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Created November 1, 2021 11:22
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export default class EventEmitter
this.callbacks = {}
this.callbacks.base = {}
on(_names, callback)
// Errors
if(typeof _names === 'undefined' || _names === '')
console.warn('wrong names')
return false
if(typeof callback === 'undefined')
console.warn('wrong callback')
return false
// Resolve names
const names = this.resolveNames(_names)
// Each name
names.forEach((_name) =>
// Resolve name
const name = this.resolveName(_name)
// Create namespace if not exist
if(!(this.callbacks[ name.namespace ] instanceof Object))
this.callbacks[ name.namespace ] = {}
// Create callback if not exist
if(!(this.callbacks[ name.namespace ][ name.value ] instanceof Array))
this.callbacks[ name.namespace ][ name.value ] = []
// Add callback
this.callbacks[ name.namespace ][ name.value ].push(callback)
return this
// Errors
if(typeof _names === 'undefined' || _names === '')
console.warn('wrong name')
return false
// Resolve names
const names = this.resolveNames(_names)
// Each name
names.forEach((_name) =>
// Resolve name
const name = this.resolveName(_name)
// Remove namespace
if(name.namespace !== 'base' && name.value === '')
delete this.callbacks[ name.namespace ]
// Remove specific callback in namespace
// Default
if(name.namespace === 'base')
// Try to remove from each namespace
for(const namespace in this.callbacks)
if(this.callbacks[ namespace ] instanceof Object && this.callbacks[ namespace ][ name.value ] instanceof Array)
delete this.callbacks[ namespace ][ name.value ]
// Remove namespace if empty
if(Object.keys(this.callbacks[ namespace ]).length === 0)
delete this.callbacks[ namespace ]
// Specified namespace
else if(this.callbacks[ name.namespace ] instanceof Object && this.callbacks[ name.namespace ][ name.value ] instanceof Array)
delete this.callbacks[ name.namespace ][ name.value ]
// Remove namespace if empty
if(Object.keys(this.callbacks[ name.namespace ]).length === 0)
delete this.callbacks[ name.namespace ]
return this
trigger(_name, _args)
// Errors
if(typeof _name === 'undefined' || _name === '')
console.warn('wrong name')
return false
let finalResult = null
let result = null
// Default args
const args = !(_args instanceof Array) ? [] : _args
// Resolve names (should on have one event)
let name = this.resolveNames(_name)
// Resolve name
name = this.resolveName(name[ 0 ])
// Default namespace
if(name.namespace === 'base')
// Try to find callback in each namespace
for(const namespace in this.callbacks)
if(this.callbacks[ namespace ] instanceof Object && this.callbacks[ namespace ][ name.value ] instanceof Array)
this.callbacks[ namespace ][ name.value ].forEach(function(callback)
result = callback.apply(this, args)
if(typeof finalResult === 'undefined')
finalResult = result
// Specified namespace
else if(this.callbacks[ name.namespace ] instanceof Object)
if(name.value === '')
console.warn('wrong name')
return this
this.callbacks[ name.namespace ][ name.value ].forEach(function(callback)
result = callback.apply(this, args)
if(typeof finalResult === 'undefined')
finalResult = result
return finalResult
let names = _names
names = names.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9 ,/.]/g, '')
names = names.replace(/[,/]+/g, ' ')
names = names.split(' ')
return names
const newName = {}
const parts = name.split('.')
newName.original = name
newName.value = parts[ 0 ]
newName.namespace = 'base' // Base namespace
// Specified namespace
if(parts.length > 1 && parts[ 1 ] !== '')
newName.namespace = parts[ 1 ]
return newName
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rcarubbi commented Apr 9, 2023

why not use the native EventTarget?

like this:

export default class Sizes extends EventTarget {
	constructor() {

		window.addEventListener('resize', () => {
			this.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize'));

	setSizes() {
		this.width = window.innerWidth;
		this.height = window.innerHeight;
		this.pixelRation = Math.min(window.devicePixelRatio, 2);
import Sizes from './Utils/Sizes.js';

export default class Experience {
	constructor(canvas) {
		// global access
		globalThis.experience = this;

		this.canvas = canvas;

		// Setup
		this.sizes = new Sizes();

		this.sizes.addEventListener('resize', () => {});

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@rcarubbi, I think the big issue with EventTarget is the fact that you cannot pass arguments to the dispatchEvent method

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shpowley commented Aug 9, 2024

Using EventTarget, you can also dispatch a CustomEvent which includes a detail property for any additional data

Interestingly, Three.js has it's own EventDispatcher

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Bruno, thank you for being you!

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Thank you! I've ended up using EventDispatcher from three.js

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