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# Turn DD-WRT wireless radio on for business hours only. Verify wireless interface for your router model.
# Place in WebUI > Administration > Management > Cron
0 18 * * 1,2,3,4,5 root wl -i eth1 radio off
0 6 * * 1,2,3,4,5 root wl -i eth1 radio on

#Here is how I keep my secrets out of my source code when working with OpenShift

  1. find your app's ssh address:

    rhc app show YOUR_APP_NAME

  2. ssh into your gear to set your environment variables:


burningTyger /
Created May 2, 2012 13:42 — forked from NZKoz/
Back Up All Your Gmail
  • Install getmail (aptitude install getmail4)
  • Set Up Your Imap Server (tl;dr)
  • getmail
  • ruby date_based_archive.rb ~/Maildir/.Archive
burningTyger / authentication.rb
Created December 7, 2011 17:01 — forked from jnunemaker/authentication.rb
a starting point for authentication with mongomapper and rails
# include this in application controller
module Authentication
# Inclusion hook to make #current_user and #signed_in?
# available as ActionView helper methods.
def self.included(base)
base.send :helper_method, :current_user, :signed_in?, :authorized? if base.respond_to? :helper_method
# Returns true or false if the user is signed in.
burningTyger / user.rb
Created August 13, 2011 08:35 — forked from namelessjon/user.rb
Example user with a BCrypt password
require 'bcrypt'
class User
include DataMapper::Resource
attr_accessor :password, :password_confirmation, :password_reset
timestamps :at
property :id, Serial
# To just pull changes from Github, forcing Git to use your local changes for any conflicts:
git pull --strategy=ours origin master
# To completely update each of your Git repositories in one command (run this inside each repository):
git add . && git commit -m "Updating to current working version" && git pull --strategy=ours origin master && git push origin master
name: '',
url: '',
icon: '',
domains: [ '' ],
sessionCookieNames: [ 'MoodleSession', 'MoodleSessionTest' ],
identifyUser: function() {
var site = this.httpGet('');
this.userName = site.body.querySelector('div.logininfo a').text;
burningTyger / app.rb
Created January 28, 2011 08:07 — forked from lchanmann/app.rb
require 'rubygems'
require 'haml'
require 'sinatra'
require 'sinatra/flash'
require 'file_uploader'
enable :sessions
get '/' do
haml :index
module Sinatra
class Base
def call!(env)
@env = env
@request =
@response =
@params = indifferent_params(@request.params)
module Food
def self.included(model) :id, Serial :price, Integer, :min => 0 # builtin validation works just fine :calories, Integer, :min => 0
model.before(:valid?, :custom_validation)
def custom_validation