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  • Save bwskyer/185465 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save bwskyer/185465 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// 2009.9.17, 添加了对滴(Dii)微博的支持(不太稳定)
// 2009.9.18, 添加了对腾讯(QQ)滔滔的支持
// 2009.10.10, 修正了MEME(咪咪)提交页面地址
// 2009.10.18, 增加火兔(原嘀咕)微博的支持, 同时雅虎咪咪和网址缩短域名bit被墙, 翻墙后不影响全部功能
// 2009.10.22, 去掉MEME更新, 同时把缩短域名服务更换为
// 2009.11.03, 修改缩短域名服务为更强大的
// 2010.02.04, 增加Follow5和网易微博, 更换Twitter API, 修正Dii同步.
const TWEET_MAXLEN = 140;
var multiServiceUpdater = {
registeredServices: [
{ selector: '#QQ', method: 'updateQQ' },
{ selector: '#163', method: 'update163' },
{ selector: '#F5', method: 'updateF5' },
{ selector: '#SINA', method: 'updateSina' },
{ selector: '#DII', method: 'updateDii' },
{ selector: '#KAIXIN', method: 'updateKaixin' },
{ selector: '#9911', method: 'update9911' },
{ selector: '#HUOTU', method: 'updateHuotu' },
{ selector: '#ZUOSA', method: 'updateZuosa' },
{ selector: '#LEIHOU', method: 'updateLeihou' },
{ selector: '#TWITTER', method: 'updateTwitter' },
{ selector: '#TEST', method: 'updateTest' },
parseActions: function(finalStatusText) {
var actions = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.registeredServices.length; i++) {
var service = this.registeredServices[i];
if (!service.selector) continue;
if (finalStatusText.indexOf(' ' + service.selector) != -1) {
finalStatusText = finalStatusText.replace(new RegExp(' ' + service.selector), '');
if (actions.length == 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.registeredServices.length; i++) {
var service = this.registeredServices[i];
if (!service.selector) continue;
if ('#TEST' == service.selector) continue;
return { 'status': finalStatusText, 'actions': actions };
updateStatus: function(finalStatusText) {
var result = this.parseActions(finalStatusText);
this.processUpdate(result.status, result.actions);
processUpdate: function(finalStatusText, actions) {
if (actions.length <= 0) return; // no action to be processed
var action = actions.shift();
var thisObj = this;
var cb = function() {
// process the next action
thisObj.processUpdate(finalStatusText, actions);
for (var i = 0; i < this.registeredServices.length; i++) {
var service = this.registeredServices[i];
if (!service.selector) continue;
if (action == service.selector) {
this[service.method](finalStatusText, cb);
displayMessage('Unknown action: ' + action);
if (cb) cb();
updateTest: function(finalStatusText, cb) {
displayMessage("Test service updated: " + finalStatusText);
if (cb) cb();
updateTwitter: function(finalStatusText, cb) {
var updateUrl = "";
var updateParams = {
source: "ubiquity",
status: finalStatusText
type: "POST",
url: updateUrl,
data: updateParams,
dataType: "json",
error: function() {
displayMessage("[Twitter] Failed to update the status: Not logged in?");
success: function() {
displayMessage("[Twitter] Status updated: " + finalStatusText);
complete: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus) {
if (cb) cb();
updateLeihou: function(finalStatusText, cb) {
var updateUrl = "";
var updateParams = {
source: "ubiquity",
status: finalStatusText
type: "POST",
url: updateUrl,
data: updateParams,
dataType: "json",
error: function() {
displayMessage("[Leihou] Failed to update the status: Not logged in?");
success: function() {
displayMessage("[Leihou] Status updated: " + finalStatusText);
complete: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus) {
if (cb) cb();
updateHuotu: function(finalStatusText, cb) {
var updateUrl = "";
var updateParams = {
source: "ubiquity",
content: finalStatusText
type: "POST",
url: updateUrl,
data: updateParams,
dataType: "json",
error: function() {
displayMessage("[Huotu] Failed to update the status: Not logged in?");
success: function() {
displayMessage("[Huotu] Status updated: " + finalStatusText);
complete: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus) {
if (cb) cb();
updateZuosa: function(finalStatusText, cb) {
var updateUrl = "";
var updateParams = {
source: "ubiquity",
status: finalStatusText
type: "POST",
url: updateUrl,
data: updateParams,
dataType: "json",
error: function() {
displayMessage("[Zuosa] Failed to update the status: Not logged in?");
success: function() {
displayMessage("[Zuosa] Status updated: " + finalStatusText);
complete: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus) {
if (cb) cb();
update9911: function(finalStatusText, cb) {
var updateUrl = "";
var updateParams = {
source: "ubiquity",
status: finalStatusText
type: "POST",
url: updateUrl,
data: updateParams,
dataType: "json",
error: function() {
displayMessage("[9911] Failed to update the status: Not logged in?");
success: function() {
displayMessage("[9911] Status updated: " + finalStatusText);
complete: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus) {
if (cb) cb();
updateKaixin: function(finalStatusText, cb) {
var updateUrl = "" + Math.random();
var updateParams = {
state: finalStatusText,
var thisObj = this;
type: "POST",
url: updateUrl,
data: updateParams,
dataType: "html",
error: function() {
displayMessage("[Kaixin] Failed to update the status: Not logged in?");
success: function(data, textStatus) {
displayMessage("[Kaixin] Status updated: " + finalStatusText);
complete: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus) {
if (cb) cb();
updateDii: function(finalStatusText, cb) {
var updateUrl = "";
var updateParams = {
content: finalStatusText,
type: "POST",
url: updateUrl,
data: updateParams,
dataType: "html",
error: function() {
displayMessage("[Dii] Failed to update the status: Not logged in?");
success: function(data, textStatus) {
displayMessage("[Dii] Status updated: " + finalStatusText);
complete: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus) {
if (cb) cb();
updateSina: function(finalStatusText, cb) {
var updateUrl = "" + Math.random();
var updateParams = {
content: finalStatusText,
from: 'myprofile'
type: "POST",
url: updateUrl,
data: updateParams,
dataType: "json",
error: function() {
displayMessage("[Sina] Failed to update the status: Not logged in?");
success: function(data, textStatus) {
displayMessage("[Sina] Status updated: " + finalStatusText);
complete: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus) {
if (cb) cb();
beforeSend: function(req) {
req.withCredentials = true;
req.setRequestHeader('Referer', '');
update163: function(finalStatusText, cb) {
var updateUrl = "";
var updateParams = {
status: finalStatusText,
type: "POST",
url: updateUrl,
data: updateParams,
dataType: "json",
error: function() {
displayMessage("[163] Failed to update the status: Not logged in?");
success: function(data, textStatus) {
displayMessage("[163] Status updated: " + finalStatusText);
complete: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus) {
if (cb) cb();
updateF5: function(finalStatusText, cb) {
var updateUrl = "" + Math.random();
var updateParams = {
noteContent: finalStatusText,
type: "POST",
url: updateUrl,
data: updateParams,
dataType: "html",
error: function() {
displayMessage("[Follow5] Failed to update the status: Not logged in?");
success: function(data, textStatus) {
displayMessage("[Follow5] Status updated: " + finalStatusText);
complete: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus) {
if (cb) cb();
updateQQ: function(finalStatusText, cb, retryFlag) {
var updateUrl = "" + Math.random() + "&synqqsign=0&content=" + encodeURIComponent(finalStatusText);
var updateParams = {
// content: finalStatusText,
var thisObj = this;
type: "POST",
url: updateUrl,
data: updateParams,
dataType: "html",
error: function() {
if (!retryFlag) {
displayMessage("[QQ] Failed to update. Try one more time.");
thisObj.updateQQ(finalStatusText, cb, 'retry');
} else {
displayMessage("[QQ] Failed to update the status: Not logged in?");
if (cb) cb();
success: function(data, textStatus) {
displayMessage("[QQ] Status updated: " + finalStatusText);
if (cb) cb();
beforeSend: function(req) {
req.withCredentials = true;
req.setRequestHeader('Referer', '');
name: ['t', 'twitter', 'tweet'],
icon: "",
arguments: [ {role: 'status', nountype: noun_arb_text, label: 'query'} ],
homepage: "",
description: "Posts to Twitter/Leihou/Zuosa/Digu/9911;QQ/163/Follow5/Sina/Dii/Kaixin.",
help: "You need to log in before using this command to update status services.",
preview: function(pblock, args) {
var statusText = args.status.text;
var result = multiServiceUpdater.parseActions(statusText);
var statusLength = result.status.length;
var usesUrlShortener = statusText.indexOf('#URL') != -1;
if (usesUrlShortener) statusLength += TWEET_SHORT_URL_MAX_LENGTH - 4;
var previewData = {
status: result.status,
chars: TWEET_MAXLEN - statusLength
var previewTemplate = "Updates your Twitter/Leihou/Zuosa/Digu/9911/QQ/163/Follow5/Sina/Dii/Kaixin status to: <br /><b>${status}</b><br /><br />Characters remaining: <b>${chars}</b>";
var truncateTemplate = "<br />The last <b>${truncate}</b> characters will be truncated!";
var shortenInstructionText = "<br />To link to the current page, type <b>#URL</b> as part of your tweet.";
var urlWillBeShortenedText = "<br />The text <b>#URL</b> will be replaced with an link to the current page.";
var actionsTemplate = "<br />The status will be updated on:<b>${services}</b>.";
var previewHTML = CmdUtils.renderTemplate(previewTemplate, previewData);
if (usesUrlShortener)
previewHTML += urlWillBeShortenedText;
previewHTML += shortenInstructionText;
if (previewData.chars < 0) {
var truncateData = {
truncate: 0 - previewData.chars
previewHTML += CmdUtils.renderTemplate(truncateTemplate, truncateData);
var servicesToBeUpdated = '';
for (var i = 0; i < result.actions.length; i++) {
servicesToBeUpdated += ' ' + result.actions[i].substring(1);
previewHTML += CmdUtils.renderTemplate(actionsTemplate, {services: servicesToBeUpdated});
pblock.innerHTML = previewHTML;
execute: function(args) {
var statusText = args.status.text;
if(statusText.length < 1) {
displayMessage("Twitter requires a status to be entered");
var usesUrlShortener = statusText.indexOf(' #URL') != -1;
var thisObj = this;
var postUpdate = function( shortURL ) {
var finalStatusText = statusText.replace('#URL', shortURL);
if (usesUrlShortener) {
var urlToShorten = Application.activeWindow.activeTab.document.location.href;
jQuery.get( URL_SHORTENER_API + encodeURIComponent(urlToShorten), null, postUpdate);
} else {
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