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Created September 26, 2016 03:11
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"ver": 0,
"date": 1474859492413,
"counter": 3,
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"data": "\r\n// xのp乗 対数mod\r\n// 逆元...powm(n,E107-2,E107)\r\nll powm(ll x,ll p,ll mod){\r\n ll y=1;\r\n x=x%mod;\r\n while (0<p){\r\n if (p%2==1){\r\n y=(y*x)%mod;\r\n }\r\n x=(x*x)%mod;\r\n p/=2;\r\n }\r\n return y;\r\n}\r\n\r\n// NchooseR のmod版\r\nll choosemod(ll n, ll r,ll mod){\r\n ll i;\r\n ll p=1;\r\n for (i=1;i<=r;i++)\r\n p=(((p*(n-i+1))%mod)*powm(i,mod-2,mod))%mod;\r\n return p;\r\n}\r\n",
"directory": "/2",
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"name": "数え上げ基本@Ruby",
"data": "def choose(n,k)\r\n r=1\r\n k.times{|i|\r\n r=r*(n-i)/(i+1)\r\n }\r\n return r\r\nend\r\n\r\ndef perm(x,k);fact(x)/fact(x-k);end\r\n",
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"id": 0
"name": "数え上げ@C++",
"data": "/*公式\r\nlcm(n,d) * gcd(n,d) = n * d\r\n*/\r\n\r\n// 最大公約数\r\n// __gcd(a,b)\r\n// 最小公倍数\r\n// __lcm(a,b)\r\n\r\ninline int fact(int n){int r=1;for(;1<n;r*=n--);return r;}\r\n\r\nint gcd(int m,int n){\r\n\tif ((0==m) || (0==n))\r\n\t\treturn 0;\r\n\twhile(m!=n){\r\n\t\tif (m>n) m=m-n;\r\n\t\telse n=n-m;\r\n\t}\r\n\treturn m;\r\n}\r\n\r\nint lcm(int m,int n){\r\n return ((m/gcd(m,n))*n);\r\n}\r\n\r\nll choose(ll n, ll r){\r\n ll i;\r\n ll p=1;\r\n for (i=1;i<=r;i++)\r\n p=p*(n-i+1)/i;\r\n return p;\r\n}",
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"name": "大きな素数で割れ@C++",
"data": "\r\n// xのp乗 対数mod\r\n// 逆元...powm(n,E107-2,E107)\r\nll powm(ll x,ll p,ll mod){\r\n ll y=1;\r\n x=x%mod;\r\n while (0<p){\r\n if (p%2==1){\r\n y=(y*x)%mod;\r\n }\r\n x=(x*x)%mod;\r\n p/=2;\r\n }\r\n return y;\r\n}\r\n\r\n// NchooseR のmod版\r\nll choosemod(ll n, ll r,ll mod){\r\n ll i;\r\n ll p=1;\r\n for (i=1;i<=r;i++)\r\n p=(((p*(n-i+1))%mod)*powm(i,mod-2,mod))%mod;\r\n return p;\r\n}\r\n",
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"id": 2,
"directory": "/2"
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