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Created April 26, 2013 23:44
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Determine if two line segments intersect (not lines!)
# R functions to determine if two line segments intersect
# Note: this is very different question from whether
# two lines intersect (terminology is important!)
# These functions are based upon the excellent discussion here,
# written by Martin Thoma:
# The starting point was the code here:
# though I did not use everything in that directory.
# If found this via this link, which has other useful discussion:
# Most of these function have names identical or similar to the
# java originals. The java was ported to R and tested using
# the graphical test included here. It seems to work.
# Released under GPL-3 (OK'd by Martin)
# Prof. Bryan A. Hanson
# DePauw University, Greencastle IN 46135
# April 2013
getBoundingBox <- function(P0, P1) {
# P0, P1 each have c(x,y)
# ll = lower left
# ur = upper right
llx <- min(P0[1], P1[1])
lly <- min(P0[2], P1[2])
urx <- max(P0[1], P1[1])
ury <- max(P0[2], P1[2])
bb <- c(llx, lly, urx, ury)
doBoxesIntersect <- function(box1, box2) {
ans <- FALSE
chk1 <- box1[1] <= box2[3]
chk2 <- box1[3] >= box2[1]
chk3 <- box1[2] <= box2[4]
chk4 <- box1[4] >= box2[2]
if (chk1 && chk2 && chk3 && chk4) ans <- TRUE
isPointOnLine <- function(segment, point) {
# segment is c(x1, y1, x2, y2)
# translate segment to origin
newseg <- c(0.0, 0.0, segment[3] - segment[1], segment[4] - segment[2])
newpt <- c(point[1] - segment[1], point[2] - segment[2])
# calc a modified cross product:
# a.x * b.y - b.x * a.y
# if zero, point is on segment
# basically, you have two vectors sharing 0,0 as one end
ans <- newseg[3]*newpt[2] - newpt[1]*newseg[4]
return(isTRUE(all.equal(abs(ans), 0)))
isPointRightOfLine <- function(segment, point) {
# see notes in isPointOnLine
newseg <- c(0.0, 0.0, segment[3] - segment[1], segment[4] - segment[2])
newpt <- c(point[1] - segment[1], point[2] - segment[2])
ans <- newseg[3]*newpt[2] - newpt[1]*newseg[4]
return(ans < 0)
lineSegmentTouchesOrCrossesLine <- function(segment1, segment2) {
# segments given as c(x1, y1, x2, y2)
ans <- (isPointOnLine(segment1, segment2[1:2]) ||
isPointOnLine(segment1, segment2[3:4]) ||
xor(isPointRightOfLine(segment1, segment2[1:2]),
isPointRightOfLine(segment1, segment2[3:4])))
doSegmentsIntersect <- function(segment1, segment2) {
# segments given as c(x1, y1, x2, y2)
box1 <- getBoundingBox(segment1[1:2], segment1[3:4])
box2 <- getBoundingBox(segment2[1:2], segment2[3:4])
return(doBoxesIntersect(box1, box2) &&
lineSegmentTouchesOrCrossesLine(segment1, segment2) &&
lineSegmentTouchesOrCrossesLine(segment2, segment1))
# Graphical Test using random line segments
intersectTest <- function() {
# Creates two random line segments and checks to see
# if they intersect, shows result graphically
x <- runif(4, -5, 5)
y <- runif(4, -5, 5)
xy <- data.frame(x = x, y = y) # points are in rows
# Set up a plotting region, then add points
plot(-10:10, -10:10, type = "n")
points(xy, cex = 0.5)
# Next label each segment
text(xy[seq(1, nrow(xy), by = 2),], labels = 1:(nrow(xy)/2), pos = 4, cex = 0.75)
s <- seq(1, nrow(xy), by = 2)
for (n in s) { # draw the bounding boxes
segments(xy[n,1], xy[n,2], xy[n+1,1], xy[n+1,2], col = "red")
polygon(x = c(xy[n,1], xy[n,1], xy[n+1,1], xy[n+1,1]),
y = c(xy[n,2], xy[n+1,2], xy[n+1,2], xy[n,2]))
for(n in 1:(length(s)-1)) {
# run the bb intersection test, report to console
cross <- doBoxesIntersect(
getBoundingBox(P0 = c(xy[n,1], xy[n,2]), P1 = c(xy[n+1,1], xy[n+1,2])),
getBoundingBox(P0 = c(xy[n+2,1], xy[n+2,2]), P1 = c(xy[n+3,1], xy[n+3,2])))
cat("Bounding box", n, "intersects bounding box", n+1, ":", cross, "\n")
# run the final segment intersection test, report to console
inter <- doSegmentsIntersect(
segment1 = c(xy[n,1], xy[n,2], xy[n+1,1], xy[n+1,2]),
segment2 = c(xy[n+2,1], xy[n+2,2], xy[n+3,1], xy[n+3,2]))
cat("Segment", n, "intersects segment", n+1, ":", inter, "\n")
} # end of intersectTest
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