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Created July 17, 2018 19:28
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this is the test of brents ext rescal
python --latent 2 --lmbda 0.001 --input tiny-mixed-example --outputentities entity.embeddings.csv --outputterms term.embeddings.csv --outputfactors latent.factors.csv --log extrescal.log
false file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl Health and Medicine
false file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl 0.0 (time to maturity pulled from children pages)
false file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl 0.0(investment cost pulled from children pages)
false file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl Food Growing Methods
false file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl For independence and resource optimization, some or all of the astronauts' diet must be grown in-situ. Various forms have been proposed, from greenhouses to hydroponics, but there must also be optimization in the types of food grown to maximize caloric and nutrient output compared to water and energy input.
false file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl Research
here is the attributes dictionary
defaultdict(<type 'list'>, {0: [rdflib.term.URIRef(u'file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl'), u' and Medicine'], 1: [rdflib.term.URIRef(u'file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl'), u' (time to maturity pulled from children pages)'], 2: [rdflib.term.URIRef(u'file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl'), u' cost pulled from children pages)'], 3: [rdflib.term.URIRef(u'file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl'), u' Growing Methods'], 4: [rdflib.term.URIRef(u'file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl'), u" independence and resource optimization, some or all of the astronauts' diet must be grown in-situ. Various forms have been proposed, from greenhouses to hydroponics, but there must also be optimization in the types of food grown to maximize caloric and nutrient output compared to water and energy input."], 5: [rdflib.term.URIRef(u'file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl'), u'']})
here is the predicate object string list
[u' and Medicine', u' (time to maturity pulled from children pages)', u' cost pulled from children pages)', u' Growing Methods', u" independence and resource optimization, some or all of the astronauts' diet must be grown in-situ. Various forms have been proposed, from greenhouses to hydroponics, but there must also be optimization in the types of food grown to maximize caloric and nutrient output compared to water and energy input.", u'']
here is the unique predicate object string
{0: u' and Medicine', 1: u' (time to maturity pulled from children pages)', 2: u' cost pulled from children pages)', 3: u' Growing Methods', 4: u" independence and resource optimization, some or all of the astronauts' diet must be grown in-situ. Various forms have been proposed, from greenhouses to hydroponics, but there must also be optimization in the types of food grown to maximize caloric and nutrient output compared to water and energy input.", 5: u''}
here is the subjectlist
[rdflib.term.URIRef(u'file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl'), rdflib.term.URIRef(u'file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl')]
here is the objectlist
[rdflib.term.URIRef(u'http://localhost:8080/marmotta/ldp/waypaver-lsi/habitation-infrastructure'), rdflib.term.URIRef(u'http://localhost:8080/marmotta/ldp/waypaver-lsi/biological-support')]
here is the subject-object dictionary
{0: u'file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl', 1: u'http://localhost:8080/marmotta/ldp/waypaver-lsi/habitation-infrastructure', 2: u'http://localhost:8080/marmotta/ldp/waypaver-lsi/biological-support'}
the key is 0 the subject is file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl
the subject is: file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl
k1 is: 0
the predobj is and Medicine
k2 ks: 0
the key is 1 the subject is file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl
the subject is: file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl
k1 is: 0
the predobj is (time to maturity pulled from children pages)
k2 ks: 1
the key is 2 the subject is file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl
the subject is: file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl
k1 is: 0
the predobj is cost pulled from children pages)
k2 ks: 2
the key is 3 the subject is file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl
the subject is: file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl
k1 is: 0
the predobj is Growing Methods
k2 ks: 3
the key is 4 the subject is file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl
the subject is: file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl
k1 is: 0
the predobj is independence and resource optimization, some or all of the astronauts' diet must be grown in-situ. Various forms have been proposed, from greenhouses to hydroponics, but there must also be optimization in the types of food grown to maximize caloric and nutrient output compared to water and energy input.
k2 ks: 4
the key is 5 the subject is file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl
the subject is: file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl
k1 is: 0
the predobj is
k2 ks: 5
defaultdict(<type 'list'>, {0: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]})
defaultdict(<type 'list'>, {0: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]})
[[1 1 1 1 1 1]
[0 0 0 0 0 0]
[0 0 0 0 0 0]]
The number of entities: 6
false file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl 0.0 (time to maturity pulled from children pages)
false file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl 0.0(investment cost pulled from children pages)
false file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl For independence and resource optimization, some or all of the astronauts' diet must be grown in-situ. Various forms have been proposed, from greenhouses to hydroponics, but there must also be optimization in the types of food grown to maximize caloric and nutrient output compared to water and energy input.
false file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl Food Growing Methods
false file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl Research
false file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl Health and Medicine
here is the predicate list
[rdflib.term.URIRef(u''), rdflib.term.URIRef(u'')]
here is the subjectlist ==========
[rdflib.term.URIRef(u'file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl'), rdflib.term.URIRef(u'file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl')]
here is the objectlist ================
[rdflib.term.URIRef(u'http://localhost:8080/marmotta/ldp/waypaver-lsi/biological-support'), rdflib.term.URIRef(u'http://localhost:8080/marmotta/ldp/waypaver-lsi/habitation-infrastructure')]
================start of subjObjList===================
[rdflib.term.URIRef(u'file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl'), rdflib.term.URIRef(u'file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl'), rdflib.term.URIRef(u'http://localhost:8080/marmotta/ldp/waypaver-lsi/biological-support'), rdflib.term.URIRef(u'http://localhost:8080/marmotta/ldp/waypaver-lsi/habitation-infrastructure')]
==============end of subjObjList=============
uniqe subject/object dictionary
{0: u'file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl', 1: u'http://localhost:8080/marmotta/ldp/waypaver-lsi/biological-support', 2: u'http://localhost:8080/marmotta/ldp/waypaver-lsi/habitation-infrastructure'}
unique predicate list dictionary
{0: u''}
the subject is: file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl
k1 is: 0
the predicate is:
k2 is: 0
the object is: http://localhost:8080/marmotta/ldp/waypaver-lsi/biological-support
k3 is 1
the subject is: file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl
k1 is: 0
the predicate is:
k2 is: 0
the object is: http://localhost:8080/marmotta/ldp/waypaver-lsi/habitation-infrastructure
k3 is 2
rows: defaultdict(<type 'list'>, {0: [0, 0]})
cols: defaultdict(<type 'list'>, {0: [1, 2]})
the triples are: defaultdict(<type 'list'>, {0: [rdflib.term.URIRef(u'file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl'), rdflib.term.URIRef(u''), rdflib.term.URIRef(u'http://localhost:8080/marmotta/ldp/waypaver-lsi/biological-support')], 1: [rdflib.term.URIRef(u'file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl'), rdflib.term.URIRef(u''), rdflib.term.URIRef(u'http://localhost:8080/marmotta/ldp/waypaver-lsi/habitation-infrastructure')]})
the first one is:
[[ 0. 1. 1.]
[ 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0.]]
false file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl 0.0 (time to maturity pulled from children pages)
false file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl For independence and resource optimization, some or all of the astronauts' diet must be grown in-situ. Various forms have been proposed, from greenhouses to hydroponics, but there must also be optimization in the types of food grown to maximize caloric and nutrient output compared to water and energy input.
false file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl Health and Medicine
false file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl Research
false file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl Food Growing Methods
false file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl 0.0(investment cost pulled from children pages)
here is the attributes dictionary
defaultdict(<type 'list'>, {0: [rdflib.term.URIRef(u'file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl'), u' (time to maturity pulled from children pages)'], 1: [rdflib.term.URIRef(u'file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl'), u" independence and resource optimization, some or all of the astronauts' diet must be grown in-situ. Various forms have been proposed, from greenhouses to hydroponics, but there must also be optimization in the types of food grown to maximize caloric and nutrient output compared to water and energy input."], 2: [rdflib.term.URIRef(u'file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl'), u' and Medicine'], 3: [rdflib.term.URIRef(u'file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl'), u''], 4: [rdflib.term.URIRef(u'file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl'), u' Growing Methods'], 5: [rdflib.term.URIRef(u'file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl'), u' cost pulled from children pages)']})
here is the predicate object string list
[u' (time to maturity pulled from children pages)', u" independence and resource optimization, some or all of the astronauts' diet must be grown in-situ. Various forms have been proposed, from greenhouses to hydroponics, but there must also be optimization in the types of food grown to maximize caloric and nutrient output compared to water and energy input.", u' and Medicine', u'', u' Growing Methods', u' cost pulled from children pages)']
here is the unique predicate object string
{0: u' (time to maturity pulled from children pages)', 1: u" independence and resource optimization, some or all of the astronauts' diet must be grown in-situ. Various forms have been proposed, from greenhouses to hydroponics, but there must also be optimization in the types of food grown to maximize caloric and nutrient output compared to water and energy input.", 2: u' and Medicine', 3: u'', 4: u' Growing Methods', 5: u' cost pulled from children pages)'}
here is the subjectlist
[rdflib.term.URIRef(u'file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl'), rdflib.term.URIRef(u'file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl')]
here is the objectlist
[rdflib.term.URIRef(u'http://localhost:8080/marmotta/ldp/waypaver-lsi/biological-support'), rdflib.term.URIRef(u'http://localhost:8080/marmotta/ldp/waypaver-lsi/habitation-infrastructure')]
here is the subject-object dictionary
{0: u'file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl', 1: u'http://localhost:8080/marmotta/ldp/waypaver-lsi/biological-support', 2: u'http://localhost:8080/marmotta/ldp/waypaver-lsi/habitation-infrastructure'}
the key is 0 the subject is file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl
the subject is: file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl
k1 is: 0
the predobj is (time to maturity pulled from children pages)
k2 ks: 0
the key is 1 the subject is file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl
the subject is: file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl
k1 is: 0
the predobj is independence and resource optimization, some or all of the astronauts' diet must be grown in-situ. Various forms have been proposed, from greenhouses to hydroponics, but there must also be optimization in the types of food grown to maximize caloric and nutrient output compared to water and energy input.
k2 ks: 1
the key is 2 the subject is file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl
the subject is: file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl
k1 is: 0
the predobj is and Medicine
k2 ks: 2
the key is 3 the subject is file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl
the subject is: file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl
k1 is: 0
the predobj is
k2 ks: 3
the key is 4 the subject is file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl
the subject is: file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl
k1 is: 0
the predobj is Growing Methods
k2 ks: 4
the key is 5 the subject is file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl
the subject is: file:///home/brent/Downloads/Brents-Ext_RESCAL/oldfood.ttl
k1 is: 0
the predobj is cost pulled from children pages)
k2 ks: 5
defaultdict(<type 'list'>, {0: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]})
defaultdict(<type 'list'>, {0: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]})
[[1 1 1 1 1 1]
[0 0 0 0 0 0]
[0 0 0 0 0 0]]
(0, 0) 1
(0, 1) 1
(0, 2) 1
(0, 3) 1
(0, 4) 1
(0, 5) 1
Objective function value: 0.002989004990059269777080697139
# of iterations: 3
no A is:
[[-0.7089591 0.7089591 ]
[ 0.50074365 0.50074365]
[ 0.50074365 0.50074365]]
the dimensions of A are:
(3, 2)
now V is:
[[-0.70517032 -0.70517032 -0.70517032 -0.70517032 -0.70517032 -0.70517032]
[ 0.70517032 0.70517032 0.70517032 0.70517032 0.70517032 0.70517032]]
the dimensions of V are:
(2, 6)
now R is
[array([[-0.70351417, -0.70351417],
[ 0.70351417, 0.70351417]])]
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