHere()
End Sub
Public Sub d3nltDo(Optional wn As String = vbNullString)
Dim w As String
w = wn
If w = vbNullString Then
w =
End If
mashupGeneral "d3allparameters", w, "node link tree", "force options", "force fields"
End Sub
Public Sub d3ForceDo(Optional wn As String = vbNullString, _
Optional optionName As String = "force options", Optional fieldName As String = "force fields")
Dim w As String
Dim UA As cUAMeasure
Set UA = registerUA("d3Force_" & optionName & "_" & fieldName)
w = wn
If w = vbNullString Then
w =
End If
mashupGeneral "d3allparameters", w, "force", optionName, fieldName
End Sub
Public Sub d3NodeFocusDo(Optional wn As String = vbNullString, _
Optional optionName As String = "force options", Optional fieldName As String = "force fields")
Dim w As String
Dim UA As cUAMeasure
Set UA = registerUA("d3NodeFocus_" & optionName & "_" & fieldName)
w = wn
If w = vbNullString Then
w =
End If
mashupGeneral "d3allparameters", w, "nodefocus", optionName, fieldName
End Sub
Public Sub mashupGeneral(params As String, data As String, item As String, _
optionName As String, fieldName As String)
Dim dSets As cDataSets, dr As cDataRow, nodesLink As cNodesLinks
Dim labels As Variant, groups As Variant, i As Long, count As String, _
links As Variant, names As Variant, styleColumn As String, _
linkName As String, url As String
Set dSets = New cDataSets
' get all parameters and data
With dSets.create()
With .init(wholeSheet(params), , "fields", True, fieldName)
' validate stuff
links = Split(.cell("links", "value").toString, ",")
groups = Split(.cell("groups", "value").toString, ",")
names = Split(.cell("names", "value").toString, ",")
count = .cell("count", "value").toString
styleColumn = .cell("styleColumn", "value").toString
linkName = .cell("linkName", "value").toString
labels = Split(.cell("labels", "value").toString, ",")
If arrayLength(labels) < 1 Then
labels = names
End If
url = vbNullString
If Not .cell("url", "value") Is Nothing Then url = .cell("url", "value").toString
End With
Set nodesLink = New cNodesLinks
nodesLink.init .init( _
wholeSheet(params), , "options", True, optionName)
.init wholeSheet(params), , item, True, item
' run through data
With .init(wholeSheet(data), , "data", , , True)
' check everything exists
Debug.Assert dsValidateHeadings(.headingRow, links)
Debug.Assert dsValidateHeadings(.headingRow, groups)
Debug.Assert dsValidateHeadings(.headingRow, labels)
Debug.Assert dsValidateHeadings(.headingRow, names)
If count <> vbNullString Then Debug.Assert _
.headingRow.validate(True, count)
If styleColumn <> vbNullString Then Debug.Assert _
.headingRow.validate(True, styleColumn)
If linkName <> vbNullString Then Debug.Assert _
.headingRow.validate(True, linkName)
For Each dr In .rows
' add the nodes
For i = LBound(links) To UBound(links)
nodesLink.addNode _
fixup(dr, links(i)), _
fixup(dr, groups(i)), _
fixup(dr, labels(i)), _
fixup(dr, count), _
fixup(dr, url), _
fixup(dr, names(i))
Next i
' make the links
For i = LBound(links) To UBound(links) - 1
nodesLink.addLink _
dr.cell(links(i)).toString, _
dr.cell(links(i + 1)).toString, _
fixup(dr, count), _
fixup(dr, styleColumn), _
fixup(dr, linkName)
Next i
Next dr
End With
End With
' generate a d3.js force chart
mashD3Force dSets.dataSet(item), nodesLink.jObject, dSets.dataSet("fields")
End Sub
Private Function fixup(dr As cDataRow, s As Variant) As Variant
fixup = Empty
If (s <> vbNullString) Then
If Not dr.cell(s, False) Is Nothing Then
fixup = dr.cell(s).value
End If
End If
End Function
Public Function dsValidateHeadings(hr As cHeadingRow, a As Variant) As Boolean
Dim i As Long
dsValidateHeadings = arrayLength(a) > 0
For i = LBound(a) To UBound(a)
If Not hr.validate(True, CStr(a(i))) Then
dsValidateHeadings = False
End If
Next i
End Function
Public Sub mashD3Force(dsParam As cDataSet, job As cJobject, _
Optional dsFields As cDataSet = Nothing)
Dim js As String, content As String
' generate a d3.js force chart from nodes.links jobject
js = job.serialize
' construct the executable file and call the browser
content = ""
With dsParam
content = content & _
.cell("titles", "value").toString
content = content & _
.cell("styles", "value").toString
If Not dsFields Is Nothing Then
With dsFields.cell("linkStyles", "value")
If .toString <> vbNullString Then
content = content & "<style>" & _
.toString & _
End If
End With
End If
content = content & _
.cell("code", "value").toString
content = content & _
"<script> window['mcpherTreeData'] = " & js & ";" & vbCrLf & _
content = content & _
.cell("banner", "value").toString
If Not dsFields Is Nothing Then
With dsFields.cell("banner", "value")
If .toString <> vbNullString Then
content = content & .toString
End If
End With
End If
content = content & _
.cell("body", "value").toString
With .cell("htmlname", "value")
openNewHtml .toString, content
If Not OpenUrl(.toString) Then
MsgBox ("could not open " & .toString & " using default browser")
End If
End With
End With
End Sub
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