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Created July 22, 2019 03:32
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$ RUST_BACKTRACE=1 ./miri run
Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.06s
Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.05s
Running `target/release/miri --sysroot /Users/alex/Software/rust-devel/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage2`
error[E0080]: Miri evaluation error: attempted to do invalid arithmetic on pointers that would leak base addresses, e.g., comparing pointers into different allocations
--> /Users/alex/Software/rust-devel/src/libcore/
1340 | let diff = if src_usize > dst_usize {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Miri evaluation error: attempted to do invalid arithmetic on pointers that would leak base addresses, e.g., comparing pointers into different allocations
= note: inside call to `std::intrinsics::overlaps::<u8>` at /Users/alex/Software/rust-devel/src/libcore/
= note: inside call to `std::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping::<u8>` at /Users/alex/Software/rust-devel/src/libcore/slice/
= note: inside call to `core::slice::<impl [u8]>::copy_from_slice` at /Users/alex/Software/rust-devel/src/liballoc/
= note: inside call to `<std::vec::Vec<u8> as std::vec::SpecExtend<&u8, std::slice::Iter<u8>>>::spec_extend` at /Users/alex/Software/rust-devel/src/liballoc/
= note: inside call to `std::vec::Vec::<u8>::extend_from_slice` at /Users/alex/Software/rust-devel/src/liballoc/
= note: inside call to `std::slice::hack::to_vec::<u8>` at /Users/alex/Software/rust-devel/src/liballoc/
= note: inside call to `std::slice::<impl [u8]>::to_vec` at /Users/alex/Software/rust-devel/src/liballoc/
= note: inside call to `std::slice::<impl std::borrow::ToOwned for [u8]>::to_owned` at /Users/alex/Software/rust-devel/src/liballoc/
= note: inside call to `std::str::<impl std::borrow::ToOwned for str>::to_owned` at /Users/alex/Software/rust-devel/src/libstd/
= note: inside call to `std::rt::lang_start_internal` at /Users/alex/Software/rust-devel/src/libstd/
= note: inside call to `std::rt::lang_start::<()>`
error: aborting due to previous error
For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0080`.
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