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Created November 4, 2015 03:15
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**Markdeep Feature Demo**
Morgan McGuire
This document shows the features of
[Markdeep]( Markdeep is a text
formatting syntax that extends Markdown, and a Javascript program for
making it work in browsers. The two most powerful features are its
ability to run in any **web browser** on the client side and the
inclusion of **diagrams**.
[Click here]( to see this document without
automatic formatting.
Markdeep is free and easy to use. It doesn't need a plugin, or
Internet connection. There's nothing to install. Just start
writing in Vi, Nodepad, Emacs, Visual Studio, Atom, or another
editor! You don't have to export, compile, or otherwise process
your document.
Section Header
Text formatting: **bold**, __bold__, *italic*, _italic_,
~~strikethrough~~, [hyperlink](, `inline
Hyperlinked explicit URL <> and
e-mail <>. Even URLs with ? and & in them:
Markdeep intelligently does not apply bold or italic formatting to
math expressions such as x = 3 * y - 2 * z or WORDS_WITH_INTERNAL_UNDERSCORES.
It also protects HTML `<tags>` in code blocks from disappearing.
Subsection Header
Lists and floating diagrams:
1. Monday * A B C *
2. Tuesday * *-------->o<------->o *
1. Morning * ^ / ^ | *
2. Afternoon * | v \ v *
3. Wednesday * o----->o---->o<---->* *
- Bullets * D E F G *
- Bullets *****************************
4. Thursday
5. Friday
Ut at felis diam. Aliquam massa odio, pharetra ut neque sed, commodo
dignissim orci. Curabitur quis velit gravida, blandit diam nec,
lacinia quam. Maecenas pharetra, velit in vestibulum auctor, diam
ipsum suscipit arcu, non sodales orci nibh sit amet leo. Nulla dictum.
- Bread
- Fish
- Milk
- Cheese
> This is an indented blockquote: Ut at felis diam. Aliquam massa odio, pharetra ut neque sed, commodo
> dignissim orci. Curabitur quis velit gravida, blandit diam nec,
> lacinia quam. Maecenas pharetra, velit in vestibulum auctor, diam
> ipsum suscipit arcu, non sodales orci nibh sit amet leo. Nulla dictum
- Level 1
- Level 2
- Level 3
- Level 1 again
- 1
- 1.a
- 1.a.i
- 1.a.ii
- 1.b
Lists can also:
* Use asterisks
* Instead of
* Minus signs
* `or have code`
* *and* other formatting
+ Use plus
+ Signs
************** _Song of Myself: 35_
* | | *
* --+<---+-- * Would you hear of an old-time sea-fight? <br>
* | ^ * Would you learn who won by the light of the moon and stars? <br>
* v | * List to the yarn, as my grandmother's father the sailor told it to me.
* --+--->+-- *
* | | * Walt Whitman
There's no natural way to embed an image into something that is readable as a text
document. Markdeep follows markdown's somewhat reasonable syntax:
![A picture of a robot](robot.jpg)
or, just use a raw HTML `<img>` tag, which allows better format control:
<img src="robot.jpg" width="128" border="1">
Arrows, Dashes, Times
Markdeep converts `==>` and `<==` to arrows if they aren't in a code
block. Examples:
- if this ==> then that
- here <== there
If there is an em dash---like that, or an en dash--like that, they will
be converted to the appropriate character.
An "x" between numbers, such as 1920x1080, will be converted to the times
Negative numbers, such as -5 and minus signs between numbers such as
2 - 1, will have a minus sign instead of a hyphen.
Fenced Code Blocks
Fenced code blocks with syntax coloring and automatic programming
language detection:
void insertion_sort(int data[], int length) {
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
for (int j = i; (j > 0) && (data[j] < data[j - 1]); --j) {
int temp = data[j];
data[j] = data[j - 1];
data[j - 1] = temp;
Alternative back-tick markup:
def insertionSort(data):
for i in range(0, len(data)):
j = i;
while (j > 0) and (data[j] < data[j - 1]):
temp = data[j]
data[j] = data[j - 1]
data[j] = temp
You can even have HTML in a code block:
<b>Show this</b> HTML as <i>source</i>,
<code>not code</code>.
...and of course, Markdeep inside Markdeep (although the syntax coloring sometimes goes crazy):
- Do not
- Format
- this as a **list**!
Maine | Iowa | Colorado
1 | 4 | 10
ME | IA | CO
Blue | Red | Brown
With alignment:
Item | Type | Cost
---- |:----:| ----:
Fish | F | 1.00
Axe | W | 3.25
Gold | I |20.50
Definition Lists
: Pomaceous fruit of plants of the genus Malus in
the family Rosaceae.
: The fruit of an evergreen tree of the genus Citrus.
Diagrams can be inserted alongside, as in this ****************************
example, or between paragraphs of text as shown * .---------. *
below. * | Server |<------. *
* '----+----' | *
The diagram parser leaves symbols used as labels * | | *
unmodified, so characters like > and ( can appear * | DATA CYCLE | *
inside of the diagram. In fact, any plain text * v | *
may appear in the diagram. In addition to labels, * .-------. .----+----. *
any un-beautified text will remain in place for * | Security| | File | *
use as ASCII art. Thus, the diagram is rarely * | Policy +->| Manager | *
distored by the beautification process. * '-------' '---------' *
*.-------------------. ^ .---. *
*| A Box |__.--.__ __.--> | | | *
*| | '--' v | | *
*'-------------------' | | *
* Round *---(-. | *
* .-----------------. .-------. .----------. .-------. | | | *
* | Mixed Rounded | | | / Diagonals \ | | | | | | *
* | & Square Corners | '--. .--' / \ |---+---| '-)-' .--------. *
* '--+------------+-' .--. | '-------+--------' | | | | / Search / *
* | | | | '---. | '-------' | '-+------' *
* |<---------->| | | | v Interior | ^ *
* ' <---' '----' .-----------. ---. .--- v | *
* .------------------. Diag line | .-------. +---. \ / . | *
* | if (a > b) +---. .--->| | | | | Curved line \ / / \ | *
* | foo->bar() | \ / | '-------' |<--' + / \ | *
* '------------------' '--' '--+--------' .--. .--. | .-. +Done?+-' *
* .---+-----. | ^ |\ | | /| .--+ | | \ / *
* | | | Join | | Curved | \| |/ | | \ | \ / *
* | | +----> '-' Vertical '--' '--' '-- '--' + .---. *
* '---+-----' | | 3 | *
* not:line 'quotes' .-' '---' *
* / A || B *bold* | ^ *
* <---+---<-- A dash--is not a line v | *
* / Nor/is this. --- *
Diagram Examples
Lines with Decorations
* ________ o * * .--------------. *
* *---+--. | | o o | ^ \ / | .----------. | *
* | | '--* -+- | | v / \ / | | <------. | | *
* | '-----> .---(---' --->*<--- / .+->*<--o----' | | | | | *
* <--' ^ ^ | | | | | ^ \ | '--------' | | *
* \/ *-----' o |<----->| '-----' |__| v '------------' | *
* /\ *---------------' *
Graph with Large Nodes
* *
* .---. .-. .-. .-. .-. *
* | A +----->| 1 +<---->| 2 |<----+ 4 +------------------. | 8 | *
* '---' '-' '+' '-' | '-' *
* | ^ | ^ *
* v | v | *
* .-. .-+-. .-. .-+-. .-. .+. .---. *
* | 3 +---->| B |<----->| 5 +---->| C +---->| 6 +---->| 7 |<---->| D | *
* '-' '---' '-' '---' '-' '-' '---' *
Graph with Small Nodes
* A 1 2 4 8 *
* *----->o<---->o<----o-----------. o *
* ^ ^ | ^ *
* | | | | *
* v | v | *
* o<--->*<---->o---->*---->o---->o<---->* *
* 3 B 5 C 6 7 D *
Flow Chart
* . *
* .---------. / \ *
* | START | / \ .-+-------+-. ___________ *
* '----+----' .-------. A / \ B | |COMPLEX| | / \ .-. *
* | | END |<-----+CHOICE +----->| | | +--->+ PREPARATION +--->| X | *
* v '-------' \ / | |PROCESS| | \___________/ '-' *
* .---------. \ / '-+---+---+-' *
* / INPUT / \ / *
* '-----+---' ' *
* | ^ *
* v | *
* .-----------. .-----+-----. .-. *
* | PROCESS +---------------->| PROCESS |<------+ X | *
* '-----------' '-----------' '-' *
Line Ends
* *
* o--o *--o / / * o o o o o * * * * o o o o * * * * o o o o * * * * *
* o--* *--* v v ^ ^ | | | | | | | | \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ / / / / / / / / *
* o--> *--> * o / / o * v ' o * v ' o * v \ o * v \ o * v / o * v / *
* o--- *--- *
* ^ ^ ^ ^ . . . . ^ ^ ^ ^ \ \ \ \ ^ ^ ^ ^ / / / / *
* | | * o \ \ * o | | | | | | | | \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ / / / / / / / / *
* v v ^ ^ v v ^ ^ o * v ' o * v ' o * v \ o * v \ o * v / o * v / *
* * o | | * o \ \ *
* *
* <--o <--* <--> <--- ---o ---* ---> ---- *<-- o<-- -->o -->* *
* *
* *
* . . . .--- 1 .-- 1 / 1 *
* / \ | | .---+ .-+ + *
* / \ .---+---. .--+--. | '--- 2 | '-- 2 / \ 2 *
* + + | | | | ---+ ---+ + *
* / \ / \ .-+-. .-+-. .+. .+. | .--- 3 | .-- 3 \ / 3 *
* / \ / \ | | | | | | | | '---+ '-+ + *
* 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 '--- 4 '-- 4 \ 4 *
* *
* ____ * *
* | |_____.---. | *
* o _____| )----------)-------. *
* / \ | '---' | __|__ *
* /___\ | | \ / *
* | '-------------. | \ / *
* A ----------------' | | o *
* .-------------------. o-----)-------' | *
* | |___.---. | |___.---. *
* B ---*---.__.---. ___| )--*--.__..---. ____) )----- Y *
* __| o----*--' '---' ______)) )---' '---' *
* C -------' '---' | | ''---' *
* | o *
* | / \ *
* | /___\ *
* | | *
* '--------------' *
Big Shapes
* *
* .---------. . .-------. .-------. .---------. .-----. .----. *
* \ / / \ \ \ | | | | / \ / \ *
* \ / / \ \ \ | | | | / \ | | *
* \ / / \ \ \ | | | | \ / | | *
* \ / / \ \ \ | | | | \ / \ / *
* ' '---------' '-------' '-------' '---------' '-----' '----' *
* *
Small Shapes
* .---. __ .. *
* .--. . .-----. \ / .---. .---. ___ ___ | | | ) *
* / \ / \ \ / .-. . ' . | | .---. .---. | | / \ | | '--' '' *
* \ / / \ \ / | | / \ / \ '---' / / \ \ | | \___/ |___| .. __ *
* '--' '-----' ' '-' '---' /___\ '---' '---' '---' ( | |__| *
* '' *
Overlaps and Intersections
* *
* .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. *
* | | | | | | | | | | | | *
* .---------. .--+---+--. .--+---+--. .--| |--. .--+ +--. .------|--. *
* | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | *
* '---------' '--+---+--' '--+---+--' '--| |--' '--+ +--' '--|------' *
* | | | | | | | | | | | | *
* '-' '-' '-' '-' '-' '-' *
Big Grids
* .----. .----. *
* / \ / \ .-----+-----+-----. *
* + +----+ +----. | | | | .-----+-----+-----+-----+ *
* \ / \ / \ | | | | / / / / / *
* +----+ B +----+ + +-----+-----+-----+ +-----+-----+-----+-----+ *
* / \ / \ / | | | | / / / / / *
* + A +----+ +----+ | | B | | +-----+-----+-----+-----+ *
* \ / \ / \ +-----+-----+-----+ / / A / B / / *
* '----+ +----+ + | | | | +-----+-----+-----+-----+ *
* \ / \ / | A | | | / / / / / *
* '----' '----' '-----+-----+-----' '-----+-----+-----+-----+ *
* *
Small Grids
* ___ ___ ________ .---+---+---+---+---. .---+---+---+---. .---. .---. *
* ___/ \___/ \ |__|__|__| | | | | | | / \ / \ / \ / \ / | +---+ | *
* / \___/ \___/ |__|__|__| +---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+ +---+ +---+ *
* \___/ b \___/ \ |__|__|__| | | | b | | | \ / \a/ \b/ \ / \ | +---+ | *
* / a \___/ \___/ |__|__|__| +---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+ +---+ b +---+ *
* \___/ \___/ \ |__|__|__| | | a | | | | / \ / \ / \ / \ / | a +---+ | *
* \___/ \___/ |__|__|__| '---+---+---+---+---' '---+---+---+---' '---' '---' *
* *
Graphics Diagram
* . *
* 0 3 P * Eye / ^ / *
* *-------* +y \ +) \ / Reflection *
* 1 /| 2 /| ^ \ \ \ v *
* *-------* | | v0 \ v3 --------*-------- *
* | |4 | |7 | *----\-----* *
* | *-----|-* +-----> +x / v X \ .-.<-------- o *
* |/ |/ / / o \ | / | Refraction / \ *
* *-------* v / \ +-' / \ *
* 5 6 +z v1 *------------------* v2 | o-----o *
* v *
Icon Diagram
* .-. .--------. *
* .-+ | | | *
* .--+ '--. |'--------'| *
* | Server Cloud |<------------------>| Database | *
* '-------------' | | *
* ^ ^ '--------' *
* Internet | | ^ *
* .------------------------' '-------------. | *
* | | v *
* v v .------. .------. *
* .--------. WiFi .--------. Bluetooth .-----. / # # /| / # # /| *
* | |<------------->| |<---------->| | +------+/| LAN +------+/| *
* |Windows | | OS X | | iOS | | +/|<--->| +/| *
* +--------+ +--------+ | | |Ubuntu+/| |Ubuntu+/| *
* /// ____ \\\ /// ____ \\\ | o | | +/ | +/ *
* '------------' '------------' '-----' '------' '------' *
* Laptop 1 Laptop 2 Tablet 1 Dedicated Server Rack *
Various Syntaxes for Horizontal Rules
The following are all produced by different patterns in the source:
- - -
_ _ _
* * *
Embedded Math
Markdeep automatically includes [MathJax]( if your
document contains equations and you have an Internet connection. That means
you get the **full power of LaTeX, TeX, MathML, and AsciiMath notation**.
Just put math inside single or double dollar signs.
$$ \Lo(X, \wo) = \Le(X, \wo) + \int_\Omega \Li(X, \wi) ~ f_X(\wi, \wo) ~ | \n \cdot \wi | ~ d\wi $$
You can also use LaTeX equation syntax directly to obtain numbered
e^{i \pi} + 1 = 0
\mathbf{A}^{-1}\vec{b} = \vec{x}
If you don't have equations in your document, then Markdeep won't
connect to the MathJax server. Either way, it runs MathJax after
processing the rest of the document, so there is no delay.
Markdeep is smart enough to distinguish non-math use of dollar signs,
such as $2.00 and $4.00 on the same line. Note that inline
math requires a space after the dollar sign to distinguish it from
regular text usage.
Unless you've changed out the default MathJax processor, you can define
your own LaTeX macros by executing `\newcommand` within dollar signs,
just as you would in LaTeX. Markdeep provides a handful of commands
defined this way by default because they're things that I frequently
Code | Symbol
`\O(n)` | $ \O(n) $
`\mathbf{M}^\T` | $ \mathbf{M}^\T$
`45\degrees` | $ 45\degrees$
`x \in \Real` | $ x \in \Real$
`x \in \Integer` | $ x \in \Integer$
`x \in \Boolean` | $ x \in \Boolean$
`x \in \Complex` | $ x \in \Complex$
` \n ` | $ \n $
` \w ` | $ \w $
` \wo ` | $ \wo $
` \wi ` | $ \wi $
` \wh ` | $ \wh $
` \Li ` | $ \Li $
` \Lo ` | $ \Lo $
` \Lr ` | $ \Lr $
` \Le ` | $ \Le $
# Headers
In addition to the underlined headers, you can also use ATX-style
headers, with multiple # signs:
## H2
### H3
#### H4
##### H5
###### H6
Although: do you really need six levels of subsection nesting?!
Custom Formatting
Markdeep uses CSS for styling. That means you can embed a style sheet
to override anything thatn you don't like about the built-in styling.
For example, if you don't want section numbering, just use:
<style>h1:before, h2:before { content: none; }</style>
Markdeep uses Markdown's syntax, even where I disagree with the
choices. But you aren't stuck with that. Do you wish that Markdown
had specified single-asterisk for `*bold*`? You can have
<style>em.asterisk { font-style: normal; font-weight: bold; }</style>
Unicode (in UTF-8 encoding)
To support Unicode input, you must add <`meta charset="utf-8"`> to
the *top* of your document (in the first 512 bytes).
- Asian characters 林花謝了春紅 太匆匆, 無奈朝來寒雨 晚來風 胭脂淚 留人醉 幾時重, 自是人生長恨 水長東
- Asian punctuation: 、。!,:
- Matching pairs «»‹›“”‘’〖〗【】「」『』〈〉《》〔〕
- Greek ΑΒΓΔ ΕΖΗΘ ΙΚΛΜ ΝΞΟΠ ΡΣΤΥ ΦΧΨΩ αβγδ εζηθ ικλμ νξοπ ρςτυ φχψω
- Currency ¤ $ ¢ € ₠ £ ¥
- Common symbols © ® ™ ² ³ § ¶ † ‡ ※
- Bullets •◦ ‣ ✓ ●■◆ ○□◇ ★☆ ♠♣♥♦ ♤♧♡♢
- Phonetic ᴁ ᴂ ᴈ
- Music ♩♪♫♬♭♮♯
- Punctuation “” ‘’ ¿¡ ¶§ª - ‐ ‑ ‒ – — ― …
- Accents àáâãäåæç èéêë ìíîï ðñòóôõö øùúûüýþÿ ÀÁÂÃÄÅ Ç ÈÉÊË ÌÍÎÏ ÐÑ ÒÓÔÕÖ ØÙÚÛÜÝÞß
- Math ° ⌈⌉ ⌊⌋ ∏ ∑ ∫ ×÷ ⊕ ⊖ ⊗ ⊘ ⊙ ⊚ ⊛ ∙ ∘ ′ ″ ‴ ∼ ∂ √ ≔ × ⁱ ⁰ ¹ ² ³ ₀ ₁ ₂ π ∞ ± ∎
- Logic & Set Theory ∀¬∧∨∃⊦∵∴∅∈∉⊂⊃⊆⊇⊄⋂⋃
- Relations ≠≤≥≮≯≫≪≈≡
- Sets ℕℤℚℝℂ
- Arrows ←→↑↓ ↔ ↖↗↙↘ ⇐⇒⇑⇓ ⇔⇗ ⇦⇨⇧⇩ ↞↠↟↡ ↺↻ ☞☜☝☟
- Computing ⌘ ⌥ ‸ ⇧ ⌤ ↑ ↓ → ← ⇞ ⇟ ↖ ↘ ⌫ ⌦ ⎋⏏ ↶↷ ◀▶▲▼ ◁▷△▽ ⇄ ⇤⇥ ↹ ↵↩⏎ ⌧ ⌨ ␣ ⌶ ⎗⎘⎙⎚ ⌚⌛ ✂✄ ✉✍
- Digits ➀➁➂➃➄➅➆➇➈➉
- Religious and cultural symbols ✝✚✡☥⎈☭☪☮☺☹☯☰☱☲☳☴☵☶☷
- Dingbats ❦☠☢☣☤♲♳⌬♨♿ ☉☼☾☽ ♀♂ ♔♕♖ ♗♘♙ ♚♛ ♜♝♞♟
<!-- Markdeep: --><!-- Markdeep: --><style class="fallback">body{white-space:pre;font-family:monospace}</style><script src="markdeep.min.js"></script><script src=""></script>
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