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buzzdecafe /
Last active December 15, 2022 15:26
cURL recurly API
# recurly does not document using cURL to access their API, they really want you to use their libraries.
# Sometimes i need to test something quick. I do not want to write a script importing your stupid library.
# So here's how you do it:
APIKEY=<get your API key from your site>
curl -H "Accept: application/vnd.recurly.v2021-02-25+json" -u $APIKEY:
buzzdecafe / loop-recur.js
Created November 4, 2022 19:29
Scott's loop/recur impl
const Loop = (fn, ... init) => {
let r = fn (... init)
while (r instanceof Recur) r = fn (... r)
return r
const Recur = ( ...v) => Object .create (
Recur .prototype,
{[Symbol .iterator]: {value: _ => v .values ()}}
const NIL = Symbol('~~NIL~~');
const isNil = x => typeof x === 'symbol' && x.toString() === NIL.toString();
const pair = (a, b) => ({
fst: function* () { yield a; },
snd: function* () { yield b; },
[Symbol.iterator]: function* () { yield a; (b[Symbol.iterator] ? yield* b : yield b); }
data Store s a = Store (s -> a) s
instance Functor (Store s) where
fmap f (Store g s) = Store (f . g) s
instance Extend (Store s) where
duplicate (Store f s) = Store (Store f) s
instance Comonad (Store s) where
buzzdecafe / s2.js
Last active December 7, 2017 22:44
const S = {
fromArray: xs => sink => {
for (let i=0; i<xs.length; ++i)
if (sink(xs[i]))
return true
map: fn => stream => sink => stream(x => sink(fn(x))),
buzzdecafe / curry.js
Last active November 19, 2017 15:00
decorated curry
const meta = Symbol('@@ramda-meta');
const initMeta = f => ({ func: f, arity: f.length, seenArgs: [] });
const getMeta = f => f[meta] || initMeta(f);
const setMeta = (arg, f) => {
const fMeta = getMeta(f);
f[meta] = {
func: fMeta.func,
buzzdecafe / _stream.js
Last active April 23, 2020 16:44
Union types are beautiful
import Type from 'union-type';
// `tail` function must be return a Stream type, but no way to enforce that without evaluating it :-(
const Stream = Type({
Empty: [],
Cons: [() => true, Function]
Stream.prototype.chain = function(f) {
buzzdecafe / Lazy.js
Created May 27, 2017 12:36 — forked from i-am-tom/Lazy.js
A Fantasy Land-compliant type for lazy computation.
const fl = require('fantasy-land')
//- Lazy holds a vaue in a thunk, effectively delaying
//- evaluation until required. This is useful when we're
//- in a situation with either very large data set or
//- cyclical data.
//@ make stack-safe.
//> type Lazy a = Unit -> a
function Lazy(run) {
buzzdecafe / ct_notes.txt
Last active January 24, 2022 12:17
Category Theory for Programmers: Notes
Category Theory 1.1: Motivation and Philosophy
Composability, Abstraction, Reusability
Category Theory is a higher-level language.
Not a practical, executable language.
loop : ('a -> bool) -> ('a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a
such that loop p f x = x when p x = true and loop p f x = loop p f (f x) otherwise.
let rec loop p f x = if p x then x else loop p f (f x);;
exists : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> bool