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Last active November 18, 2019 21:59
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Data Structures in ReasonML: #8 Graph
/* Graph */
exception Not_found;
type nodes = list(int);
type edges = list((int, int));
type graph =
| Empty
| Graph(nodes, edges);
module type Graph = {
type t = int;
let empty: graph;
let addNode: (t, graph) => graph;
let addEdge: (t, t, graph) => graph;
let removeNode: (t, graph) => graph;
let removeEdge: (t, t, graph) => graph;
let path: (t, t, graph) => list(t);
let relations: graph => int;
let size: graph => int;
module Graph: Graph = {
type t = int;
let empty = Empty;
let addNode = (node, graph) =>
switch (graph) {
| Empty => Graph([node], [])
| Graph(nodes, edges) => Graph([node, ...nodes], edges)
let removeNode = (node, graph) =>
switch (graph) {
| Empty => Empty
| Graph([], edges) => Graph([], edges)
| Graph(nodes, edges) =>
List.filter(n => n !== node, nodes),
List.filter(((f, t)) => node !== f && node !== t, edges),
let addEdge = (from_, to_, graph) =>
switch (graph) {
| Empty => Empty
| Graph(nodes, edges) => Graph(nodes, [(from_, to_), ...edges])
let removeEdge = (from_, to_, graph) =>
switch (graph) {
| Empty => Empty
| Graph(nodes, []) => Graph(nodes, [])
| Graph(nodes, edges) =>
List.filter(((f, t)) => from_ !== f || to_ !== t, edges),
let size = graph =>
switch (graph) {
| Empty => 0
| Graph(nodes, _) => List.length(nodes)
let relations = graph =>
switch (graph) {
| Empty => 0
| Graph(_, edges) => List.length(edges)
let getNeighbors = (from_, cond, graph) =>
switch (graph) {
| Empty => []
| Graph(_, edges) =>
(list, (fr_, to_)) =>
if (fr_ == from_ && cond(to_)) {
[to_, ...list];
} else if (to_ == from_ && cond(fr_)) {
[fr_, ...list];
} else {
let rec listPath = (from_, to_, graph) =>
switch (to_) {
| [] => raise(Not_found)
| [first, ..._] =>
if (first === from_) {
} else {
let possiblePaths =
t => listPath(from_, [t, ...to_], graph),
getNeighbors(first, a => ! List.mem(a, to_), graph),
(shortestPath, path) =>
switch (shortestPath, path) {
| ([], []) => []
| (currentPath, []) => currentPath
| ([], path) => path
| (currentPath, path) =>
if (List.length(path) < List.length(currentPath)) {
} else {
let path = (from_, to_, graph) =>
if (from_ === to_) {
} else {
listPath(from_, [to_], graph);
let run = () => {
let printPath = path =>
List.fold_left((s, v) => s ++ string_of_int(v) ++ " ", "", path);
let t = Graph.empty;
let t = Graph.addNode(1, t);
let t = Graph.addNode(2, t);
let t = Graph.addNode(3, t);
let t = Graph.addNode(4, t);
let t = Graph.addNode(5, t);
let t = Graph.addEdge(1, 2, t);
let t = Graph.addEdge(1, 4, t);
let t = Graph.addEdge(2, 5, t);
let t = Graph.addEdge(3, 4, t);
let t = Graph.addEdge(3, 5, t);
let t = Graph.addEdge(4, 5, t);
Js.log2("Size is 5: ", Graph.size(t) === 5);
Js.log2("Relations is 6: ", Graph.relations(t) === 6);
Js.log2("path from 5 to 1 is 5 2 1 -> ", printPath(Graph.path(5, 1, t)));
Js.log2("path from 2 to 4 is 2 1 4 -> ", printPath(Graph.path(2, 4, t)));
let t = Graph.removeEdge(1, 2, t);
let t = Graph.removeEdge(4, 5, t);
Js.log2("Relations is 4:", Graph.relations(t) === 4);
"path from 5 to 1 is 5 3 4 1 -> ",
printPath(Graph.path(5, 1, t)),
"path from 2 to 4 is 2 5 3 4 -> ",
printPath(Graph.path(2, 4, t)),
let t = Graph.addEdge(1, 2, t);
let t = Graph.addEdge(4, 5, t);
Js.log2("Relations is 6:", Graph.relations(t) === 6);
Js.log2("path from 5 to 1 is 5 4 1 -> ", printPath(Graph.path(5, 1, t)));
Js.log2("path from 2 to 4 is 2 1 4 -> ", printPath(Graph.path(2, 4, t)));
let t = Graph.removeNode(3, t);
Js.log2("Size is 4: ", Graph.size(t) === 4);
Js.log2("Relations is 4: ", Graph.relations(t) === 4);
Js.log2("path from 5 to 1 is 5 4 1 -> ", printPath(Graph.path(5, 1, t)));
Js.log2("path from 2 to 4 is 2 1 4 -> ", printPath(Graph.path(2, 4, t)));
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