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Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am bureado on github.
  • I am bureado ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 3A0B EE9E EE0E 1B7E CC64 24E0 C032 42A9 88D4 B7DF

To claim this, I am signing this object:

+2013-12-07 Andrey Borzenkov <>
+ Revert commit 69ca97c820, it caused failures when using OS device name
+ in grub-install. Instead just strip off parenthesis in grub-install
+ if (hdX) was passed.
+2013-12-07 Andrey Borzenkov <>
+ * util/grub-install.c (push_partmap_module): Add helper to convert
+ partmap names to module names and use it in probe_mods(). Fixes

Recorded Event Sun Jan 18 2015 23:03:59 GMT+0000 (UTC)

Mean for 250 packets in sta hwk3 is 0.002385 previous was 0.002012

That's a 1.185455459542006 increase! Threshold: 1.03

Mean for 250 packets in sta hwk2 is 0.001458 previous was 0.001254

That's a 1.1620366394660777 increase! Threshold: 1.03

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge" >
<!-- The title element is optional and will not be displayed anywhere. -->
<title>Sender and Recipient</title>
<!-- Add these two references to MicrosoftAjax.js and Office.js. -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<OfficeApp xmlns=""
<!-- Id is a unique UUID for the mail app -->
bureado /
Created July 30, 2015 13:54
Script to switch RAID array from master to slave in Azure
echo "Assuming master down: $master"
echo "Switching to slave: $slave"
azure vm show $master --json > /tmp/$master.json
bureado / gist:24e0d6b1e13c6f9a50b6
Last active April 29, 2016 20:06
Using docker client with a Windows Server Container Preview docker daemon in Azure (no TLS)

Deploy the VM and setup endpoint

  • In, go to New -> Compute -> Marketplace and search for Windows Server Container Preview.
  • Make sure the TCP 2375 endpoint is open in Azure (Settings -> Endpoint)

Enable Docker daemon networking

  • Access the VM via RDP
  • Edit C:\ProgramData\Docker\runDockerDaemon.cmd, and add -H on line 11, in the docker daemon invocation inside the run target
  • Enable docker.exe in the firewall: netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Allow Docker" dir=in action=allow program="C:\windows\system32\docker.exe"
bureado / gist:cf2ab22185cbaa090f20162837fa2cf9
Last active July 31, 2017 21:48
Dockerfile and ARM template for Debian package builder in ACI example
# Dockerfile
FROM debian:sid
MAINTAINER Jose Miguel Parrella <>
RUN echo deb-src sid main >> /etc/apt/sources.list
RUN apt update
RUN apt -y install devscripts
RUN apt clean
bureado / mentoring.markdown
Last active September 17, 2017 16:52
Speed networking & mentoring @ Open Source Summit North America

Speed networking & mentoring @ Open Source Summit North America

As soon as I learned that the Linux Foundation was setting up a speed networking & mentoring session at Open Source Summit North America in Los Angeles, I signed up as a career mentor.

Over the last few years, my day job has brought me to LinuxCon, Open Source Leadership Summit, Open Source Summit and many other gatherings and allowed me to interact first-hand with participants from across the globe and I thought that this could be one more way to contribute to the event beyond speaking, etc.

This is my report back to the community on my experience as a career mentor this year.

I had the opportunity to talk to four groups of people that included high school and college students and folks in different stages of their career across industries such as airspace, government, communications, etc. The Linux F

bureado /
Created December 23, 2018 19:26
Resumen de la encuesta sobre el futuro de sistemas de paquetes en Linux (Entre Dev y Ops)

Gracias a la comunidad de Entre Dev y Ops por participar en este estudio informal (n=18) sobre el futuro de los sistemas de paquetes en Linux. Estas son algunas de las conclusiones:

  • APT prevalece como sistema de paquetes preferido en esta muestra (56%) y aunque RPM está presente, es importante resaltar que cerca de un cuarto de las respuestas no se identifican ni con APT ni con RPM, o usan otro sistema
  • Más allá de estar íntimamente relacionado con la "distro estándar" de cada organización, el sistema de paquetes no parece determinar otras áreas del gasto de TI, excepto quizás ser un factor en la elección de sistemas de automatización en el caso de los ISVs.
  • Prácticamente toda la muestra usa repositorios adicionales a los oficiales, y tienen que lidiar con otros sistemas de paquetes como Docker Hub/Store, PyPI, NPM/YARN, Maven o Helm (en ese orden de popularidad)
  • Es interesante resaltar que la mayoría de las personas que respondieron mantienen paquetes personalizados, y