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Created August 8, 2011 14:07
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Gists for knockout.unobtrusive post
<h2>Create a Speaker</h2>
<form data-bind="submit: addSpeaker">
<legend>Speaker Info</legend>
Name: <input type="text" id="name" /> <br />
Bio: <input type="text" id="bio" /> <br />
Twitter Handle: <input id="twitterHandle" type="text" /> <br />
Photo Url: <input id="photoUrl" type="text" /> <br />
Presented Before: <input type="checkbox" name="presentedBefore" />
<legend>Favorite Languages</legend>
New item:
<input type="text" id="languageToAdd" />
<button type="submit" id="addLanguage">Add</button>
<p>Your choices:</p>
<select multiple="multiple" width="50" id="languages"> </select>
<input type="submit" value="Create Speaker" />
<!-- Profile Preview -->
<article id="profilePreview">
<div><img id="image" /></div>
<span id="displayName"></span> ::
<a id="twitterUrl">
@<span id="displayTwitterHandle"></span>
<div class="subhead">Programs in <span id="languageList"></span></div>
<div id="bio">
<span id="displayBio"></span><br/> Has presented before? <span id="displayPresentedBefore"></span>
Knockout.Unobtrusive v0.1
Copyright (C)2011 Brandon Satrom, Carrot Pants Studios
Distributed Under MIT License
Documentation and Full license Available at:
ko.unobtrusive = {
createBindings: (bindings) ->
if not bindings
bindings = ko.unobtrusive.bindings
getElement = (id) ->
el = document.getElementById(id) or document.getElementsByName(id)[0]
if not el
id = id.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + id.slice 1
el = document.getElementById id
return el
setElementBinding = (id, value) ->
el = getElement id;
if el
existing = el.getAttribute "data-bind"
if existing
value = "#{existing}, #{value}"
el.setAttribute "data-bind", value
createElementBinding = (element, koBinding) ->
if typeof element is "object"
for own key, value of element
setElementBinding key, "#{koBinding}: #{element[key]}"
if koBinding.indexOf(":") > 0
setElementBinding element, koBinding
setElementBinding element, "#{koBinding}: #{element}"
for own valueKey, value of bindings.value
createElementBinding bindings.value[valueKey], "value"
for own textKey, value of bindings.text
createElementBinding bindings.text[textKey], "text"
for own optionsKey, value of bindings.options
createElementBinding bindings.options[optionsKey], "options"
for own checkedKey, value of bindings.checked
createElementBinding bindings.checked[checkedKey], "checked"
for own customKey, value of bindings.custom
createElementBinding customKey, bindings.custom[customKey]
ko.unobtrusive.bindings = {
value: []
text: []
options: []
checked: []
custom: {}
var bindings = {
value: [ 'languageToAdd', 'name', 'bio', 'twitterHandle',
'state', 'photoUrl' ],
text: [ { displayName: 'name' }, { displayState: 'state' },
{ displayBio: 'bio' }, { displayTwitterHandle: 'twitterHandle' },
{ languageList: 'languages' },
{ displayPresentedBefore: 'presentedBefore' } ],
options: [ 'languages', 'favoriteTopics' ],
checked: [ 'presentedBefore' ],
custom: {
languageToAdd: 'valueUpdate: "afterkeydown"',
addLanguage: 'enable: languageToAdd().length > 0, click: addLanguage',
photo: 'attr: {src: photoUrl, alt: name}',
twitterUrl: 'attr: {href: twitterUrl}'
<script src="knockout-1.2.1.js"></script>
<script src="knockout.unobtrusive.js"></script>
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