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Last active March 12, 2018 20:27
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Contentful Import CMA Script - Ruby Example
# This Open Beer Database data is made available under the Open Database License.
# Any rights in individual contents of the database are licensed under the Database Contents License.
require 'contentful/management'
require 'csv'
# function to create slugs
def slugify(str)
ACCESS_TOKEN = 'Your Access Token'
ORGANIZATION_ID = 'Your Organization ID'
STYLE_IDS = %w(1 2 3 4 5 6 11 22 24 25 27 49 90 110 112)
BREWERIES_IDS = %w(1 10 62 103 500 901 1302 1009 1101 1260)
client =
# create a Space
space = client.spaces.create(name: 'Breweries and Beers', organization_id: ORGANIZATION_ID)
puts 'Creating Brewery Content Type'
brewery_type = space.content_types.create(name: 'Brewery')
brewery_type.fields.create(id: 'name', name: 'Name', type: 'Symbol', required: true)
brewery_type.fields.create(id: 'slug', name: 'Slug', type: 'Symbol', required: true)
brewery_type.fields.create(id: 'description', name: 'Description', type: 'Text')
brewery_type.fields.create(id: 'phone', name: 'Phone', type: 'Symbol')
brewery_type.fields.create(id: 'city', name: 'City', type: 'Symbol')
brewery_type.fields.create(id: 'code', name: 'Code', type: 'Symbol')
brewery_type.fields.create(id: 'website', name: 'Website', type: 'Symbol')
brewery_type.fields.create(id: 'location', name: 'Location', type: 'Location')
brewery_beers =
brewery_beers.type = 'Link'
brewery_beers.link_type = 'Entry'
brewery_type.fields.create(id: 'beers', name: 'Beers', type: 'Array', items: brewery_beers)
# Setting field 'name' as a title
brewery_type.update(displayField: 'name')
puts 'Creating Beer Content Type'
beer_type = space.content_types.create(name: 'Beer')
beer_type.fields.create(id: 'name', name: 'Name', type: 'Symbol', required: true)
beer_type.fields.create(id: 'slug', name: 'Slug', type: 'Symbol', required: true)
beer_type.fields.create(id: 'description', name: 'Description', type: 'Text')
beer_type.fields.create(id: 'abv', name: 'Alcohol by Volume', type: 'Number')
beer_type.fields.create(id: 'brewery_id', name: 'Brewery', type: 'Link', link_type: 'Entry', required: true)
beer_type.fields.create(id: 'category_id', name: 'Category', type: 'Link', link_type: 'Entry')
beer_type.fields.create(id: 'style_id', name: 'Style', type: 'Link', link_type: 'Entry')
# Setting field 'name' as a title
beer_type.update(displayField: 'name')
puts 'Creating Category Content Type'
category_type = space.content_types.create(name: 'Category')
category_type.fields.create(id: 'name', name: 'Category Name', type: 'Symbol')
category_type.fields.create(id: 'slug', name: 'Slug', type: 'Symbol')
# Setting field 'name' as a title
category_type.update(displayField: 'name')
puts 'Creating Beer Style Content Type'
style_type = space.content_types.create(name: 'Style')
style_type.fields.create(id: 'name', name: 'Name', type: 'Symbol')
style_type.fields.create(id: 'slug', name: 'Slug', type: 'Symbol')
style_type.fields.create(id: 'category_id', name: 'Category', type: 'Link', link_type: 'Entry')
# Setting field 'name' as a title
style_type.update(displayField: 'name')
sleep 2
puts 'Activating all Content Types'
sleep 2
puts 'Creating entries for Category Content Type'
category_entries = {}
CSV.foreach('data/categories.csv', headers: true) do |row|
category_entries[row['id']] = category_type.entries.create({id: "category_#{row['id']}", name: row['cat_name'], slug: slugify(row['cat_name'])})
puts 'Publishing all Category entries' { |_id, category| category.publish }
sleep 2
style_entries = {}
CSV.foreach('data/styles.csv', headers: true) do |row|
style_entries[row['id']] = style_type.entries.create(id: "style_#{row['id']}", category_id: category_entries[row['cat_id']], name: row['style_name'], slug: slugify(row['style_name'])) if STYLE_IDS.include? row['id']
puts 'Publishing all Beer Style entries' { |_id, style| style.publish }
puts 'Creating entries for Brewery Content Type'
breweries_entries = {}
CSV.foreach('data/breweries.csv', headers: true) do |row|
brewery = brewery_type.entries.create(id: "brewery_#{row['id']}", name: row['name'], slug: slugify(row['name']), description: row['descript'], phone: row['phone'], city: row['city'], code: row['code'], website: row['website']) if BREWERIES_IDS.include? row['id']
breweries_entries[row['id']] = brewery unless brewery.nil?
sleep 2
puts 'Publishing all Brewery entries' { |_id, brewery| brewery.publish }
puts 'Creating entries for Beer Content Type'
beers_entries = {}
brewery_ids = breweries_entries.keys
CSV.foreach('data/beers.csv', headers: true) do |row|
beers_entries[row['id']] = beer_type.entries.create(name: row['name'], slug: slugify(row['name']), description: row['descript'], abv: row['abv'].to_i, brewery_id: breweries_entries[row['brewery_id']], category_id: category_entries[row['cat_id']], style_id: style_entries[row['style_id']]) if brewery_ids.include? row['brewery_id']
sleep 2
puts 'Publishing all Beer entries' { |_id, beer| beer.publish }
puts 'Updating Breweries Content Types with geographic location'
CSV.foreach('data/breweries_geocode.csv', headers: true) do |row|
brewery = breweries_entries[row['brewery_id']]
unless brewery.nil?
location = = row['latitude'].to_f
location.lon = row['longitude'].to_f
brewery.update(location: location)
puts 'Linking beer entries to brewery entries'
breweries_entries.each do |key, brewery_entry|
brewery_beers = beers_entries.each_with_object([]) do |(_id, beer), brewery_beers|
brewery_beers << beer if beer.fields[:brewery_id]['sys']['id'] == "brewery_#{key}"
brewery_entry.update(beers: brewery_beers)
puts "\nGo to{}/entries to checkout the generated data\n"
puts "Press any key to remove all beer entries with an ABV lower than 1"
puts 'Unpublishing all Beer entries where ABV is lower then 1'
beers_entries.each do |_id, beer|
beer.unpublish if beer.abv < 1
puts 'Destroying all Beer entries where ABV is lower then 1'
beers_entries.each do |_id, beer|
beer.destroy if beer.abv < 1
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