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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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some example functions for deaddrop scriptdb
Option Explicit
' register this computer for deaddrop
Public Sub registerDeadDrop()
Dim ds As cDataSet, cc As cCell, fName As String, sf As String
Set ds = New cDataSet
With ds.populateData(wholeSheet(cGeoCodingParameters), , , True, cCustomCode)
Set cc = .cell("local register", "code")
If Not cc Is Nothing Then
sf = cc.toString & vbCrLf
MsgBox ("could not find how to register local for deaddrop")
Exit Sub
End If
fName = "localDeadDropRegister.html"
If openNewHtml(fName, sf) Then
OpenUrl fName
End If
End With
End Sub
Public Function getDeadDropLog() As cDataSet
Dim ds As cDataSet
Set ds = New cDataSet
Set getDeadDropLog = ds.load("deadDropLog")
End Function
Public Function addDeadDrop(subject As String, Optional yourClass As String = "googleMapping") As String
' Example showing how outstanding requests might be logged
Dim job As cJobject, ds As cDataSet
With getdeaddrop(yourClass, "messages", True)
' write a message for information
With .scriptDb
Set job = JSONParse("{'subject':'" & subject & "','info':'xliberation public data for testing'}")
End With
' add to spreadsheet log
Set ds = getDeadDropLog
ds.headingRow.headings("class").where.Offset(ds.rows.count + 1).value = .scriptDbClass
ds.headingRow.headings("key").where.Offset(ds.rows.count + 1).value = .key
ds.headingRow.headings("registered").where.Offset(ds.rows.count + 1).value = Now
addDeadDrop = .key
End With
End Function
Private Sub testAddDeadDrop()
addDeadDrop "venuemaster"
End Sub
Public Sub testprocessdeaddrop()
End Sub
Public Sub processDeadDrop(Optional redo As Boolean = False, Optional deleteWhenProcessed As Boolean = True)
' example showing how you might take feedback data for an entire workbook
Dim job As cJobject, ds As cDataSet, dr As cDataRow, data As cJobject, _
subject As cJobject, good As Boolean, dsDrop As cDataSet
' first step is to get all the known requests
Set dsDrop = getDeadDropLog
For Each dr In dsDrop.rows
' only do the unprocessed ones or override
If redo Or IsEmpty(dr.cell("processed")) Or Len(dr.cell("processed").toString) = 0 Then
With getdeaddrop(dr.cell("class").toString, "messages", False, dr.cell("key").toString)
' now we can get all the message data for this
If Not .scriptDb.getObjectsByQuery.isOk Then
MsgBox ("failure getting conversation " & .scriptDbClass)
' find the the subject of this conversation
Set data = .scriptDb.jObject.child("results")
Set subject = data.find("subject")
If subject Is Nothing Then
MsgBox ("failure getting subject for " & .scriptDbClass)
' now update the subject sheet with any dialogues
Set ds = New cDataSet
ds.load subject.toString
good = False
For Each job In data.children
' we're only handling comments'
If isSomething(job.childExists("type")) Then
If job.toString("type") = "comment" Then
If updateSubjectCell(ds, job, "comments") Then
deleteMessage .scriptDb, deleteWhenProcessed, job
good = True
End If
End If
End If
Next job
If good Then
dr.cell("processed").value = Now
End If
End If
End If
End With
End If
Next dr
End Sub
Private Function updateSubjectCell(ds As cDataSet, job As cJobject, colName As String) As Boolean
Dim drd As cDataRow
updateSubjectCell = False
If ds.headingRow.exists(colName) Is Nothing Then
MsgBox ("you need to create a " & colName & " column in sheet " &
For Each drd In ds.rows
If Trim(drd.cell("uniqueid").value) = Trim(job.child("uniqueid").value) Then
' found a match - update
drd.cell(colName).Commit job.child(colName).value
updateSubjectCell = True
Exit Function
End If
Next drd
End If
End Function
Private Function deleteMessage(pdb As cScriptDbCom, deleteWhenProcessed As Boolean, job As cJobject) As Boolean
deleteMessage = True
If deleteWhenProcessed Then
With pdb.deleteObject(job)
If Not .isOk Then
MsgBox ("failed to delete " & job.stringify)
deleteMessage = False
End If
End With
End If
End Function
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