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Last active April 6, 2016 12:39
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pattern match on monadic result type and value in clojure
(ns whatever
(:require [ :as log]
[clojure.core.match :as m :refer [match]]
[clojure.core.match.protocols :as mp]
[cats.monad.either :as either]
[clojure.core.async :as async]))
(deftype Either [tag]
(mp/syntax-tag [_] tag))
(def ok (Either. ::m/ok))
(def err (Either. ::m/err))
(defn either->tag [e]
(either/right? e) ::m/ok
(either/left? e) ::m/err))
(defn tags-match? [pat ocr]
(= (::m/tag pat) (either->tag ocr)))
(defrecord EitherPattern [pattern])
(defn either-pattern [pat] (assoc (EitherPattern. pat) ::m/tag (.tag pat)))
(defmethod m/emit-pattern ::m/ok [pat] (either-pattern pat))
(defmethod m/emit-pattern ::m/err [pat] (either-pattern pat))
(defmethod m/to-source ::m/ok [pat ocr] `(tags-match? ~pat ~ocr))
(defmethod m/to-source ::m/err [pat ocr] `(tags-match? ~pat ~ocr))
;;; tests
(def right (either/right 5))
(def left (either/left 5))
;; works as it should, err does not match right
(assert (= false
(eval (m/to-source (err-pattern err) right))))
;;works as it should, ok does not mmatch left
(assert (= false
(eval (m/to-source (ok-pattern ok) left))))
;; works as it should
(assert (= 5
(match [right @right]
[ok x] x
[err msg] (str "Err --" msg))))
;;; oops- found a few bugs
;; wrong, the match returns 5 but *should* return "wat"
(assert (= 5
(match [right @right]
[err x] x
[_ _] "wat")))
;; wrong, the match picks the "ok" branch
(assert (= [:error 5]
(match left
ok @left
err {:error-msg @left})))
;;; examples
;;; match only on result type
(let [res (either/right 5)]
(match [res]
[ok] @res
[err] (println "Err --" @res)))
;;; match on result type *and* result value (like how erlang does pattern matching on result tuples)
(let [ch (async/chan) ;; pretend this channel goes to some other component for further processing or whatever
res (either/right {:id (util/uuid) :status "HANDLING"})]
(match [res @res]
[ok {:id i :status status}] (do (log/info status) (async/put! ch i))
[err msg] (log/warn "Error! -- " (str msg))))
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