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Last active December 16, 2020 23:46
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# hash comments from: shell, Perl, PHP, Python, R, Ruby, MySQL
// Line comments from: Javascript, Java, Swift, C(99)
/* single line block comment: C, Java, Javascript, Swift */
multi-line block comment
can be either whole line or in-line
from: C, Java, Javascript, Swift
; comments from assembly language
-- Ada, Applescript, Haskell, Lua, SQL single line comments
<!-- XML comments in JSON is simply ridiculous -->
<!-- XML multiline
comments even moreso -->
*** One Apple file uses this style: /private/var/db/ionodecache.json what's up with that? ***
//a single line comments within JSON, it screws up your text editor color coding too
"property": ["],]"], //<--- the quoted text will matched the simple regex to fix trailing commas
"property": {"property":"value"}, //single line within JSON, just awful
//this hard wrap is fixed
erty": "wrapped property name", /* malignant multi-line -v
"property2": "inside the comment block", comments can be in-line and they are horrible */
"property": true, /* a multiline block
not hiding any data */
//this hard wrap will have a space in the key name
erty": "wrapped but indented property name", /* single line comment block - why not!? */
"property": null, ; greybeard here, i like my ; comments
{"property":"string"}, -- if you think this is cool, think again
"string", #hash comment within JSON - why?!
5, <!-- Multiline XML comments
in JSON are outrageous! -->
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