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Last active December 30, 2015 09:19
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Save brucemcpherson/7808887 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
VBA app configured with JSON. Data from bitCoin API
Option Explicit
Public Sub btcSetup()
'destroy this workbook and make an empty one
End Sub
Public Function btcMakeDashboard(Optional dashType As String = "ticker") As Boolean
' this creates an empty dashboard based on the latest ticker values
' should setup the workbook sheets first
Dim boardName As String, co As Collection, jobDash As cJobject, jobSetup As cJobject, jobWork As cJobject, joc As cJobject, _
prefix As String, ws As Worksheet, rhead As Range, r As Range, rData As Range, manifest As cJobject, jor As cJobject
Set manifest = getManifest()
' find out all about this kind of dashboard
Set jobDash = findInChildren(manifest.child("dashboards"), "type", dashType)
If jobDash Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "cant find type " & dashType & " in dashboard description"
Exit Function
End If
' delete the existing dashboard
Set ws = sheetExists(jobDash.child("name").toString, False)
If Not ws Is Nothing Then
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End If
' make a new one
Set ws = Sheets.add(, Sheets(manifest.toString(""))) = jobDash.child("name").toString
Set rData = ws.Cells(1, 1)
' get whats in this type
Set jobSetup = findInChildren(manifest.child("setup.types"), "type", dashType)
If jobSetup Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "cant find type " & dashType & " in setup description"
Exit Function
End If
' get what work needs done in this type
Set jobWork = findInChildren(manifest.child("work"), "type", dashType)
If jobWork Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "cant find type " & dashType & " in work description"
Exit Function
End If
' add the columns
colorizeCell ws.Cells(1, 1).Resize(, jobSetup.child("options.columns").children.count + 1), _
rData.value = dashType
For Each joc In jobSetup.child("options.columns").children
With rData.Offset(, joc.childIndex)
.value = joc.value
' if this is a date convert column, set the appropriate format
If Not jobSetup.child("options").childExists("convertTimes") Is Nothing Then
For Each jor In jobSetup.child("options.convertTimes").children
If LCase(jor.child("to").value) = LCase(.value) Then
.EntireColumn.NumberFormat = jobDash.toString("timeFormat")
End If
Next jor
End If
End With
Next joc
' now add the rows
For Each jor In jobWork.child("venues").children
rData.Offset(jor.childIndex).value = jor.value
' add the data as formulas
For Each joc In jobSetup.child("options.columns").children
rData.Offset(jor.childIndex, joc.childIndex).Formula = _
Replace("=INDIRECT('" & dashType & "_'&$a" & 1 + jor.childIndex & "&'!'&CHAR(CODE('A')+COLUMN()-2)&2)", "'", q)
Next jor
'finally refit for the data
End Function
Public Sub doBTCUpdates()
Dim job As cJobject
' update all data from rest API
With getManifest
For Each job In .child("work").children
If Not btcProcess(.self, job, .child("url").toString) Then Exit For
End With
End Sub
Private Function btcProcess(manifest As cJobject, workItem As cJobject, urlStem As String) As Boolean
' process a piece of btc pdate work
Dim r As Range, workType As String, job As cJobject, url As String, _
sheetName As String, joc As cJobject, jor As cJobject, joh As cJobject, _
jOptions As cJobject, ds As cDataSet, dr As cDataRow, jobHouse As cJobject, _
wsConsolidate As Worksheet, dc As cCell, maxRows As Long
workType = LCase(workItem.toString("type"))
'find the options associated with this type
For Each job In manifest.child("setup.types").children
If job.toString("type") = workType Then
Set jOptions = job.child("options")
Exit For
End If
Next job
If jOptions Is Nothing Then
MsgBox ("cant find worktype " & workType & " in manifest setup")
Exit Function
End If
btcProcess = True
'will any any housekeeping be required?
Set jobHouse = workItem.childExists("housekeeping")
If Not jobHouse Is Nothing Then
For Each joh In jobHouse.children
If Not joh.childExists("consolidate") Is Nothing Then
' need to clear out this consolidated view
Set wsConsolidate = getSheetOrCreate(workType & "_" & joh.toString(""), _
End If
Next joh
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
For Each job In workItem.child("venues").children
url = urlStem + LCase(job.toString) & "/" & workType
sheetName = workType & "_" & job.toString
' check if we are inserting
If LCase(jOptions.toString("action")) = "insert" Then
wholeSheet(sheetName).Resize(1).Offset(1).EntireRow.insert xlDown, xlFormatFromRightOrBelow
End If
' now its a common query
With restQuery(sheetName, , , , url, jOptions.child("resultsStem").toString, , _
Not jOptions.child("manual").value, LCase(jOptions.child("action").toString = "clear"), , True)
' this is a manual populate for 'depth' which has no object keys
If jOptions.child("manual").value Then
Set r = .dset.headingRow.where.Resize(1, 1)
For Each jor In .datajObject.children
For Each joc In jor.children
r.Offset(jor.childIndex, joc.childIndex - 1).value = joc.value
Next joc
Next jor
End If
End With
' any dates needs calculated?
If Not jOptions.childExists("convertTimes") Is Nothing Then
Set ds = New cDataSet
With ds.populateData(wholeSheet(sheetName), , , , , , True)
For Each jor In jOptions.child("convertTimes").children
.column(jor.toString("to")).where.NumberFormat = jOptions.toString("timeFormat")
For Each dr In .rows
dr.cell(jor.toString("to")).where.value = _
Next dr
Next jor
End With
End If
' house keeping?
If Not jobHouse Is Nothing Then
' we're going to need to take a look at the data now in this sheet
Set ds = New cDataSet
ds.populateData wholeSheet(sheetName), , , , , , True
maxRows = ds.rows.count
For Each joh In jobHouse.children
' need to keep the rows at some maximum number
If Not joh.childExists("trim") Is Nothing Then
maxRows = joh.child("trim.rows").value
If (ds.rows.count > maxRows) Then
ds.where.Resize(ds.rows.count - maxRows).Delete
End If
End If
Next joh
' any consolidation need to happen ?
If Not wsConsolidate Is Nothing Then
' copy headings
With wsConsolidate.Cells(1, 1)
.Resize(1, ds.headingRow.where.columns.count).Offset(, 1).PasteSpecial xlPasteAll
' make a new column for the venue stamp
.value = "Venue"
.Offset(, 1).Copy
.PasteSpecial xlPasteFormats
End With
' and append the data
Set r = wsConsolidate.Cells(1, 1) _
.Offset(wsConsolidate.Cells.find("*", SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).row - 1)
For Each dr In ds.rows
' may have been trimmed....
If dr.row > maxRows Then Exit For
Set r = r.Offset(1)
'stamp the venue
r.value = job.toString
' copy the data
For Each dc In dr.columns
r.Offset(, dc.column).value = dc.value
Next dc
Next dr
End If
End If
'finally refit for the data
If Not wsConsolidate Is Nothing Then
End If
' and the dashboard will change
Set joc = findInChildren(manifest.child("dashboards"), "type", workType)
If Not joc Is Nothing Then
End If
Next job
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
End Function
Public Function getManifest() As cJobject
' this is the work manifest
Dim job As cJobject
Dim workRange As Range
Set workRange = Range("manifest!a1")
With JSONParse(workRange.value)
With .add("manifest")
.add "range", SAd(workRange)
.add "name",
End With
Set getManifest = .self
End With
End Function
Private Function btcCreateWorkBook(Optional check As Boolean = True) As Boolean
' delete dashboard, plus all potential sheets of interest, and create new ones
Dim job As cJobject, co As Collection, manifest As cJobject, workJob As cJobject, _
joc As cJobject, venueJob As cJobject, ws As Worksheet, jor As cJobject
Set co = New Collection
btcCreateWorkBook = False
Set manifest = getManifest()
'delete all potential existing sheets
For Each job In manifest.child("setup.types").children
Set co = findSheetsStartingWith(job.child("type").toString & "_", co)
Next job
If co.count > 0 Then
If check Then
If MsgBox("need to delete " & co.count & " existing worksheets", vbYesNo) <> vbYes Then
Exit Function
End If
End If
deleteSheetsInCollection co
End If
'now create new ones
For Each job In manifest.child("setup.types").children
'find the worklist for this type
For Each workJob In manifest.child("work").children
If workJob.toString("type") = job.toString("type") Then
For Each venueJob In workJob.child("venues").children
' create a new sheet
With Sheets.add(, Sheets(Sheets.count))
.name = workJob.toString("type") & "_" & venueJob.toString
' prettify
With .Cells(1, 1)
colorizeCell .Resize(, job.child("options.columns").children.count), _
' add the columns for this type
For Each joc In job.child("options.columns").children
.Offset(, joc.childIndex - 1).value = joc.value
Next joc
End With
End With
Next venueJob
End If
Next workJob
Next job
Set co = Nothing
End Function
Private Function findSheetsStartingWith(Optional s As String = vbNullString, Optional co As Collection = Nothing) As Collection
Dim ws As Worksheet
If co Is Nothing Then Set co = New Collection
For Each ws In Sheets
If (s = vbNullString Or left(, Len(s)) = s) Then
co.add ws
End If
Next ws
Set findSheetsStartingWith = co
End Function
Private Sub deleteSheetsInCollection(co As Collection)
Dim ws As Worksheet
' dont want to have to confirm deletions for every sheet
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
For Each ws In co
Next ws
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub
Private Function findInChildren(children As cJobject, child As String, what As String) As cJobject
Dim job As cJobject
For Each job In children.children
If LCase(job.toString(child)) = LCase(what) Then
Set findInChildren = job
Exit Function
End If
Next job
End Function
Private Function getSheetOrCreate(name As String, after As Worksheet) As Worksheet
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = sheetExists(name, False)
If ws Is Nothing Then
Set ws = Sheets.add(, after) = name
End If
Set getSheetOrCreate = ws
End Function
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