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Last active September 23, 2024 08:09
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Signing order script

Signing Order Script


Put package.json and createSignature.js in the sample folder and run

node createSignature.js
const { parseEther, Wallet } = require("ethers");
// the domain is for the same for all messages; you can hardcode it or derive it
// from this api
const domainData = {
name: "BSX Testnet",
version: "1",
chainId: 84532,
verifyingContract: "0x182C14399BCC7c9F0280Ad07913CB07ba1775Cb6",
// replace with your account private key
const account = new Wallet(
console.log("account", account.address);
//account 0x5A3Ac91883Fd94394F3CFf22dBC93AFB41d5eD3f
const signer = new Wallet(
console.log("signer", signer.address);
//signer 0x2e086F40822314CFDb72DBeD9C6FCbaEA0Db1c6d
// this function show example how to build the BE for POST /users/register
const registerSigningKey = async () => {
const signingKeyMessage = {
account: account.address,
const signingKeySignature = await signer.signTypedData(
SignKey: [{ name: "account", type: "address" }],
console.log("signingKeySignature", signingKeySignature);
//signingKeySignature: 0x5c49b8bcd90c0848696756b132ceb79ecdc3f572ae24cc5bcbd9b299437b24235fcd525dac0545e17e4f65fd51717fa767762a474ca4a82520c6b0b946687b5d1b
const registerMessage = {
key: signer.address,
"Please sign in with your wallet to access You are signing in on Monday, January 17, 2124 9:35:29 AM (GMT). This message is exclusively signed with for security.",
nonce: "4861157729000000000",
const accountSignature = await account.signTypedData(
Register: [
{ name: "key", type: "address" },
{ name: "message", type: "string" },
{ name: "nonce", type: "uint64" },
console.log("accountSignature", accountSignature);
//registerMessage expected: 0xa19f4468cdf8c774ea2a86488a5747aa8ec91c13bd00c839d8725b9eaf594253792c38f54a17176f83312867e78c9d69067be8d922e3f1ddc9efdcfb3cd1d1051b
const body = {
user_wallet: account.address,
signer: signer.address,
nonce: registerMessage.nonce,
wallet_signature: accountSignature,
signer_signature: signingKeySignature,
message: registerMessage.message,
console.log("SIGNING_BODY:::", body);
// user_wallet: '0x5A3Ac91883Fd94394F3CFf22dBC93AFB41d5eD3f',
// signer: '0x2e086F40822314CFDb72DBeD9C6FCbaEA0Db1c6d',
// nonce: '4861157729000000000',
// wallet_signature: '0x22ae531bd56c27930eb16b407b43f2a5e5b8aa57d5b8d13a8c0763dea2ae03037876449da50f1d475c5d9c73ce71fb591857d17647171fa87033a189bd2db85a1c',
// signer_signature: '0x833896aee9c6b0a6c4985fb983a9659c7eb4f23d0824aaddc3d23bb6148ac90c6d705f928da1b6a1e61523325cecfcd82ff647c3c45f6054f61ac7f6326e9a3f1b',
// message: 'Please sign in with your wallet to access You are signing in on Monday, January 17, 2124 9:35:29 AM (GMT). This message is exclusively signed with for security.'
// }
// this functions show example how to build the BE for POST /orders
const onCreateOrder = async (payload) => {
const {
type = "LIMIT",
time_in_force = type === "MARKET" ? "FOK" : "GTC",
} = payload;
// to sign the order we need to build the message
// 1 thing should be noted here is that the order message is a little bit different from the other messages
// the price, size in body is float, we must convert it to uint128 (by using parseEther - it simply multiply the float by 10^18, so we have an integer)
const orderMessage = {
sender: account.address,
size: parseEther(size).toString(), // this field is different in the request body
price: parseEther(price).toString(), // this field is different in the request body
nonce: nonce,
productIndex: product_index,
orderSide: side === "BUY" ? 0 : 1,
const orderSignature = await signer.signTypedData(
Order: [
{ name: "sender", type: "address" },
{ name: "size", type: "uint128" },
{ name: "price", type: "uint128" },
{ name: "nonce", type: "uint64" },
{ name: "productIndex", type: "uint8" },
{ name: "orderSide", type: "uint8" },
console.log("orderSignature", orderSignature);
//orderSignature expected: 0xafd6693decaeb17d005b788171ca942b74cd407f12dcccb0e87f1201e48ba9050bec18054301a00e6769e9e6cf50d24b3c287fb7fed59b2b41129b91edeffc4c1b
const body = {
side: side,
product_index: product_index,
price: price,
size: size,
time_in_force: time_in_force,
nonce: nonce,
signature: orderSignature,
console.log("ORDER_BODY:::", body);
// ORDER_BODY::: {
// side: 'BUY',
// product_index: 1,
// price: '2500',
// size: '2',
// time_in_force: 'GTC',
// nonce: '1234123412341234',
// signature: '0x2aa5b3fa914a5aae71cc0d7799f3ec469add02f1459e5c588fa2c9e05a5e6b5a7ab59f790d76b873d7904bc43e0e24dcccca671c4053c775d1e6395cb99e264a1b'
// }
const onCreateWithdraw = async (payload) => {
const withdrawMessage = {
sender: account.address,
token: payload.token,
amount: parseEther(payload.amount), // payload.amount is float, we must convert it to uint128 (by using parseEther)
nonce: payload.nonce,
const withdrawSignature = await signer.signTypedData(
Withdraw: [
{ name: "sender", type: "address" },
{ name: "token", type: "address" },
{ name: "amount", type: "uint128" },
{ name: "nonce", type: "uint64" },
console.log("withdrawSignature", withdrawSignature);
//withdrawSignature expected: 0x01479ab04e421ecb07ad18556a7edf1a90e85ead460056aca28bf30d22a1af074ba633567ee2b2f3ed4effae21e78ad7217b53595138c456b3959ff4139507731b
const body = {
sender: account.address,
token: payload.token,
amount: payload.amount,
nonce: payload.nonce,
wallet_signature: withdrawSignature,
console.log("WITHDRAW_BODY:::", body);
// sender: '0x5A3Ac91883Fd94394F3CFf22dBC93AFB41d5eD3f',
// token: '0x26dF8d79C4FaCa88d0212f0bd7C4A4d1e8955F0e',
// amount: '1.2',
// nonce: '1230004310000',
// wallet_signature: '0x557e80b720b7f3a14494182ab1ae096ab9fd32e8b85444022a132ff0fe4f580f373fc785370b681065d4fed95059ce10a3e67e5bdeae4d33c016624c0d897b541b'
// }
(async () => {
await registerSigningKey();
await onCreateOrder({
side: "BUY",
product_index: 1,
price: "2500",
size: "2",
signing_time: "1690434000000000000",
nonce: "1234123412341234",
await onCreateWithdraw({
token: "0x26dF8d79C4FaCa88d0212f0bd7C4A4d1e8955F0e",
amount: "1.2",
nonce: "1230004310000",
"name": "singing-script",
"version": "1.0.0",
"dependencies": {
"dayjs": "^1.11.9",
"ethers": "^6.9.2"
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