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Created December 27, 2017 11:24
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import android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothSocket
import java.nio.charset.Charset
import java.util.*
import java.util.concurrent.Executors
* Well, sorry for no comments here!
* Still you can send me your question to!
* <p/>
* Created at 15:49 on 14/11/17
* @author cab404
/** you can do ternary like `true Q 1 I 0`*/
infix fun <A> Boolean.Q(t: A?): A? = if (this) t else null
infix fun <A> A?.I(t: A): A = this ?: t
object Printer3CottBT {
val PRINTER_UUID = UUID.fromString("00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB")
val adapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter()
fun start() {
fun devices(): MutableSet<BluetoothDevice> = adapter.bondedDevices
fun connect(device: BluetoothDevice): Printer3Cott {
return Printer3Cott(device)
class Printer3Cott(val device: BluetoothDevice) : Closeable {
private val queue = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor()
fun Iterable<Int>.barr() = map(Int::toByte).toByteArray()
fun OutputStream.write(vararg bytes: Int) = write(bytes.asIterable().barr())
var socket: BluetoothSocket? = null
fun reconnect() = device.createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord(PRINTER_UUID).apply { connect() }
operator fun invoke(exec: Printer3Cott.() -> Unit) {
queue.execute {
socket = socket?.let {
if (it.isConnected) it else null
} ?: reconnect()
object PrintMode {
const val FONT_B = 1
const val BOLD = 8
const val HIGH = 16
const val WIDE = 32
const val UNDERLINE = 128
object TextAlign {
const val LEFT = 0
const val MIDDLE = 1
const val RIGHT = 2
object CharsetTable {
const val PC437 = 0
const val KATAKANA = 1
const val PC850 = 2
const val PC860 = 3
const val PC863 = 4
const val PC865 = 5
const val WEST_EUROPE = 6
const val GREEK = 7
const val HEBREW = 8
const val PC755 = 9
const val IRAN = 10
const val WPC1252 = 16
const val PC866 = 17
const val PC852 = 18
const val PC858 = 19
const val IRAN_II = 20
const val LATVIAN = 21
fun setCharTable(charset: Int) =
socket?.outputStream?.write(27, 116, charset)
fun println(text: String, feedLines: Int = 0, charset: String = "IBM866") =
socket?.outputStream?.write(text.toByteArray(Charset.forName(charset)) + listOf(27, 100, feedLines).barr())
fun print(text: String, charset: String = "IBM866") =
socket?.outputStream?.write(text.toByteArray(Charset.forName(charset)) + listOf(10, 0).barr())
fun setPrintMode(flags: Int) =
socket?.outputStream?.write(27, 33, flags)
fun setInverted(enabled: Boolean) =
socket?.outputStream?.write(27, 123, enabled Q 1 I 0)
fun setTextAlign(align: Int) =
socket?.outputStream?.write(27, 97, align)
fun setBarcodeHeight(pixels: Int) =
socket?.outputStream?.write(29, 104, pixels)
fun beep(on: Int, off: Int = 0, pin: Int = 0) =
socket?.outputStream?.write(27, 112, pin, on, off)
fun resetPrinter() =
socket?.outputStream?.write(27, 64)
fun flush() =
override fun close() {
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