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Created May 4, 2020 14:40
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Game of life in Clojure + seesaw, based on reddit thread, see comments
;;; see
;;; for initial implementation
(ns gol.core
[java.awt Color Graphics])
(:use seesaw.core
(definline equiv
[x y]
`(clojure.lang.Numbers/equiv ~x ~y))
(definline eq0?
`(equiv ~(int 0) ~x))
(defn unchecked-mod
"Modulus of num and div. Truncates toward negative infinity."
[num div]
(let [m (unchecked-remainder-int num div)]
(if (or (eq0? m) (= (pos? num) (pos? div)))
(unchecked-add-int m div))))
;;; see
(defmacro deep-aget
"Gets a value from a multidimensional array as if via `aget`,
but with automatic application of appropriate type hints to
each step in the array traversal as guided by the hint added
to the source array.
e.g. (deep-aget ^doubles arr i j)"
([array idx]
`(aget ~array ~idx))
([array idx & idxs]
(let [a-sym (gensym "a")]
`(let [~a-sym (aget ~(vary-meta array assoc :tag 'objects) ~idx)]
(deep-aget ~(with-meta a-sym {:tag (-> array meta :tag)}) ~@idxs)))))
(defmacro deep-aset
"Sets a value in a multidimensional array as if via `aset`,
but with automatic application of appropriate type hints to
each step in the array traversal as guided by the hint added
to the target array.
e.g. (deep-aset ^doubles arr i j 1.0)"
[array & idxsv]
(let [hints '{booleans boolean, bytes byte
chars char, longs long
ints int, shorts short
doubles double, floats float}
hint (-> array meta :tag)
[v idx & sxdi] (reverse idxsv)
idxs (reverse sxdi)
v (if-let [h (hints hint)] (list h v) v)
nested-array (if (seq idxs)
`(deep-aget ~(vary-meta array assoc :tag 'objects) ~@idxs)
a-sym (gensym "a")]
`(let [~a-sym ~nested-array]
(aset ~(with-meta a-sym {:tag hint}) ~idx ~v))))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(set! *unchecked-math* true)
(def wCells 100)
(def hCells 100)
(def rows 100)
(def cols 100)
(def cellSize 5)
(def cellColor (color 0 255 0))
(def statusBarHeight 20)
(def windowWidth (* wCells cellSize))
(def windowHeight (+ statusBarHeight (* hCells cellSize)))
(def frameCap 30)
(def maxFrameDuration (quot 1000 frameCap))
(defn build-board
[rows cols]
(let [a (int-array cols)
t (type a)]
(into-array t (repeatedly rows #(int-array cols)))))
(defn init-board
[board rows cols]
(loop [row (int 0)]
(when-not (= row rows)
(loop [col (int 0)]
(when-not (= col cols)
(deep-aset ^ints board row col (rand-int 2))
(recur (unchecked-inc-int col))))
(recur (unchecked-inc-int row)))))
(def boards
(let [b1 (build-board rows cols)
b2 (build-board rows cols)]
(init-board b1 rows cols)
(into-array (type b1) [b1 b2])))
(def current-board (atom (int 0)))
(defn neighbors-around
[board ?row rows ?col cols]
(let [start-row (unchecked-dec-int ?row)
end-row (unchecked-add-int ?row (int 2))
start-col (unchecked-dec-int ?col)
end-col (unchecked-add-int ?col (int 2))
found (int 0)]
(loop [row start-row
found found]
(if-not (equiv row end-row)
(recur (unchecked-inc-int row)
(loop [col start-col
found found]
(if-not (equiv col end-col)
(let [-row (unchecked-mod row rows)
-col (unchecked-mod col cols)]
(if (and (equiv ?row -row) (equiv ?col -col))
(recur (unchecked-inc-int col) found)
(recur (unchecked-inc-int col)
(unchecked-add-int found (deep-aget ^ints board -row -col)))))
(int found)))))
(int found)))))
(def lastTime (atom (System/currentTimeMillis)))
(def alive (int 1))
(def dead (int 0))
(defn step
[gen1 gen2 rows cols]
(loop [row (int 0)]
(when-not (= row rows)
(loop [col (int 0)]
(when-not (= col cols)
(let [-ns (neighbors-around gen1 row rows col cols)
cell (deep-aget ^ints gen1 row col)]
(if (= alive cell)
(if (or (= -ns 2) (= -ns 3))
(deep-aset ^ints gen2 row col alive)
(deep-aset ^ints gen2 row col dead))
(if (= -ns 3)
(deep-aset ^ints gen2 row col alive)
(deep-aset ^ints gen2 row col dead))))
(recur (unchecked-inc-int col))))
(recur (unchecked-inc-int row)))))
(defn fps
(let [previous @lastTime
current (System/currentTimeMillis)
diff (- current previous)
toSleep (- maxFrameDuration diff)]
(when (pos? toSleep) (Thread/sleep toSleep))
(reset! lastTime (System/currentTimeMillis))
(double (/ 1000 (- (System/currentTimeMillis) previous)))))
(def red (color 255 0 0))
(def blue (color 0 0 255))
(defn painter- [c ^Graphics g]
(let [curr @current-board
board (deep-aget ^objects boards (int curr))
next-curr (unchecked-subtract-int 1 curr)
next-board (deep-aget ^objects boards (int next-curr))]
(.setColor g red)
(.drawRect g 0 0 windowWidth (- windowHeight statusBarHeight))
(.setColor g cellColor)
(dotimes [row rows]
(dotimes [col cols]
(let [cell (deep-aget ^ints board row col)]
(when (= alive cell)
(.fillRect g (* cellSize col) (* cellSize row) cellSize cellSize)))))
(.setColor g blue)
(.drawString g ^String (str "Simulations per second: " (fps)) (int 50) (int (- windowHeight 5)))
(step board next-board rows cols)
(reset! current-board next-curr)))
(def m-canvas
(canvas :id :mcanvas
:background :black
:paint painter-))
(defn -main
[& args]
(-> (frame :title "Game Of Life",
:width (+ 3 windowWidth), :height (inc windowHeight),
:content m-canvas,)
(def t (timer (fn [e] (repaint! m-canvas)) :delay 1))
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joinr commented May 4, 2020

numeric equivalence via == is also way better than =

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bsless commented May 4, 2020

numeric equivalence via == is also way better than =

I forgot about ==, which is just a wrapper for equiv, which I wrote one for myself.
Didn't bother doing the same forstep since I saw in a flame graph that cycles were significantly dominated by neighbors-around

The only remaining work would be to add fast-math, but I wanted to see how fast we could go with plain clojure.

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